Also good for those who work with the sick or who care for others. The one who wants to be a lover will put passionate planets on the chart of the other. Moon: 2722 Cancer MC: 949 Gemini Despite the overflowing love you have, you tend to hide them as if you don't have one. This attraction does not automatically mean it is romantic. This situation can result in separations. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Venus in 12th house Synastry - Lindaland One person may put his Mercury on the NN of the other. And I get the vibe from certain people, that they think I am being nosey, even when I am ignoring them, because I can SENSE that they think I'm being nosey. Many Thanks. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. Love feels mystical in the 12th house person's presence. You ignore the persons shortcomings. Venus in House 12 Virgo, Alain Delon Born: November 8, 1935 This way, they can help you find your perfect pair! Even though the only planet thats truly beneficial here is Jupiter, Venus, the lesser benefic offers some protection, too. I do not think this kind of relationship can work long term, in my opinion and experience with charts, Sam. You are most compatible with people who have their Mars in Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Leo. When Venus is in the 12th House, your area revolves around love. Sun: 1448 Scorpio AS: 717 Libra I really cannot say, for sure, but I would say both. This is a good question, Kristie. They have wonderful vision and if they are able to find a suitable outlet to channel it, it is possible they can impress others with the things they can bring to the light. The love you have can bring you so much pain when you give too much. Those of you with any additional Sagittarius placement have the tendency to look at the world in a very intellectual light. The Moon/NN is beautiful and rare! Venus tells how you give and receive affection, what kind of partner you want in your life, and also how you can attract them. Some higher force helps you, in a similar way than Jupiter in the twelfth people experience it. Never spend your money on material things that don't serve you. You are an appreciative person. Because his Sun was on my Ascendant, and he felt I was similar to him. My Black Moon Lilith is right on his descendant cusp. Hmmm. With Venus in the 12th House, you must have lived in vanity in your past life. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. Posts: 1573From: So. Recently, something unusual happened to me. Since house 9 is not a romantic house, why do I have this intense feelings and love to him if all those planets reside in my house 9? Venus in House 12 Virgo. You were also a great poet, and you had a lot to offer around. 12th House Another big piece is the 12th house. Its not hard to get motivated since my venus and asc are in aries..sun cunjuction mars and suare pluto..those are waking up me,so I am not that much lacking motivation But its veery very hard to maintan that motivation on a high level, its hard to stick to the plans, its hard for me to even think sereously about some big plans about some big work, because I know that I might not be able to stick to it till the end. Additionally, it is also possible that there may be secret affairs at play or matters relating to love that you prefer to keep private. You are most compatible with people who have their Mars in Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. This is an evolved trait, though, and lower maturity levels can lead to more a love of addiction or chasing fantasies that will never come true. Yes, we understand how love affects you so much. Their presence encourages you to be cooperative and pleasant. You attract people from all walks of life and get along with everyone. It may sound like a selfless act, and it really is. RELATED: 6 Strange Myths & Facts About The Virgo Zodiac Sign You Should Know (Even If You Don't Believe In Astrology). Yes, of course. #4. When Venus transits the 12th house you become more interested in the spiritual significance of love. This way, the compassion you show won't go to waste. Venus conjoin moon and chiron square both mars in synastry. Venus in Aquarius-types, you are one of the most deeply intellectual and problem-solving members of the zodiac. In: Philadelphia (PA) (United States) They may harbor idealistic perceptions that become real for them even though they may not have a strong basis in reality. Since you lived in vanity, lust was also a part of you. Let me know if you post your chart so I will be sure to look! It gives you a wide social network to choose from in terms of finding a good partner. They can be very private about what and who they are interested in. Thanks. You have a strong connection to spirituality, but you also know when to compartmentalize it so that it doesnt interfere with your goals and your relationships. Composite mars oppose. Mans moon does make couple of aspects to womans planets. Negative Effect: On a negative part, Venus on the first house may lead one to act arrogant and selfish. You let your guard down and get taken advantage of. that the other person doesn.t have. Venus in the 12th house can imbue individuals with a special appreciation for the odd and unusual. Here, Venus often needs too much of good things, and people with this placement are often self-indulgence. I had no idea. Because you involve yourself with vast love, you invest so much. If your Venus is not very afflicted, you strive to help others and give a helping hand those who are suffering. House Overlays play a role, too. You tend not to deal with boundaries. The love you have for one another may be secret or private, and/or you are called upon to take a leap of faith in order to be with one another. Falling in love is child to child. Those with this placement are interested in achieving a deeper level of affection that makes them feel closer and connected with the universe and the highest expression of love. Rihanna Born: February 20, 1988 Sometimes, you lose your sense of track. With your partners, you are always looking at the bright side and never being afraid to shoot your shot. Yours are ruled by Pluto, while mine are venus (Libra rising, Libra 12th). What about your Venus falling into someone elses 12th house? Unrequited love has certain markers in the charts. In some cases you choose not to let the person know of your feelings. The other person may put his Venus on the NN of the other. After the first 3/4 months, we became more public. But I observed that in our relationship, Im the one who always give and hes not too much, just accept them or do nothing about it. Moon: 2050 Leo MC: 1622 Pisces What if a womans moon doesnt make any aspect with mans planets in synastry . Moon: 2151 Pisces MC: 1112 Leo A girl said have overlays with a stellium Aquarian guy whose personal planet dropped into her 8th house. There will be a lot of co-operation and support from spouse. You earn a lot of money, but you spend a lot of them as well. They have a proclivity for losing track of their belongings due to a lack of organization an or thoughtlessness. Sun: 622 Libra AS: 1406 Virgo You are most compatible with people who have their Mars in Taurus, Capricorn, and Scorpio. Venus Trine Venus Synastry: How Will Their Seamless Energy Blend? I've actually read that in terms of unrequited love, the Venus person tends to love the 12th house person, but the house person can't return the love because the Venus person doesn't express their love clearly when in the 12th, and that love isn't recognized in order to to be returned. And what about the conjunction of moon-mercury AND mercury-venus, which are in the synastry of the people concerned? Aries Zodiac Sign: 25 Things To Know About The Ram, Taurus Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign, INTJ Relationships (With Each Myers Briggs Type), INFJ Relationships With Each Myers Briggs Type, 12 Shades of INFJ | Zodiac Signs and the MBTI, 12 Variations of INFP: Zodiac and the MBTI, Taurus Gemini Cusp | The Cusp of Energy (May 17 23 Birthdays), 6 Reasons Why Taurus and Capricorn Fall In Love, 56 Funny Quotes From People of Each Zodiac Sign, Are Scorpio and Pisces Soulmates? Because the 12th house person feels at ease around you, it is easy for you to take advantage of them. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Venus in twelfth house suggests that you have secret bad habits. With Venus in the 12th house, your empathetic nature doubles its effect. Lets give some examples. With Venus in the 12th house, youll find that you are attuned to career goals and ambitions. Venus in Capricorn makes your family-oriented nature come out in simple ways. They can find the beauty in things that others find hideous or unattractive. I've felt this way with people who are unobtrusive overallthat they are just coming too close. When Venus is in the 12th House, you are a romantic person. Venus in House 12 Cancer, Julien Courbet Born: February 7, 1965 Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a,,,, Oscar would throw his napkin behind the sofa and Felix would come along with a dustpan. She does not behave like typical light airy Gemini or fiery Aries. When Venus is in the 12th House, your area revolves around love. This could be an unrequited love: you love the 12th house person, but they dont return your affection. Your deep intellect makes you naturally lean towards the supernatural and strange, and this is heightened with this 12th house placement. Love feels mystical in the 12th house persons presence. You want to actively do good for others, and being in a relationship gives you the most intimate way of doing so. Once you have fully processed your feelings and the lessons the relationships were meant to provide you will be able to let them go. It does seem that few people are actually ready for this configuration, because it does bring a bit of confusion and suspicion. When your relationship partners Venus is in your twelfth house, you will feel intrigued and fascinated by your partner, but at the same time insecure with your position. When Venus occupies the 12th house, it highlights a more mature and sophisticated expression of love. It governs pleasure, romance, socializing, art, and everything that makes life enjoyable. You desire so much love around. Venus in 12th House: Channeling Your Charm as A Romantic Be careful not to fall down the rabbit hole of helping others. Sun: 256 Cancer AS: 1714 Cancer Are they more important than a synastry? They soothe your fears. As in have some boundaries. Before, you focused a lot on pleasure. BTW, I love the picture you chose for this article. He doesnt pursue me hard. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. RELATED: Find Out Your Secret Venus Sign And What It Says About Your Personality. Is this not always true? Venus in 12 th house is usually a sign of secret love affairs and partnerships involved with some kind of secrecy and confusion. You are the loudest and proudest sign in the zodiac. They are attracted to ancient wisdom and spiritual teachings that transcend the mundane and tellurian limitations of empirical knowledge and scientific study. Venus is exalted in Pisces, the natural 12th house of the zodiac. Venus in the twelfth house people tend to fall in love with people who are emotionally unstable. Our Venus and Mars touch each other at sextile (He was the Mars I was the Venus) at 4 degree. I am sure you can imagine how this would feel in a marriage. Now that money will not be an issue for you, and you must be careful. As much as possible, you want love to spread everywhere! People who have these placements are always protected. You can attract people across all walks you have in your life. But it's still something to think about, Venus in the world of secrets. Many things go on with Venus in the 12th House. I tend to be confused by the meaning I find in internet about composites. Venus in 12th House: With this placing, there can often be great secrecy about love and relationships, and often, due to shyness or inhibition, this person is unable to express their true feelings. You are most compatible with people who have their Mars in Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aries. She was confused by his behaviour because she always know him as cool guy who can get along with everyone. Dont play the victim card when people dont see eye-to-eye with you, and remember to look at the bigger picture. Now that you know what Venus is all about, you just have to get a clear picture of the twelfth house. The Venus in the 12th . Love is what makes your life colorful, and that's what we like about you! Hes just too cold, not romantic and always want me to listen to him always when at the same time hes not really showing his feelings to me by words or gesture (He has retrograde Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Moon square Mars) Venus square Pluto is double whammy in our synastry and his Jupiter conjunct my Sun, Mercury and Mars. Sun: 1243 Taurus AS: 1851 Cancer Venus in partner's 12th House - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Since you like unique people, you may encounter an emotionally unavailable partner. Their conceptions can often be blinded by their strongly subjective outlook. There may be a spiritual connection that other people dont understand. They have a subtle harmonious effect on you. It is a tough lesson either way. No wonder many people leave they faithful partner, probably because no house passion(8th), marriage(7th), or romance(5th) is activated. Venus rules Libra and Gemini and it also rules two astrology houses. Your email address will not be published. Yet you're someone who is very caring, very compassionate, and very supportive, so start . You love the extremes, and these extremes can damage you. You could find it hard to express the connection in words. I will definitely keep in mind that I need to embody more of the Taurus characteristics. In Astrology, the planet Venus represents compassion, cooperation, beauty, and the Arts. Maybe this factors into those mysterious "back off" energies. It makes you feel terrified whether they have the same feelings as you do! My Venus is in my eighth house Pisces so its hard for me. Those who have Venus in the 12th house of their natal chart are attracted to the unknown and are likely to harbor an interest in secrets and obscure things. Indicators for a New Relationship in the Solar Return Chart If you liked this article, maybe you want to pin it for later. This will pave the way for you to have healthier relationships. You give so much love, and you get hurt so much at the end. With the Unaspected Mars in synastry, the drives would be different. You are too accepting of the 12th house persons self-sabotaging behavior. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. In terms of your Venus sign, Aquarians will utilize their problem-solving skills to work through any issues they may encounter in their relationships. Lack of fighting spirit because of *ME* .. doesn't sound strange. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. It makes you give something additionally to other people. You attained the pleasure you wanted before. This would extend to all aspects of life from music to clothes to cars to home furnishings. The person feeling the attraction would have to have some aspect causing the feelings (perhaps Neptune?) This is an extreme example but I hope it makes the point. Love is very all or once your in your all inthere is a lot of intensity, depth and seriousness with regards to love and relationships. Venus in the 12th House cultivates love on a different level. (hugs) im sorry to hear that , unrequited love is never fun. I guess my bigger issue is discovering whether the way I feel is a product of an illusion and not letting go OR if I genuinely found someone who was my ideal partner. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.