Check out the following table comparing the heat output of olive to various other common types of firewood. Yule Logs & Firewood Science. Is It Okay To Burn Russian Olive In A Fireplace? I am the guy behind Coals are to fire as fuel, to keep it going and provide lasting heat. I live on the east coast (midatlantic area) and we have a lot of Mimosa trees. Mulberry has a rateing of (1) unit million btu, 25.80/cord Also have lots (4 cord) of seasoned oak and cherry on hand. Ive burned wood for heat much of my life, but in my new house my focus is on wood for cooking. Does anyone have any experience with growing and maintaining a small coppice wood? Do deer eat Russian olive trees? We just called them hedge trees. If you burn coal, you are leaving a destiny of death and starvation for your descendents and mine! Anyone know the BTU's/cord? But when burnt while still holding more than 20% moisture in its wood, it will continue to release that unpleasant smell. Be sure to let it season before burning to know how it should truly burn .Funny Story, I had a friend that cut a storm fallen red oak . Jul 21, 2013. Surprisingly, Russian olive firewood does not produce many coals. Hi! I love this site. Russian Olive grows fast and smells good, two ideal characteristics. Around here it is about the most common tree taken down by tree services, so lots of firewood guys sell it because they get the wood dropped off in their yards for free. Is it worth it? This is russian olive. Just call them and ask about what it can handle. Green Vs. Dry Wood - Firewood should be dried (seasoned) to 10% to 20% moisture content for best burning performance. They are also a very resilient tree, capable of living in almost any condition, making them even more of an issue to permanently remove. Even when thoroughly seasoned, it does tend to spit embers sporadically. i think its red pine or red elm.. i live in central nm in the foothills of the rocky mtns,our primary firewood is shaggy bark juniper..we just call it scrub cedar..and there are several distinct kinds,yellow-grows extremely slow burns verry hot,red-softer burns up faster-aligator bark juniper-the softest of the 3 less btuthen we have pinyoni dont burn this wood because it plugs my heat exchange unit up..dosent put out much heat and smokes like crazy..then there is scrub oakit burns about the same as any kind of oak..pine and heat..chineese elm..hard to split little more heat than red scrub cedar..not as far as firewood goes i would give the shaggy bark juniper the highest rating..i also have a house by lake texoma in tx right in the middle of an emense hardwood forest..oak..hickory..maple..american elm..birch..ect..ect..and when im there i burn mostly yellow oak..and hickory,but i like the juniper from nm much better..i dont think the btu rating this chart has for it is sure its not, i saw a coment on salt cedar above,what you are burning is juniper..or scrub cedar,salt cedar is a completely diferent kind of wood grows along the riverbanks of nm and arizona..and i think its scrub syacamore..sorry about the spelling..but it is a verry hard wood..not sure of its btu rating..but i would still rather burn the scrub cedar..or juniper as they call it..salt cedar grows close to water,along with chineese elm and cottonwood in the lower elivations of the two states it does burn quite hot prety sure its a kind of syacamore..close to the btu russian olive would produce..also fine wood for burning, im fron centeral missouri and our elm american or red will not burn in fact it is called p*** elm for reason. True story. Tree species with dense wood provide the best firewood, releasing more BTUs per volume of wood than species with less dense or lighter . Be sure to poke a couple holes to vent the gases .Then get a 55 gal drum or make a small kiln to put your bucket in .Start your fire then put the bucket in. Do You have Russian Olive on your land?Contact Amanda Kuenzi Love reading the comments from Andy. Like another poster mentioned, the oaks need to be processed and used quickly, they get bugs and start to rot very soon after coming down. You best be looking over your shoulder as you drive home with your coal! 2) I would guess trembling/quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and largetooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) to have similar qualities, but I have never seen largetooth aspen mentioned in any charts. Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Its wood is excellent for woodworking projects or turning. I found a big beech limb fully seasoned and cut it up for a try . PRACTICALLY EVERY RANCH FENCE HERE AND NEW MEXICO IS MADE FROM IT, ITS EASILY SPLIT AND IT RESISTS ROTTING. Im in California, about 3800 ft up the west side of the Sierra Navadas. Another opinion added to the interwebs Cheers, Happy Burning. This comparison has live oak at 36.6 and Eucalyptus at 34.5 BTUS Eucalyptus is a very broad term does this refere to the gum species that grow in California ? What Are The Varieties Of Russian Olive Wood? While this cuts down on sparks, it still doesnt keep smaller ones from escaping thru the gaps in the doors. Like several posters have commented, a big chunk of fir will last for 5-6 hours in the wood stove, and makes for an easy re-start in the morning. Just cut down a Shingle Oak Tree here in Ohio. Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Statements, Mountain Studies Institute, San Juan Mountains, Silverton & Durango, Colorado. It will dry out for a season and then be split and distributed in 2018 or 2019. Redgum is differentiated from just about all other Australian woods for firewood, for its lasting and heat, and difficulty to get going. NOW I LIVE IN ARIZONA AND THE CEDAR OUT HERE IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT! Thanks! How many Btu are in a cord of firewood? - AnswersAll They are 6-8 in diameter at the base and ~15 long. Not good for firewood but great for woodworking. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. THAT IS THE SWEET-SMELLING AROMIC CEDAR THEY LINE CLOSETS WITH. I cant understand anyone having a problem with it! They have a wierd looking fruit that is bright green and and can be as big as a cantaloupe and just as heavy. . If some of the wood is used for construction, there is a net decrease in CO2 from the activity. Remove the limbs from the bottom of the trunk first, followed by the top limbs, advises the University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension website. The initial smell is like a sweet-smelling perfume. One random ember could quickly start an unwanted fire. It is surpassed by 13 other varieties that have as much as 37% more BTUs per cord! Funny, just made an archery bow from Autumn Olive, close relative, and it had a very pleasant smell. Definitely a burning smell. Get loads of helpful info like how to swing an axe for more power and maintenance advice. thanks, Ensure that there are enough gaps between each log to allow them to air dry effectively. I use a LOT of hemlock because I have 10 acres of hemlock woods and trees come down in storms and have to be cleaned up. cure time is at least 2 years covered,found a rating of 16 mil btus per cord but it was rated as poor firewood. In central MN (east Metro) that stuff is thick and burning the roots gives green-brown smoke. Chinquapin and Dogwood are common here in Ohio. Persimmon is a good secret,burns hot and long. Clear the brush around the Russian olive tree and plan an escape route. Back in the day they used to use the limbs for fence posts and the wood would last decades in the ground with out rotting. Ive burned a lot of it in the last 35 years. While this sounds simple, its essential to get it right. I heard somewhere that most of the ash comes from the bark. Russian olive produces very few sparks as it burns, so you can light the fire and relax. Last night I was turning and sanding a natural edge bowl from this wood, leading to a pronounced and long-lasting allergic reaction in the airways (runny nose, asthma, ..). try this RLB. The earth is drwoning in CO2 from burning sequestered carbon. --. Russian olive is medium-quality firewood. It peeled off like bark ( but clearly wasnt) exposing 4 panels glued together. It is difficult to evaluate available heat value of wood because of the complex process of obtaining heat from wood. But it does burn off a substantial amount of ash. They are in same family as osage orange . Russian olive is the only variety of its kind, but it does go by many names. Heat efficiency is well worth considering when looking at firewood to burn. Range of burning properties of the Australian eucalypts covers the full spectrum (and dont even bother with wattles). With a BTU of 23, Russian olive firewood can produce substantial heat over a long time. For campfires, olive makes an excellent choice. My comment doesnt pertain to btus so much, but would like to say that here in central Ind., I look for elms,not sure if there rock, red or slippery elms.But easy to spot cuz they die avg. I now have access to a great deal of Poplar. So there is no net Co2 that goes into the atmosphere. I am courious about the btu of pecan and swamp chestnut oak and which oak burns the best . The drawback is that the trees are small and have thorns . I have no empirical data, but for us they have given decent heat. Thanks, Barry , I think tulip poplar would be similar to cottonwood since they are both in the poplar family . Hit the wood against the wood box or ground before bringing it indoors. We have tons of the best hard woods in this country . How many BTU is a cord of firewood? btuCompare price : $900X7 = $6300 vs $375. This keeps all sparks from shooting onto our carpet. The wood from these trees makes the greatest stove wood there is. I am planting some of the Eastern varieties out here that we had in PA. The data for these charts was compiled from various sources with different firewood types. In Kansas we used a wood called hedge. Firewood - 24hourcampfire As has been said, quite unpleasant. The tree is a perennial deciduous that is native to Asia and Europe. Have also taken large quantities of red oak (everyones favorite) and red maple (the poor mans oak), and smaller amounts of cherry (nice smell), beech (hot stuff), yellow birch (great smell), white oak, and sweetgum. The doug fir gets the bark beetles that work away the outer layer, but if you can get the bark off the wood it will last several years. Is it okay for a wood burning stove? It is not wood that leaks water as soon as it is split, unlike sycamore wood. Not my favorite wood but I may change my mind after the project is finished. Thanks for posting the list of firewood species & specs. THE EARLY SNOW STORM DAMAGED A LOT OF TREES HERE IN ORANGE COUNTY NY. The bradford pear burned fast with a mid size flame . Like other fruit trees, this firewood gives off a mild, sweet scent that many enjoy. We normally burn red oak in the fireplace. Love hard maples when I can get my hands on them. Handmade Damascus Steel Full Tang Knife Olive Wood Hunting/Camping/ED W But since then, they have spread wildly due to their deep, re-sprouting roots. Olive wood is a great hardwood, it burns much like pecan or oak. Mix some ash firewood in with your Russian olive and you will get a good heat source burning quickly. The information was gathered by internet and talking to old timers. GOTTA CLIMB HIGH AND USE A POLE ELECTRIC CHAIN SAW,,,GITTING IT DONE BUT WILL IT BE GOOD FOR MY LOPA WOOD STOVE..APPRECIATE SOME ANSWERS. Olive is a highly dense hardwood which makes it great for coaling. The dense, deeply creviced bark makes a perfect hideout for spiders and insects. Being a transplant from So. The cons are , no coal bed in the morning and it burns down a bit faster than the ash but it puts out real good heat. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Russian olive | Forums Home For the very old man. My wood cribs have steel floors to keep the wood off the ground and away from bugs, so the wood stays dry. In this area, several limbs come together into one knotted mess. Because of the air space between the pieces of wood, the amount of solid wood in a cord may be only 70-90 cubic feet, even though the volume of the stack is 128 cubic feet. Some would argue that its even impossible without a hydraulic splitter. The Ultimate Firewood Storage Guide For 2023, How Good Is Walnut Firewood? is magnolia on the list of burning trees and where is it and if its not can i have some info bout it,please. Allergies/Toxicity: Besides the standard health risks associated with any type of wood dust, no further health reactions have been associated with Russian Olive. A few other elders like black locust . Lit my first fire of the season. The logs are quite heavy now, but still pretty green. BTU rating. In comparison, Russian olive burns at 23 BTU. I heat 5,500 sq ft with 130,000 BTU Franks Piping Wood Boiler from Quebec CDN. Some wood gives off a lot of sparks in the fireplace. (red) just now brought back a load of beech. By assessing the fire characteristics of Russian olive firewood, it will be easier to identify which scenarios and settings the firewood is best suited for. Stay warm and dont worry about it so much. This varies with the size and shape of the wood, and how tightly it is stacked. burning solid fuel !! The drawbacks are the stinky smoke and the fact I had to poke it every 10 min and its hard to split. Love this site! I have 4 of them that I want to cut down. The bradford pear can go to the dump along with the elm . That's when Bishop decided he wanted to make furniture with wood from his family's farm, situated 30 miles east of Brady . Even though it is not firewood you should use to start your fire, it does produce a BTU of 23 million per cord once it gets going. MSI applied and was awarded a total of $247,000 from the Colorado Water Conservation Board and Colorado Parks and Wildlife for a three-year project to remove the trees from Bakers Bridge to the New Mexico line. Both put out considerably more heat than anything we have in Alaska and when its -30 outside you can use all the BTUs you can get. with the exception of oak (usualy scrub oak), all the firewood vendors here have is Eucalyptus (no rating), Avacado (no rating), Almond (no rating) and mixed hardwood. I like burning Birch in fireplaces but getrun away fires ( read relief valve blows @ 100 c) Just split 3 cords of white oak and 2 cords of red oak to season for next year. Also, their is plenty of it and nobody burns it so is always available and helps to conserve my hardwood. It burns very hot,and produces nice heat. Russian olive will smoke a substantial amount if not left to dry out for long enough. Burning Russian Olive Wood Step 1 Hit the wood against the wood box or ground before bringing it indoors. There is more smoke from wood than coal so ignore the GreenFascist/ACORN Brownshirts and their deceits. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It is impossible to split when green and easy when dry, but unless special precautions are taken itll rot rather than season. Has anyone heard of this problem? Well-seasoned olive burns clean and produces a light and fragrant smoke. I grew up on a homestead and I am here to share the knowledge I have and things I learn while living in the countryside. There are some issues out here in the west that may not be present in other areas, just a heads up if it helps. There was a guy down the road whose stove completely melted when he filled it with all hedge. Depending on the types of conditions that the Russian olive tree was growing in, it may be carrying a higher moisture content than you expect. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Dried. Is Modesto Ash a soft or hard wood? Wood combustion occurs in three consecutive, overlapping stages. Unless seasoned, firewood tends to produce a lot of smoke. Hemlock that is stacked in a single stack with plenty of air and sun can be ready to burn in one summer. It will burn longer than softwoods and will be just as effective as hardwoods. But for softwood, it does burn well. Im guessing that the Hemlock that I can get is eastern soft wood correct 15.9? I am planning on doing a little experiment to find out which wood is best for campfires and fire pits. Some people find this unsettling, while popping embers can burn carpets and rugs. Even though it is not firewood you should use to start your fire, it does produce a BTU of 23 million per cord once it gets going. French Polynesia, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Libya, Martinique, Middle East, New Caledonia, Oceania, Reunion, Russian Federation, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, South America . Does anyone know what the btu rating of russian olive is, I burn tons and it makes more heat than anything else that we have so I am curious about the btus. Its abundent where I live Northern MN. We have many native hardwoods here but this is the best, cleanest stuff Ive found. The more dense a wood is, the more weight and BTU it will have. This is lower than most popular firewood types like oak or black locust. Russian olive trees are very heavy. Dont worry about the ashes your stove produces. Russian Olive - Utah State University How Much Sap Content Does Russian Olive Have? Is Russian Olive Good Firewood? - Stellina Marfa and we burn them in our fireplace after they are seasoned. The black oaks just had too many leaves in that Nov and the snow was too heavy. Ive also heard this about black locust, which I also burn. In regards to Splitters, I have a homemade hydraulic 28 Ton that had cycle issues. They had a good mid-size flame and burned a long time. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. It is easy to split and burns great. Russian olive does have a very strong and distinctive fragrance when sawn or sanded. One final note, as a kid I grew up where the streets where lined with English Walnuts and Shagbark Hickory planted around 1900 or sokept the red tree squirrels happy (and perhaps a few mean cats). Old growth Western Red Cedar,while it makes for the very best kindling,will burn TOO hot and damage a wood stove or insert!!!! As previously stated by others, forget ANY cottonwood, only one or two sticks at a time for Manzanita as it is super hot. Thanks. Does anyone know which of these woods produces the least ash, Oak or Pine. The coals cook a mean hot dog after a few brews. I dont know how that changes as it dries out. But in my opinion any kind of wood is worth cutting up and burning as long as it isnt totally rotten or anything. We have tons of felling oak trees pushed up waiting to be cut , fully seasoned too !!! Many of its given names are based on the trees olive branch-like aesthetic. All firewood has about the same BTU per pound. Yet it will not burn, just smoke. I know I know I can hear the comments about creosote but as long as it is dry and you give it air to burn it does great. Russian olive or Elaeagnus Angustifolia is viewed as an invasive species. Your email address will not be published. If you look at a BTU chart, it has either the highest or 2nd highest rating of all wood that grows in the US. Russian olive wood burns very slowly. The fireplace is rated at a whopping 25% efficient! Axe Adviser is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I have a Russian Olive that I cut down about 4 months ago and has been sitting in 100F weather for three weeks. Much of the inconsistencies are from different variables such as how much actual solid wood is assumed to be in a cord. But unlike other woods like birch, Russian olive catches fire very slowly. I dont have the ratings for that maple, but you can always weigh it and get a general idea that way. As others have commented the wood does have a very strong odor when working it either green or dry(4 months from felling, slabbed to roughly 2x8x24 and dried for 6 months, milled to final size(1-3/4x6x24) and glued planks dried for 3 months) its a very herby/oily (like a potent salad dressing) smell that lingers even after washing. must be mangable Its the worst wood Ive ever encountered. My husband and I have been cutting alot of Pinyon pine this yearit burns great!! Because Almond has as many varieties as the fruit in which the bare! I only found that one btu chart on the internet which says it has pretty decent BTUs. It will burn longer than softwoods and will be just as effective as hardwoods. Russian olive trees produce good firewood with a BTU heat rating of 23.0 million per cord. Your main consideration is that, to burn clean, any wood. Less dense softwoods have less BTU per cord than more dense hardwood but they also weigh less per cord. My grand dad swears beech is king. Once burning it will not go out, so it is also commonly used for hog roast pits. Wondering if anybody has info on the outdoor application or rot resistance of this wood. AND TALK ABOUT FIREWOOD, IT BURNS HOT AND IS FAIRLY LONG LASTING.ABOUT HALF OF MY YEARLY FIREWOOD IS THIS CEDAR.ID CALL THIS TYPE SOMEWHAT OF A HARDWOOD, UNLIKE INCENSE CEDAR. It has a very unpleasant odor. Though they are slightly different species, a Russian olive tree will most likely be found growing near autumn olive trees, which are just as invasive. It burns like coal,but wreaks havoc on a chainsaw and chain!!! BillNole. This means that the wood has had no time to dry out. Many of the local ranchers have pulled the root bases from the banks of irrigation ditches and streams and there is an abundance of dried root balls to chose my wood from! I want to leave it as natural as possible. How Much Sap Content Does Russian Olive Have? Looked through posts and didnt see if there was any mention of the BTUs of a Norway Maple. I have some birch and cherry Ive been mixing it in with that too. Keeps for a couple years at best. Donating wood samples and pictures of wood items, Fluorescence: A Secret Weapon in Wood Identification, Ash Wood: Black, White, and Everything in Between, Brazilian Rosewood, East Indian, and Other Rosewoods, Genuine Lignum Vitae and Argentine Lignum Vitae.