According to international law, Israel has a well-founded claim to sovereignty over Jerusalem, including its Old City. 177 lessons After this comes the literal end of the world the physical destruction of the present earth through intense heat (2 Pet 3.7,10). What about those who do not believe and are not thirsty for a relationship with their Creator? When was the departure of God's glory prophesied - before or after the fall of Jerusalem? Why did God do this? Are boycotts effective anyway? 15However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you: 16You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country. 66 AD Jewish revolt against the Romans. Haggai Now there were two popes, and Catholics were unsure of who officially held authority. Migration & Trade Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Few would doubt that Jews have for centuries been substantially over-represented in many fields of learning and accomplishment, notably of course is Albert Einstein. And it is at this time that wayward Israel is remarried to the Lord (Hos 2.16, Isa 54.5,6). Be especially alert to mark the phrase know that I am the LORD. For an extended study on the subject of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the Patriarchs and Matriarchs from whom they descended and their significance in Biblical History Click Here. Although I alluded to the 10 Lost Tribes as one of the astute Bereans reminded us they are not in fact lost and this idea can lead to some faulty theological conclusions. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. Archaeology and historical documents show that Jews have lived in Israel for over 3000 years! 1947 The United Nations approved the partition of Israel into separate Jewish and Arab states on November 29, 1947. War(fare) & Battles Israels enemies should take note of Gods promises to Israel: Whoever assails you will fall because of you no weapon that is formed against you will prosper (Isa 54.15,17) Galatians Moreover, there was no distinctive Palestinian people, and Israels scattering was still evident. The Mandate is therefore the last legally binding document regarding the West Bank and Gaza, and so Jewish settlements in these areas are fully protected by Article 80. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. Do not be amazed that I said to you, You must be born again.. In fact, the number of Jews in Israel today has increased by over 7,000 percent in just 100 years! On the second reading of the chapter, identify and record in the margin the nation to whom the prophecy is given and the ruler if mentioned. Oil and gas fields in grey. They fall on the open fields and mountains (Heb har hill country) of Israel and fail to reach Jerusalem (Ezek 38.19). This settlement aligned with the boundaries God gave Israel at the time: I will fix your boundary from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River Euphrates (Exod 23.31). This mass migration is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy that towards the end of this age and just before Christ returns, God will call the children of Israel out of the nations and once more put them in their own land: Prophecy paints a picture of a world at peace (no war) with Jerusalem (Zion) as the focal point since Christ dwells there. xref At the decree of Cyrus the Jews began rebuilding and the second Temple was completed in 515 BC. In July 2006, to take one example at random, Hezbollah crossed the border of Lebanon into Israel and killed eight patrolmen and kidnapped two others, and that summer fired four thousand Katyusha rockets into Israel which killed a further forty-three civilians. The people of Israel are once more becoming Gods witness to the nations. Moses was instructed to spell out Gods contract to the Israelites: In Exodus 19: 5-8 we read: It has become an important part of both Judaism and Christianity. Israel Led into Captivity: 2 Kings 17:6: 721 BC: Strange Nations Transplanted into Samaria: 2 Kings 17:24: 716 BC: Hezekiah's Good Reign: 2 Chronicles 29: 715 BC: Hezekiah proclaims a solemn Passover: . Sadly, after the Davidic Kingdom around 1,000 BC the tribes of Israel gradually fell away from their God and through their disobedience were uprooted from their land and scattered throughout the nations. timelineTypesChecked.push(this.value); The OT refers to this time as Jacobs distress: Alas, for that day is great, there is none like it; and it is the time of Jacobs distress, but he will be saved from it (Jer 30.7), Many Israelis suffer, but a remnant (one-third) survives (Zech 13.9). Cities & Buildings Record the chapter themes/titles as discussed above. the church and not Israel is Gods main witness today, link. This led to the Babylonian Captivity in which Jewish people were exiled from Israel. H\@F>E-ZuoU7@~:0y Q1f*:vImy9Mk{h\7InMURtpoNmX:wc|N}9?I&3)I7{q&y=_=VwsRUvE9d,vLbS{OG AB9N;srH!yAR 722 BCE Kibbutzim played a key role in Israels agricultural development, defense and political leadership, 1917: Balfour Declaration: the British government supported Zionist plans for a Jewish national home in Palestine, and General Allenby liberated Jerusalem from the Turks, giving Jews access to the city, 1920: The San Remo Peace Conference gave Britain a provisional Mandate for Palestine based upon the Balfour declaration, 1922: The League of Nations gave unanimous approval for a Jewish national homeland in Palestine and formalized the British Mandate, 1947: Arab nations reject the UN Partition Plan for an Arab state and a Jewish state, 1947: The Exodus, a refugee ship, was captured by the British off Palestine and 4,500 Holocaust survivors returned to German prison camps, 1948: Establishment of the State of Israel and declared open for Jewish immigration. 2005: Israel unilaterally withdrew all of its military occupation forces and settlers from the Gaza Strip (evacuation of 8,500 Israelis from 21 Jewish settlements), but retained civil and security control of the West Bank. OF JERUSALEM tl_categories_checked(); Ezekiel was left behind in Jerusalem. 2095 BC Abraham moves to the land of Canaan from Ur of the Chaldeans. Resolutions accuse Israel of settling in Occupied Palestinian Territory, and ignore Article 80 of the UN Charter which upholds the right of Jews to settle anywhere west of the Jordan! It probably contained the first tablets of the Ten Commandments.Image: License: CC-BY-SA, Israel's Ancient History: The atomic constants and the molecular structure of matter were made through Jesus. 1978 The Camp David Accord was signed by Israeli Prime Minister Menahen Begin, and Egyptian President Anvar as Sadat in September 1978, in Camp David, USA. Yet we tend to treat Israel like a leper on the international scene, merely for defending herself, and threatening her with academic boycotts if she builds a separation wall that has so far reduced suicide bombings by 95% over three years. Map copyright: By No machine-readable author provided. 0000177681 00000 n Radical Islam is never going to accept the concept of an Israeli State, so the struggle is likely to continue for another sixty years, but the Jews know that that is less dangerous than entrusting their security to anyone else. The term was later co-opted by the church during the Middle Ages. Assyrian captivity Manasseh son did evil Amon son did evil Josiah son did right Jehoahaz (AKA Shallum) son did evil Jehoiakim (AKA Eliakim) son of Josiah did evil . He used papal authority, the power of the pope to control a church, to try to help his fellow Frenchmen gain more power in the papacy. | Bible Topics In summary form list everything you observe from the text about Ezekiel, the people to whom he was sent, and the glory of the Lord. They have a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction and Bachelors in Social Science Education from Florida State University. States & Territories Of all the Times of Israel, the seventh Exile and Scattering is probably the saddest. Put simply, todays church is often blind to her Jewish roots. Note whether it was by symbolic acts, messages, visions, parables, or signs. So the prophet Ezekiel was told to bring this fact to the attention of the exiles in Babylon through a dramatic act. ISRAEL FROM JUDAH 931 BC The United Kingdom composed of 12 tribes was split (see 1Ki 11:1, 4, 7, 11 and following chapters) into Israel (10 Northern tribes with capital in Samaria) and Judah (2 Southern tribes with capital in Jerusalem). - Mythology, Overview, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite's Mystical Theology, Mark Antony of Rome: Biography, Facts & Death, Dante Alighieri: Biography, Works & Quotes, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. The Babylonian Captivity of the papacy was a period of time when the pope left Rome. How long did he prophesy before the final fall of Jerusalem? More . Divestment is where investors refrain from investing in Israeli companies or in companies that trade with Israel, and consumers boycott Israeli products, especially products from Israeli settlements in so-called Occupied Palestinian Territory. Importantly, it is this return of Gods people that will eventually bring the nations to know God (Ezek 36.23). On the day of the covenant, God defined the boundaries as from the river (brook) of Egypt to the River Euphrates (Gen 15.18). DEFEATED BY ASSYRIA. Area A is under full control of the Palestinian Authority, Area B is under Palestinian civil control and shared Palestinian and Israeli security control, and Area C (62% of the West Bank) is under full Israeli control. The government is headed by the Prime Minister, who is elected in nationwide elections for a period of four years, and an elected President who has a largely apolitical ceremonial role. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. What are the events associated with the three key dates in red? Four of these dates refer to a day and month in 587 b.c., very close to the time of Jerusalems destruction. Instead, every voter votes for a single party. The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings. He lay on his side for a total of 390 + 40 = 430 days (Ezek 4.4-6), symbolizing the 430 years of sabbatical rebellion on a year for a day principle. According to the Pew Research Center, an astounding 2.2 billion people in the world base their religious beliefs and worldview on text written by Hebraic men who wrote bold declarations about the worlds origins, future, and mans ultimate destiny. The Jews of the Holy Land are thus surrounded by hostile states 650 times their size in territory and sixty times their population, yet their last, best hope of ending two millennia of international persecution, the State of Israel has somehow survived. And when Jesus came He wept for His people for He knew they were going to suffer and be dispersed amongst the nations. Numbers The borders also include Gaza, significant parts of present-day Syria and probably all of Lebanon. So here Jesus was referring to a time dispensation rather than to the literal end of the world. Much of the literature on the subject is a veritable labyrinth of confusion. It is well known that there is a geological fault line running east-west through the Mount of Olives and just south of Jerusalem, link. Please realize that there will likely be several key events at a particular site that have taken place there. Traditionally, the UK government has had good relations with Israel, including good intelligence cooperation, and has been viewed as one of the worlds friendliest countries to Israel, link. The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Ashur. 1520 Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilds the city walls of Jerusalem. Where? Ephesians Timeline of the Babylonian Captivity 612 Babylonians and Medes conquer Assyria 605 Babylonians battle Egyptians at Carchemish 605 Nebuchadnezzar becomes king of Babylon 605 The Babylonians invade Judah 605 First wave of deportation of Jews to Babylon 605 Daniel is taken captive and begins to prophesy Genesis tells us that Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which was supposed to make them die. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. The Hebrew term Aliyah describes the relatively recent massive influx of Jews to their ancestral land, Israel. Israel's Purpose, Borders, & Future in Prophecy God's People, God's Land, "Now learn from the parable of the fig tree when it puts forth its leaves ", You [Zionist regime] will not see 25 years from today! [Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, Sept. 2015], function googleTranslateElementInit() { 2 Ki 18:9-12. Lamentations For example, they verify Gods plan for the Jewish Temple, the existence of King David, and the existence of Jewish synagogues in the Holy Land up to the Muslim conquest in 638 AD. In his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 15 verses 50-54, Paulwrote: What I mean, friends, is that what is made of flesh and blood cannot share in Gods Kingdom, and what is mortal cannot possess immortality. Note the progression in your margin. These tribes (enlarge image) are listed in Gen 49. Image copyright: Future Red Giant Earth Fsgregs at the English language Wikipedia project [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons. In 1946 the Mandate was transferred over to the UN, and Article 80 of the UN Charter implicitly recognizes the Mandate for Palestine of the League of Nations. In 723 the capital city of Samaria falls. So God eventually sent them into captivity by the power of the Babylonians. This purification of the temple is remembered by the Jewish Holiday, Hanukkah (164 BC). But when the Babylonians came to dominate the world, Coniah was the king in Judah. For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed. .why geography, archeology, artifacts, and documents matter, What is truth? So, in returning, Judah held the royal symbol of kingship in Jerusalem until Christ came. 2014: New National Water Carrier completed, based on five desalination plants on the coast. There were just 24,000 Jews living in Israel, amounting to just 8% of the total population, link. So isnt something wrong here? In 723 the capital city of Samaria falls. The period in focus in this lesson starts at the flag marked ISRAEL EXILED. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. The Babylonian Captivity of the Jewish People: Origins The Babylonian Captivity occurred when the Jewish people faced exile from Israel. 0000166190 00000 n And (perhaps between these wars) Israel also goes through a time of distress or tribulation referred to in Dan 12.1 and Mat 24.15-25. In any event, the division (the green line) was intended to be temporary. }); He also conquered areas east of the Jordan River and took the tribes of Gad, Reuben, and part of the tribe of Manasseh as well (2Kings 15:29, see also 1Chronicles 5:26). All Rights This is the fundamental reason why religious Jews claim that the Land of Canaan (modern Israel) is their land, covenanted to them by God. The twentieth century saw both the evangelization of the nations and Gods chosen people returning to Israel. The dispersion was complete in 70 AD when the Roman general Titussackedthe city. 0000047374 00000 n ReferencesHoly Bible, a Faithful VersionThe Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings. These historical sources include Persian documents that corroborate the Babylonian captivity and prove its occurrence. They also include significant parts of present-day Syria i.e. In the margin note God's instructions to Ezekiel, the son of man. One third shall be left I will bring the one-third through the fire (and) they will call upon My name (and) I will say, This is My people' (Zech 13.8,9). More . During the exile in Babylon we see a remnant in Jews like Ezekiel, Daniel, Esther and Mordecai, and at the end of 70 years a remnant returned to Jerusalem to rebuild (Hag 1.12, 2.2). 1917 British Foreign Minister Lord Balfour issued on November 2, 1917, the so-called Balfour Declaration, which gave official support for the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people with the commitment not to be prejudiced against the rights of the non-Jewish communities. The history of Israel confirms this thought; Jacobs descendants, the twelve tribes of Israel (the Hebrew Israelites) have suffered but prevailed for 3,000 years. She has been on the front line in the War against Terror and has been fighting the Wests battles for it, decades before 9/11 or 7/7 ever happened. Note why he was to speak in that way and the significance of his action. Josiah, the last good king of Judah, restores some spiritual life in Judah and later in Israel. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success.It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom [John F. Kennedy, President of the United States]. PARADISE (EDEN) WAS LOST, BUT THE APOSTLE JOHN WROTE THAT IT WILL BE RESTORED IN THE FUTURE. As Mark Twain remarked: All things are mortal but the Jews; all other forces pass, but he remains. The principle of the generality of the elections ensures the active right of every Israeli citizen, who is at least 18 years old, to vote and the right of every Israeli citizen, who is at least 21 years old, to be elected. History shows that God had a special task for Jacob and his descendants and He changed Jacobs name to Israel after he had struggled with an angel and prevailed (Gen 32.28). Leviticus First Temple, the national and spiritual center of the Jewish people, built in Jerusalem by King Solomon. Rain in the Judean desert. In a fallen world who can deny that man can do either? In the time of Moses God made such a contract with the people (nation) of Israel, although the Bible refers to it as as Gods covenant. Seven of the thirteen dates in Ezekiel are in this section ( Ezek 26:1587 ; Ezek 29:1587 ; Ezek 29:17571 ; Ezek 30:20587 ; Ezek 31:1587 ; Ezek 32:1585 ; Ezek 32:17586 ). Jesus talked about world events at the end of the age in Mat 24.3. Today it is common to refer to Abrahams descendants, or anyone who practices Judaism as Jews. God indeed intervenes in world affairs! Make sure you note or mark when the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel. So we might see this as God making a people group spiritually complete and ready to glorify Him. This is an amazing achievement bearing in mind that Jews comprise less than 0.2% of the worlds population! Since Jesus is soon to return (He will be seen with the clouds Revelation 1.7), this last book is essentially an end time message. After the Southern Kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonians in 586 BC the land of Judah and Jerusalem remained vacant (at rest) for 70 years until the Lord brought a remnant of His people back to the Promised Land: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place (Jer 29.10). 609 BC In 2Ki 23:29 (CP 2Chr 35:20, 21, 22, 23, 24) God's judgment on Judah began when King Josiah was killed on the plain of Megiddo trying to stop Pharaoh Neco, king of Egypt, on his way to Carchemish on the Euphrates. God allows the Babylonian empire to take Jerusalem in 597 B.C. Heaven is Gods throne and earth is meant for man. Israel captured the Sinai Peninsula, but after international condemnation, Israel was forced to withdraw. Note that, whilst it is common to refer to Abrahams descendants as Jews, this is not strictly accurate. 0000166550 00000 n End of Gentile Rule: The declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 effectively ended over 2500 years of Gentile rule over Israel, although Jerusalem itself was not fully liberated until 1967. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Todays term for this ingathering or immigration of Jews to Israel is aliyah (Heb ascent). 0000178056 00000 n Here, God says: Behold, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations where they have gone and bring them into their own land (Ezek 37.21). The ones who spoke to other nations are clearly marked. Mark every key word. The Burning Bush After all, Israel is just some 8 million people living on land the size of Wales! Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. An error occurred trying to load this video. The facts show that Israels role in Arab-Israeli conflicts has always been defensive in response to Arab aggression. 1012 BC Saul unifies the 12 Hebrew tribes into the United Kingdom of Israel. Persian Emperors List & Timeline | Cyrus, Cambyses II & Darius. Chronology of Time Used by Archaeologist and Historians. Why Daniel 9:24-27 Is One of Most Significant Passages in Scripture, Daniel Commentaries grouped by interpretative approach to Daniel 9:24-27, Evidence Supporting Unit of Time in Daniel 9:24-27 as Years, Summary Chart of Daniel's Seventieth Week, Daniel's Seventieth Week Charted in parallel with Daniel's other prophecies, Proverbs 18:10-Our Stronghold-C H Spurgeon, harlot (ries),adult-(ery) (tress) 39/175x.