He felt the need to braid your hair so he put the lessons you taught to use. You tried to convince him anyways. I love your small and cute body! Hes another one thats fast af and have you seen his fucking flying 360 neck breaker spin kick? Thanks for reading . He saw your sleeping figure and smiled. I'm going to murder all of you." The next 30 minutes was filled with your cursing and the boys snickered . He continued through the store, presenting all sorts of clothes to you. You ask while getting some clothes from the nearby closet. You were a bit taken back. You apologize as you trace the water on his arms. Idiot. Woo says, dumbfounded. You somehow managed to do it and turned off the annoying alarm. He hugs your small figure while saying Why are you crying, angel? Hed be 100% your hype man. tell me, or else there'll be no touching. You quickly drew the mark on your neck and left the house. Having a sibling as annoying as jimin is worse. He had just walked out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. San places you on the floor, you gasp in surprise as he quickly pulls the material of your swimsuit away from your breasts and turning you to face the window, pressing your bare top half against it so your ass is resting deliciously against his cock. Aish, how many times do I tell you to not apologize all the time! ", - wants to make you beg so might tie you up to the bed, - definitely has a thing for name calling (ehem, we all know it's oppa), - orgasm denial because 'he hates getting dirty', - already memorized your sensitive spots so he'll use that to his advantage, - "beg for me. Woah! You were still a bit in a daze so he offered you coffee. As if on cue, you walk out of the bathroom to see yunho looking incredibly focused on his thoughts. You slip on your shoes and take some snacks with you. if you stutter, that means we're back to one. He then looked at you, Your sibling isKim Namjoon? Synopsis - You and San are on vacation but your plans to spend the afternoon by the pool get delayed due to San getting excited over your new swimsuit ( ). Instead, you pull away slightly, gently running your tongue over his bottom lip as your nails trace light circles around his exposed nipples, causing them to harden. you were taking a nap on the couch since you had nothing to do for the day. So I see you guys dont like y/n. It was one of those usual nights, you slept earlier than him, seeing that you get exhausted quickly. Hey so, Im meeting up with my brother, wanna tag along? At the many times hid name was called by the others, he didnt even glance back. Bro its just a prank, dont look so scared. After you finish washing, you step out of the tub and dry yourself. You fell asleep after watching one of their dance practices. He could sense something was off. You too notice how everyone is uncomfortable by your presence. "yunho, baby you're heavy get off." you whines but he whined back, mumbling that . The two of you were a little too touchy for Hongjoong's taste and he especially didn't enjoy when Seonghwa would place his hand on the small of your back when you . His hallucinaitions turn you on, they scare you. Mingi watches you with a grin on his face, although hes concerned about you skipping meals, it makes him happy knowing hes giving you the much-needed energy from his little snack pack. Hongjoong: He'd be so grateful, not only for the cookies, but for you in general, all his stress and fatigue just melts away when you're around, he'd have been more than happy to just cuddle up to you until he fell asleep but this was better.. Seonghwa: He's so taken aback by this gesture, he'd think it was so thoughtful and he'd thank you over and over giving you sweet kisses in . He smiles ear to ear. You picked up on his hints and asked him. The first page had an image of you and jungkook when you both were small. He took a glance at you while you pass the kitchen. Now with a baby on the way, he was more touchy than ever. You begin to sob at his words, glad youve got someone like him to take away the bad things in life and pull you onto dry land when the waves get rough. When the two got to interact, they instantly clicked, being that the two are literal suns. do you think it's funny? You cling your arms around his arms, preventing him from cleaning. Hm, I wonder if your gonna be tall like me or short like your mother? Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he pulls away and allows you to take off your shoes before grabbing your handCome, Ill run you a nice bath He says, flashing his pearly teeth and leading you to the bathroom. As likethe one from BTS? I sometimes cant also believe that ass is my brother. When he saw you curled in a ball on the bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he climbed on the bed. 44) When they collaborate with your group. Baby, lets go back to sleep. You hug his shoulders while squeezing your cheek against his chest. How his eyes narrow down to read the words, his nose scrunching up as if he doesnt know what to order. yunho . You were on the huge bean bag, taking your usual naps. Im so stressedNothing just goes in my favour Your voice sore from all the crying. He said. You felt an arm above you so first instinct was to push it away. You lay in the warm water that was encrypted with a lavender scent to ease stress. Eventually, he just pins you to the wall. After a minute, he takes you by the hand and walks you to his room. He shot a look at wooyoung. He asked. . #san But a soft and hum-like groan. this bub also helped me write it too so credits to youu!! Hes water and fire. He peppers kisses on your hair as you walk towards the apartment kitchen. 15) Another . He grew more concerned as time passes. What was jungkook to you? Tonight, mingi couldnt get a wink of sleep. He was quite silent at first. You know thats actually seagull meat, dont you? You ask him with a blank expression. Dont you think my body isnt made for these? Hwa did you know the earth is flat? You ask in a whisper. , i have a feeling hed have mixed feelings. In terms of strength, this bitch should be at the tippy top, but I believehe wouldnt be that great at fighting. #san REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! A smirk forms on your lips as you admire yourself in the mirror, knowing exactly what kind of effect your new swimsuit would have on him. Hed be jumping, beaming when your status went of the charts. For what? All his built up stress went away when he came home to see you sleeping with a hand on your belly. ", - large hands so probably wants you to cum from his fingers, - will mockingly ask you if you know why you're getting punished, - "pretending to be all innocent, are we? He pouted but smiled when he saw that you wanted a hug. For me he actually resembles the avatar. Appearing everywhere, every second. Like you, his eyes were still semi closed. He only grew angrier at the looks the members sent you. this is requested by KaydenTyser. He quickly ripped his headphones off and spun the chair to your direction. He continued nonetheless. But the problem was that he was too shy to do it. By the time he got home, you were already asleep. But when he did, he would say the sweetest of words. What the- , Youre beautiful in every single way possible and if you dont agree Ill shove another chicken down your throat . He shrugs it off for a second he takes his shoes off but stops when he heard silent sobs. He helps you out of your robe and into the shower. You pout, wanting to hug him. I'm not turning down chicken either. sorry It will look cool if he actually spit fire though. If we do end up breaking up, I dont want it to be because of you guys. No Y/N. You plop yourself in between his arms. Yunho is sucked into his computer game as you sit behind him on your phone, bored. Which was going terrible. Heh, sorry about that. You should sleep now woo You lean back to kiss his cheek. He comforts you in the sweetest way possible. Yah Im not that short! He forgets what he was going to do and paces to the kitchen. You aint got to tell me fuck- I can feel it San grunts, both of his hands now resting on your ass, pulling your cheeks apart so he can reach as deep as possible. He wont admit it but he loved how you looked so vulnerable right now. SHARKS DONT HAVE LEGS! San yells as you try not to laugh at him. He said slightly blushing. I feel bad for not writing about yunho. noun 43) When a barista leaves their number on their cup. He softly spoke while wiping your tears away with his thumb. But youve been feeling self conscious lately. You trusted him enough that he wouldnt do anything with your phone. You laugh at his antics. You stare at everything and sigh. No. You regain the oxygen you lost and reassured the sorry boy. You need to make sure you keep your blood sugar levels high enough, youve not been eating or sleeping these days because of all this studying He whispers, concern laced in his soothing voice. Im starting to cry to. Wooyoung!! He wrapped his arms around you while tangling his legs with yours. "I don't want to hear what you have to say, in fact, I don't really want to be in the same room as you, right now.". You laced your fingers with his. #seonghwa A/N: Something he does that turn you on. My god are you alright? He was producing another song on his laptop. You hang up on him, turning off your phone as you enter your apartment. Nowhere to go, just lost. He somewhat looked as though he was accepting it. A couple of weeks ago my partner and I found out that were having a baby. But you thought wrong. https://www.patreon.com/aaronfreemanI always read my DMs on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aaron.freeman_/?hl=enMy honest reaction and. You smile and let him continue his thing, softening when you hear him continue talking. You groaned feeling sleepy. He hissed, walking away. The place he likes to kiss you most of all would undoubtedly be your shoulders, more precisely the hollow of them. Your eyes look down to see hongjoong. See more ATEEZ at first, he didnt even notice. You chuckled and hug him even tighter. This is 100% my opinion and should not be taken seriously, this is for entertainment purposes only and nothing is written with intent to upset or offend anyone :3, Tag List - @simphwa @ateezinmymind @multidreams-and-desires @yunhospuppy @jonghoisbabie @224-12 @woowommy. Im ready, does this look okay? You question as you emerge from the doorway, gliding your hands over your body from your waist to your hips. When they deny it, his head shoots up and a quite furious look appears on his face. Arent you quite energetic? His snapchat story is definitely like an hour long, You can hear him laugh from the other side of the house, Encourages people (especially Seonghwa) to get drunk off their face so he can take pictures and laugh. #wooyoung No, were talking about this. At one point jongho had to duck tape his mouth just to shut him up. . Today was no exception. Wait really? He asks with an intrigued expression. yeosang didnt know much about comforting someone. .