Forget pointless techniques. A high-value woman embraces her best self, inside and out. A high-value woman is someone who has intrinsic value, rather than being that person who is trying to trick others into thinking she has value. A high value male has equal respect for everyone irrespective of status, age, color, or other differences. What a joy it is to spend time with a woman who has a healthy love for herself, who places her own well-being first, but not at the expense of being kind, rational, or open-minded! Income above 6 figures for at least 3 consecutive years. Its about the team, its about caring deeply, outside of yourself. So what D.Shen and I have done here is weve broken down this elusive term high value into 3 separate categories so that it is easy to understand and easy to take action upon. She has multiple ways in her life through which to feel like she is enough. And he might see you as less valuable in comparison. And she uses appearance like a high-quality product uses marketing: as two faces of the same coin. And integrity is a trait that we can all develop and preserve. She cries and gets angry too. View complete answer on A high-value woman doesnt settle for less than what she deserves. Besides being highly desirable to men, women of high value also understand their intrinsic worth. It means embodying what it means to be beautiful inside and out, and understanding that she can be classy and sexy at the same time. (in fact, this is the no.1 trait of dating profiles that men fall in love with!). Please do your own research before making any online purchase. When expressing her emotions and thoughts vocally, she does not hesitate. Shes aware of her boundaries and doesnt allow anyone to cross them. There are also reading materials and informative videos that can help you with your transformation. Boundaries are important for our mental well-being and making our relationships thrive. Theres a distinction I want to make first You can have more superficial social value, and you can have deeper social value. One of the biggest and most noticeable differences between women who have a high sense of self and women who struggle with it is having and sticking to boundaries. High-value women don't have a Cinderella complex. If you do it right though, youll have the right (quality) men asking you out on dates left, right and centre. You should believe that you deserve better, and then you will strive for it. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Shes living her life to the fullest. (Do you know the 7 common signs that a woman is low value in the eyes of men? She has no problem with lying to get what she wants. 4. Have a generous spirit! Men will consider something that they have to work for "high value". Weve been teaching these 3 areas for the last 11 years now in a few of our programs. There are very few things I would suggest that you never do. In that time, weve found that once we are able to break this elusive concept of high value down into these 3 actionable categories, then things become TANGIBLE. Its rare to have truly close friends, at least in the traditional meaning of the word close. Because blindly chasing means youre off in your own little la-la land, completely oblivious to the feedback hes giving you. The Possessive Partners - They will suffocate you, and take away your sense of freedom. We all have our personal likes and preferences. A high value woman is not nervous about expressing herself, regardless of the situation. So thats not what Im talking about here. QUIZ TIME: Are you truly living in your feminine energy? What does it mean to be internally resourceful? What Makes You A High Value Woman To Men? When you ask either gender what they want most in a partner, almost everyone says "confidence". Hack Spirit. She doesn't need someone else to take the lead. A high value woman is highly confident, without being conceited or believing that she's better than other people. So, if you want to be a high-value woman who knows her self-worth and has self-love,Id recommend starting with yourself first and taking Ruds incredible advice. A high-value womans emotional stability is a desirable trait as she knows how to handle her emotions well. And according to the financial documents, Kevin made less than $900 a month. And she knows that shes worthy enough and doesnt need to prove it. She values self-care and commits to good health and better well-being. As most people avoid being vulnerable, Rebecca Wheeler of RWA Psychology has this to share, To avoid vulnerability is to deny ourselves the opportunity of genuine love and connection with others. It can take a bit of work to prove you truly care, but its certainly not impossible. The stand-alone definition isn't problematic or new, society has always valued wealthy men. Finally, if you want to level up your productivity and time management skills, then watch this free video about the 9 productivity habits you can build at work. This is true for a high-value woman as she knows how to pivot. Our actions ought to be genuine, intentional, and purposeful in doing so. She dresses appropriately and modestly. A high value woman will not have outbursts or play head-games with her mate. When you stop chasing, you stop looking desperate and you start to regain some of the power within a relationship. 2. Heres the good news, theres always something you can do to improve this area of your life. Plenty of ladies tend to assume that if a man is desiring them, that this means this is the answer to what makes a high value woman. When both of you lift each other, relationships are at their best. Heres an article and some videos we made on the. Being a high-value woman is about being comfortable and confident in expressing her thoughts, feelings, and opinions with others. We have all made the mistake of chasing what seems valuable to us in the past. #3. She knows that men do not get to demand, dictate nor determine how she perceives herself. Here are more traits that show her maturity: A high-value woman possesses humility and is grateful for everything in her life. She doesnt live to please people or seek attention from others. Also, if you expect things from the world, if youre entitled, then youre not vulnerable to life. 12) Dress for success. He is loyal to his loved ones. She doesn't need a relationship with a man, or anyone else, to get her validation. Having social value is also being able to converse, and generally having the energy to invest in being a sociable woman. A low value person is someone who is always taking more value than they give. If you are interested in some examples of banter to initiate with, or some ice-breakers you can use to playfully initiate with men (whilst weeding out the bad ones), then take the free class by my husband D.Shen on high value banter here. Women who tend to show up high value will easily stand out from the crowd and attract good quality men into their lives. A positive but serious approach to life. Here is the only thing youll need to be confident as a woman for the rest of your life. A high status woman is a woman whose behaviour and values show to others that she is internally resourceful. Visible and verifiable. With this valued trait, you wont only have peace of mind, but you can see that your personal and professional life will flourish. She focuses on her journey and takes time to celebrate the wonderful woman that she is. Its not hard to be one. Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, empathy, belonging, joy, courage, and creativity.. She knows that loving and focusing on oneself isnt being selfish. 3. Give someone the opportunity to hear what you believe in, rather than letting them hear all about what you expect. "High value men want a powerhouse woman at their side, not an immature girl who hasn't learned how to tend to her own emotional needs." ~ Michael, 42. You only get to truly hold yourself like you matter, when you develop depth of pride and confidence by making yourself do difficult things. I dont think those words are the right words to use here. It comes within something that warms her heart and makes her eyes sparkle. We actually have a program called the 17 Attraction Triggers which is one of our most popular programs for many years now, and a lot of these attraction triggers are based upon improving your health and radiance value. One step at a time you can start by eliminating one negative habit and replacing it with a healthy one. These are the women that cry when you tell them they are wrong. Deeper social value is the social value that really lasts long term. Are you scared of something but you should really do it? However, its not for so many of us because weve lost touch with our feminine nature. She is courteous to everyone as she recognizes the value of all. Trying to secure a . High Value Women Don't Text Deep Stuff. That's just his way of dealing with the hurt. Wouldnt you agree? Even if no one agrees with her or likes what shell say, shell never hold back especially when she knows her points. It is crucial to mention that a high quality man does not joke with his loved ones. No wonder some get nervous about her strong, intimidating personality. In order to attract a mate, you need to show up high value. Shes a woman to look up to when youre going through a difficult time as she performs well even under stress. Learn more about the 7 things that make a woman look low value to all men here. She feels good in her skin and gives high regard for her well-being and happiness. 1. She's empathetic - High-value woman traits. The alpha mentality is essential to the high-value male mindset. People, especially men, get drawn to her welcoming and easy-going personality. If you have to work hard for something, you consider it precious. She is the feminine diva that he craves to be around. Its ok. As a woman, you can initiate! You are able to offer him a listening ear and, CLICK HERE to LEARN the one specific emotional trigger, Give someone the opportunity to hear what you. There are two reasons to this: a. Address: 10 Hibiscus Ave, Cheltenham, 3192 VIC Australia, Copyright 2023 The Feminine Woman is owned by Shen Group International, The reason you want to exhibit the traits of a high value woman is that women who perpetually show up low value will receive crumbs in life, as well as repel, If we didnt protect our own effort, investment and time when. Her radiance and magnetic energy make men drawn to her. I, like so many others, have tried more ways than I can count to find my purpose in life. A high-value woman knows that having a partner has to compliment her and that a relationship involves a healthy expression of love. Her sense of maturity makes her a perfect example of a woman whos wise beyond her years. These could include: Saying "no" when you feel like it. Remember that online dating is a wonderful way to meet and attract a man (IF you do online dating right). The reason you want to exhibit the traits of a high value woman is that women who perpetually show up low value will receive crumbs in life, as well as repel high value men. So we need to look at what men perceive as high value. So if youve been neglecting yourself, its about time you prioritize your well-being. For her, every day is a chance to grow and learn. Because a high-value woman has a deep sense of self-respect, she sees herself worthy of being pursued. UUv@]8\ b J:=j o _g pL? Her confidence outweighs all the insecurities and negativities projected upon her by others. She knows that her strong sense of self and feminine energy has a huge impact on her success in life, work, and relationships. She will not allow this type of treatment to take place. 7. She does. She believes that every woman is beautiful and special in their way. 3. Her personality shines with buoyancy, contentment, achievement, happiness, and pride. You can refuse to be impressed. Heres a link to the free video one again. This is only something that can be proven over time as he shows you that he is consistent and genuine. Why not share this article to let them know how valuable they are too. As a high-value woman, she makes people know she has boundaries. She gives her time, effort, and energy to achieve what she desires. A high-value woman indulges her essential womanliness and embraces her uniqueness. Be willing to show high value vulnerability. Thus, shes after a man who has morals and integrity. A high-value woman is focused and devoted. Kevin was divorced from a woman in 2005, when Kevin was a 34 year old man and in the prime of his life. Heres a few screenshots from some women in our community who have initiated by using high value banter and have successfully been asked out quickly on dates by high quality men! Adding value can come from a wide variety of sources such as your energy, personality, network, resources, knowledge, past life experiences and challenges overcome. She handles every situation with finesse and doesnt settle for anything less than she deserves. Dressing well is crucial to being a high value man. When someone blindly chases, they miss these signals because they are completely unaware that the other person is even sending them any signals! If you're not happy with the woman that you are, or the direction your life is heading its not too late to change for the better and become whoever you want to be. By asking him for advice you are telling him that you trust and value his judgement. People love being around optimistic peoplebecause they feel good and significantly more positive themselves as a result. I know this is a *very* unpopular thing . It doesnt mean that she never gets mood swings. Compassion is a powerful force in the world of high-value women. If they reciprocate your generous spirit (which some men will), youll know theyre worth a second date, and more of your precious time. To be spiritual also means to be able to fluidly connect with and act from your heart whether you are being so called slutty with a man, angry with a man, or being loving and nurturing with a man.