Along the way to Sunbury the column was sniped at occasionally, but did not receive any serious opposition. They were wrong on both counts. Later that day Jones led a similar detachment against St Marys Isle, Scotland, hoping to capture the Earl of Selkirk to use as a hostage in order to negotiate for better treatment of American prisoners of war. The term "Jersey Blues" continued to be used well into the early nineteenth century in reference to the state's military units. At the same time, he left a few troops to stall Cornwallis by creating false signals (campfires, loud noises, fortification repair) to give the impression that the Continental Army was still stationed in Trenton. Snhu Men's Lacrosse Roster, (In some cases, sturdier buckskin or leather breeches were authorized.) This unit was raised in Philadelphia in May 1778 from recruits and from soldiers drafted from other Loyalist regiments, principally the Roman Catholic Volunteers and the New Jersey Volunteers. British burn several vessels on Delaware River. Capt. We have indexed the 6,200 plus names in the book in the dataset below. They took the Hessians stationed in Trenton by surprise; the Hessians were not prepared for an attack during a bad storm. The USS General Moultrie, patroling off the South Carolina coast, battled a privateer ship crewed by Americans loyal to Great Britain. At battle of Monmouth, New Jersey on June 28, 1778. Caldwell, led them, appeared suddenly in the settlement. Stone and his crew, then sent them ashore at North Edisto, making sure that they arrived safely. They destroyed 22 dwellings and a church. British forces occupied Philadelphia from September 26, 1777 until June 18, 1778. John Goodrich teamed up with two other privateers and sailed into Topsail Inlet and burned a brig that had just been taken by NC Navy. During the brief stay in Princeton, the Continental Congress was informed of the end of the war by the signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783. Reform and Resistance Daniel Coxe to Joseph Reed, April 12, 1764 [5] The New Jersey Committee of Correspondents . The "Ten Crucial Days" were the days from December 25, 1776, to January 3, 1777, when several decisive battles, namely the battles of Trenton, Assunpink Creek and Princeton, were fought between the Continental Army under George Washington and the British army, mostly under Charles Cornwallis. jersey blue soldiers 1778 - A Federalist legislature passed a voting rights act which applied only to those counties where the Federalists were strong. Barry ordered the crew ashore to continue the fight and to burn Raleigh. Planning to attack Philadelphia, but unable to go safely through New Jersey with its militia nipping away at his men, he had to move his men back to New Brunswick to board shipping. Keppel made the signal to wear and follow the French, but Palliser did not conform and the action was not resumed. The retreat nearly led to massive disorder, but Washington managed to personally rally the troops to withstand the British counterattacks. It was the site of more than 90 military engagements, including the pivotal battles of Trenton, Princeton, and Monmouth. Brown and Fanning remained in the cave for about six weeks living on what they killed in the wilderness. Soldiers in Uniform by Jean Baptiste Antoine de Verger, 1781-1784 Wikimedia Commons With the return of the Continental army to the outskirts of New York City following the Battle of Monmouth Court House in June, muster rolls of the army were taken in White Plains, New York, in August 1778. New Jersey militia companies defending a bridge across Alloway Creek in Salem County, New Jersey, were lured into a trap by British Lieutenant Colonel Charles Mawhood and . On October 7, they began the journey of more than 300 miles to Vincennes. American Prisoners of the Revolution by Danske Dandridge. The Third New Jersey Regiment was mustered during the American Revolution and has a claim to be part of the longest history of any U.S. military unit as the name, Jersey Blues, continues today with elements of the New Jersey National Guard. The following winter at Middlebrook [1778-1779] was mild. The Charlotte ran aground and was quickly captured.Conclusion: British Victory, The English merchantman Sally surrendered to Patriot forces near Beaufort, after suffering damage in a storm. Conclusion: American Victory. On the evening of September 30, Post was at his farm north of town when the expected Hessians came riding by. Streissguth, Thomas (2002). Fuser left sixty men to guard the naval force at St. Simons Inlet and proceeded towards Sunbury with 180 men of the 60th Regiment. Later that month. The battle ended when the General Moultries crew boarded the privateer and defeated the Loyalist crew. These men, just like all the others, took tremendous risks in order to fight for independence and all went on to serve their newly founded country for the rest of their lives. In August, Capt. The Third New Jersey Regiment, the Jersey Blues, is a member unit of the Brigade of the American Revolution. (Hessians were German mercenary soldiers hired by the British to fight in the Revolutionary War.) Simcoe, p. 85. Col. Thomas Hartley (acting) 2d Pennsylvania. The Battle of Monmouth was the last major Revolutionary War battle in the North. Centennial History of Ocean County. Only a few escaped. Upon his arrival he learned that two of his privateers had deserted and given the Patriots the alarm that he was coming. They expected the Continental Army to give little resistance, believing that they were tired of the war and were poorly fed and paid. The enemy arrived at Staurings dwelling too soon after the firing for any of the inmates to escape, but young Stauring in attempting to do so, was shot down at a little distance from the house and killed, while the Bell boy was made a prisoner. Although Smith was hit 7 times during the battle, he refused to surrender. The New York Times Archives. Large parts of the Continental forces wintered in other years in NJ. Baron von Knyphausen, the Hessian general, hoped to invade New Jersey and expected support from the colonists of New Jersey who were tired of the war. Only cavalry troops can stop them.. Defences in Jersey. After the battle, Charles Lee requested his own court martial to defend against accusations made against his actions in the initial attack. Comte dOrvilliers, who had orders to avoid battle, was cut off from Brest but retained the weather gauge. The Third New Jersey Regiment was reactivated in 1963 by a small group of dedicated people interested in accurately presenting the New Jersey common soldier during the War of Independence. On December 16, Admiral dEstaing appeared to be preparing for a third assault against Admiral Barringtons line, but then sailed away towards the windward. Like Stockton, he sacrificed his high standing with the royal court and dedicated his life to the New Jersey Assembly. Private Benjn McDonald (Listed #28 - 2nd Row) was listed as a "Deserter" for January 1778 but it was corrected when he received pay for that time listed on the February 1778 Payroll. Jones was hoping to reach the port at midnight, when ebb tide would leave the shops at their most vulnerable. He and the British had already placed an ambush there for the American forces. On November 19, Colonel John White, Fourth Georgia Continental Battalion, arrived at the Midway Meeting House from his camp at Sunbury with 100 troops and two artillery pieces. The British occupied the unfinished courthouse and celebrated their accomplishment with a puncheon of rum. Captain Bowmans Soldiers 46. It later became part of the British Crown Provincial forces and was known as the Jersey Blues as their coats were blue with red lapels. They met the British force in Bull Town Swamp and a skirmish ensued. They were delayed when two boats grounded, and did not reach Chestnut Neck until four oclock, in heavy fog. Two of his ships to windward escaped into port leaving him with 27. It later became part of the British Crown Provincial forces and was known as the "Jersey Blues" as their coats were blue with red lapels. Conclusion: British Victory. Samuel Stone, which was trying to get to the Charlestown Harbor with a load from St. Croix. On September 25, the USS Raleigh sailed for Portsmouth, Va., with a brig and a sloop under convoy. The British were soon forced into an enclave around New Brunswick, giving up the rest of New Jersey."[6]. The Frontier Guard responded to localized Indian incursions, as well as garrisoned the forts along the Delaware River. The fort surrendered without firing a shot. As he pulled back, Lee encountered an astonished George Washington. The Hessians dismounted their horses and began firing into the woods and chasing their attackers, but were surprised when the American force turned out to be much larger than they originally thought. Joseph Nail gathered most of the local settlers into Nails Fort when the Creek Indians attacked their settlement. New Jersey representatives Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, and Abraham Clark were among the men who signed the United States Declaration of Independence.These men, just like all the others, took tremendous risks in order to fight for independence and all went on to serve their newly founded country for the rest of their lives. The British left New Brunswick and Staten Island to later attack Philadelphia.[8]. It is also known that significant numbers of nine-month levies (who comprised forty percent of . Major General Howes big problem was that he was attempting to fight a mounted force by using men on foot. Major James Jackson, believing that Lieutenant Colonel Prevost had been killed and that success was near, gave a lusty victory yell. The Americans attacked in groups, one down the two main streets from the Northeast, the other along the river road. The British now realized it would be a long war. He came to New Jersey to serve as the sixth president of the College of New Jersey. White and Jackson were severely outnumbered, but they hoped to hold out until reinforcements arrived from Savannah. Capt. Using bayonets, the British killed, injured, or took as prisoners 67 of the dragoons. The New Jersey Constitution of 1776 gives the vote to "all inhabitants of this Colony, of full age, who are worth fifty pounds proclamation money." New Jersey Military Records FamilySearch Washington continued his retreat through early December, passing through Princeton on the way to the Delaware River. The lottery was held in two parts and conducted by Washington's aides. Hamilton settled in at Fort Sackville for the winter with a garrison of about 90 soldiers, planning to retake the remaining Illinois towns in the spring.Conclusion: British Victory. Part of the. Fierce but sporadic fighting commenced. In the summer of 1783, the Continental Congress met in Nassau Hall of Princeton University. Peter Post was the owner of Posts Tavern in Hastings-on-Hudson. The captain told the pilots that they would help carry the ship over the bar to attack a French merchant ship and a brig. York stopped Fanning and his men at the Savannah River and he refused to conduct them to East Florida because of the recent change of circumstances. Of the Americans ashore, a few were captured on the island, but the remainder, including Barry, made it back to Boston, Massachusetts, arriving on October 7.Conclusion: British Victory. At 11 p.m. on this day in 1778, Commander John Paul Jones leads a small detachment of two boats from his ship, the USS Ranger, to raid the shallow port at Whitehaven, England, where, by his own account, 400 British merchant ships are anchored. He turned his troops around and started marching back to Florida. The Brigade is comprised of living history groups that represent American Continentals, Militia, Native Americans as well as British, French, German and Loyalist Regiments. After the attacks on isolated settlements on the north side of the river, the citizens of Andrustown knew it was only a matter of time before they were attacked. Again, he escaped. Capt. Major Richard Howell, 24 June 1778: I Detachd my Corps in three Divisions hoping that by that means [to] Collect a number of prisoners, Captn. Forts on the Delaware River could attack British supply troops as they sailed to Philadelphia. At the time Joseph Brant, who commanded a large raiding party in the area, ordered a troop of Tories and Indians to destroy Andrustown. He realized that he could expect no help from Lieutenant Colonel Fuser and his force. To secure the crossing of the Delaware River, Clinton sent a corps of light infantry to destroy the Pennsylvania Navy that was moored at Bordentown and White Hill (Fieldsboro). Daniel Boone is captured by a British/Shawnee war party. 10th North Carolina. When Virginia delegates came up with the Virginia Plan, which called for representation in government proportional to the population of each state, the smaller states refused, fearing that with such a plan they would no longer have a say in government affairs. Father Gibault told the residents of Vincennes of the spiritual value in uniting with the Colonists. When the British did advance, they were attacked by the militia on the flanks. (Married women could not own property under the common law.) Loyalist privateer Capt. The Indians have been cooperating with the Americans.Conclusion: British Victory. He believed the letter and halted his advance six miles north of the Meeting House. Stone ordered the Sally to withdraw from the area.Conclusion: British Victory.Casualties: Americans: 6k, 12w. On January 3, 1777, the Continental Army commanded by Washington defeated the British army under Cornwallis at the Battle of Princeton. . Jones and his 30 volunteers had greater difficulty than anticipated rowing to the port, which was protected by two forts. Lancaster Hospital Phone Number, The Ford family in Morristown ran a black powder mill that supplied needed powder for the early war effort. Squires lingered until June 23, and his last known act was to chase two pilot boats back into Charlestown Harbor. Washington hoped to drive the British from New York City in a joint operation with the French. Fanning struck a deal and was told he could return to Ninety-Six without fear of reprisal, however his captors lied to him and took him prisoner once again. The New Jersey Brigade of the Continental Army, in and around Elizabeth, moved back toward Connecticut Farms, now Union Township, New Jersey, sending word to Morristown to the main army under Washington. On March 10, he led 100 Rangers and 10 Indians over the Altamaha River and captured Fort Howe (formerly Fort Barrington). Our mission is to educate the public and honor these brave souls that sacrificed so much so we may enjoy the freedoms we have today. jersey blue soldiers 1778 - Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Please use the links below for donations: Over the past forty years, the Regiment has grown and expanded, not only in numbers, but also in depth and variety of historical activities. But it was premature, because Lieutenant Colonel Prevost shortly thereafter appeared on a fresh horse. It later became part of the British Crown Provincial forces and was known as the Jersey Blues as their coats were blue with red lapels. Conclusion: British Victory, On May 25, a British raiding party entered the town of Bristol. During the night the British broke camp and marched on toward Sandy Hook in extreme northeast New Jersey. One new recruit was actually a spy for the Patriots who informed Capt. According to George Otto Trevelyan: "It may be doubted whether so small a number of men ever employed so short a space of time with greater and more lasting effects upon the history of the world." Joseph Fickling and the Edisto Island Volunteer company manned a position on Edisto Island with a small cannon 4-pounder or 6-pounder that was meant to serve as a warning gun if the enemy approached. Conclusion: American Victory. Captain George Young, commander of the First Company, Georgia Continental Artillery, 100 Continental Army troops, and 20 mounted militia proceeded to the site of the ambush. In November, dEstaing sailed southward to protect the French West Indies from British attack. Introduction: It is with no desire to excite animosity against a people whose blood is in our veins that we publish this volume of facts about some of the Americans, seamen and soldiers, who were so unfortunate as to fall into the hands of the enemy during the period of the Revolution. jersey blue soldiers 1778 - By . On June 19, the Connecticut brig Defence, commanded by Capt. This assertion is borne out by the fact that at least two Jersey officers wore blue and red coats during 1778 and a number of others had obtained cloth suitable for coats of similar colors. The Continental army encamped three years in New Jersey, in the winters of 1777 at Morristown, 177879 at Middlebrook (near Bound Brook), and in 1780 again at Morristown. DEstaing then moved to engage Barrington from the rear, and a warm conflict raged between the two fleets, with the British supported by two shore batteries. William Paterson, a New Jersey statesman, introduced the New Jersey Plan by which one vote would be given to each state, providing equal representation within the legislative body. On November 28, the USS General Moultrie, commanded by Capt. Colonel Dayton and a majority of the officers came from Elizabethtown in East Jersey. Problems along the western frontier also troubled Washington in 1778. In $14 million dollar house maine.