solely via the power of the Holy Spirit. The daily prayer in the closet, the endeavour to keep the attention fixed when praying with others, either in our regular services or in family worship. Said Milton, speaking of his travels abroad when a young man: "I again take God to witness that in all places where so many things are considered lawful, I lived sound and untouched from all profligacy and vice, having this thought perpetually with me, that though I might escape the eyes of men, I certainly could not the eyes of God."4. xlix. There is, therefore, nothing wrong in our forgetting that we are in the presence of God any more than there is anything foolish in our forgetting that we need air to breathe or light to see by, or that if we fall we may hurt ourselves: just in the same way as we very often, and quite rightly, forget that we are in the company of men who will take notice of our faults. To reveal the supreme interest of human life. For whereas man sinned, and is fallen, and by his fall all things are in confusion: death prevailed from Adam to Moses (cf. Does the Contemplative Life consist solely in the Contemplation of God, or in the Consideration St. The daily prayer in the closet, the endeavour to keep the attention fixed when praying with others, either in our regular services or in family worship. You are listening to the voice of Bill Johnson from a sermon given some years ago, and Johnson is poisoning his flock with the heretical doctrine of kenosis. the regular habit of reading the Bible at a fixed time, the occasional reminders of ourselves that God is looking on, these are our chief means of learning to remember His presence. Now do all of you who are just beginning life put yourselves and all your circumstances into God's hand and there leave them. The Lord is nigh unto them that call upon Him; He also will hear their cry, and will help them.--Psalm cxlv. So, too, by living in the presence of God and, as it were, in the courts of heaven, we shall assuredly learn something of a heavenly tone, and shake off some of that coarse worldliness, that deeply ingrained selfishness, that silly pride and conceit which now spoils our very best service. Those who are always hearing pure and high principles set forth as the guides of life learn to value and to know them even faster than they can learn to live by them. And this will generally be just when we are tempted to do wrong, or perhaps just when we are actually beginning to do it: some secret sin of which no one knows or dreams perhaps, some self-indulgence, which we dare not deny that God condemns. The Lord is nigh unto them that call upon Him; He also will hear their cry, and will help them.--Psalm cxlv. Each of us must at some time face the crucial question: "Whom say ye that I am?" ( Matt. The separate, personal thinking of God toward every one of us.(1)Innumerable.(2)Constant.II. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me(Psalm 138:8 - YouTube Forasmuch as each man is a part of the human race, and human nature is something social, and hath for a great and natural good, the power also of friendship; on this account God willed to create all men out of one, in order that they might be held in their society not only by likeness of kind, but also by bond of kindred. G. T. Shedd, D. D.)God's presenceArchbishop Temple. Take heed unto me and hear me; how I mourn in my prayer and am vexed.--Psalm iv. 13-16).4. But yet there is another, not less powerful than any, which deserves special mention. Therefore the first natural bond of human society is man and wife. Before the Searcher of hearts all mankind must appeal to mere and sovereign mercy. For he who is required by the necessity of his position to speak the highest things is compelled by the same necessity to exhibit the highest things. The thought will flash across us that God sees us. His omnipotence (vers. --The Life and Writings of St. Hilary of Poitiers. St. Hilary of Poitiers is one of the greatest, yet least studied, of the Fathers of the Western Church. The law and covenant of God are co-extensive; and what is enjoined in the one is confirmed in the other. Rom. The poet returns to the opening words of the psalm, and prays for a new experience of Jehovah's searching scrutiny, that he may not be given over to self-conceit. In the day when I cried Charles KingsleyOut of the DeepWherefore a Few Witnesses, which the Lord Deigns to Suggest to My Mind32. A Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey. Then is the moment to choose whether or not we will live in the presence of God; then when the finger of conscience is pointing to Him and saying, "He is looking at you. Take heed unto me and hear me; how I mourn in my prayer and am vexed.--Psalm iv. Even in its most rudimental form, invisible to any other ken, it is still open to His eyes, and He determines all its subsequent development, recording in His book the days to come, i.e. But there are other reasons for the comparative neglect into which he has fallen. In short, to live with God is to be perpetually rising above the world; to live without Him is to be perpetually sinking into it, and with it, and below it. His omnipresence. 18, 19. His meditations are continuous. That act whereby another being knows my secret thoughts and inmost feelings is most certainly inexplicable.I. A Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey. Our hearts will put us in mind of God's eye being upon us every now and then involuntarily. )PeopleDavid, PsalmistPlacesJerusalemTopicsAbandon, Accomplish, Age, Chief, Complete, Concerneth, Concerns, David, Endures, Endureth, Eternal, Everlasting, Fall, Forever, Forsake, Fulfil, Fulfill, Hands, Kindness, Love, Loving, Lovingkindness, Loving-kindness, Mercy, Musician, O, Perfect, Psalm, Purpose, Steadfast, WorksOutline1. For those that are at variance are to be admonished to know most certainly that, in whatever virtues they may abound, they can by no means become spiritual if they neglect becoming united to their neighbours by concord. vi. It is a simple question of time; a simple question whether it shall come here in this world, where the blood of Christ "freely" flows, or in the future world, where "there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."(W. The Coming Andrew MurrayThe Ministry of IntercessionForasmuch as Each Man is a Part of the Human Race1. Differently to be admonished are those that are at variance and those that are at peace. Said Milton, speaking of his travels abroad when a young man: "I again take God to witness that in all places where so many things are considered lawful, I lived sound and untouched from all profligacy and vice, having this thought perpetually with me, that though I might escape the eyes of men, I certainly could not the eyes of God."4. - the power of the Holy Spirit, which worketh in me now; the promises, so many, so great, and precious, contained in the Holy Scriptures; and my own experience thus far, and that of many others; - all encourage and establish my faith that ' the Lord will perfect that,' etc. Our hearts will put us in mind of God's eye being upon us every now and then involuntarily. For he who is required by the necessity of his position to speak the highest things is compelled by the same necessity to exhibit the highest things. "But how do you know all this? He will perfect all that concerns you too in Jesus name. Welcome: Take a Survey. iii. Its words are as simple and unaffected as human words can be, for it is the genius John Edgar McFadyenIntroduction to the Old TestamentLinksPsalm 138:8 NIVPsalm 138:8 NLTPsalm 138:8 ESVPsalm 138:8 NASBPsalm 138:8 KJVPsalm 138:8 Bible AppsPsalm 138:8 ParallelPsalm 138:8 Biblia ParalelaPsalm 138:8 Chinese BiblePsalm 138:8 French BiblePsalm 138:8 German BiblePsalm 138:8 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)Unseen world.(3)Everywhere. III. He must be prepared for the Kingdom that has been prepared for him Saint Bernard of ClairvauxSome Letters of Saint Bernard, Abbot of ClairvauxThat the Ruler Should be Always Chief in Action. Is it not a strange thing that the advanced believer, when he reaches to the very height of piety, just comes to the spot where he commenced? Psalm 138:8 Choice comfort for a young believer As every state has its dangers, so the peril of religious concern is despondency. That of a prayerful seeking of the Divine guidance (ver. 1. Understand the meaning of Psalms 138:8 using all available Bible versions and commentary. 1 John 1:9, 1 Samuel 1:18, 1 Samuel 1:4-5, 1 Samuel 1:9-11, 2 Kings 4:13-17, 2 Kings 4:18-20, 2 Kings 4:28, 2 Kings 4:32-37, 2 Peter 5:15, 2 Samuel 7:15-17, 2 Timothy 4:10, 2 Timothy 4:7, 3 John 2, Colossians 4:14, Exodus 23:25, Ezekiel 37:1-10, Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 17:1-2, Genesis 18:10, Genesis 3:15, Hebrews 6:13-15, Hebrews 8:12, Isaiah 14:27, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Jeremiah 1:12, Job 42:12-17, Joel 2:25-26, Mark 10:46-52, Mark 10:52, Mark 11:23, Mark 4:39, Mark 8:22-25, Matthew 2:13, Matthew 2:1-3, Matthew 2:19-20, Matthew 2:6, Numbers 23:19, Philemon 23-24, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 4:19, Proverbs 21:30, Psalm 138:8, Psalm 23:1, Psalm 43:5, Psalm 91, Psalms 138:8, Romans 4:18-21, Sermon Topics: Those who live much in refined and educated society acquire refinement insensibly. Forasmuch as each man is a part of the human race, and human nature is something social, and hath for a great and natural good, the power also of friendship; on this account God willed to create all men out of one, in order that they might be held in their society not only by likeness of kind, but also by bond of kindred. How many are the Scriptures which bid us, by direct precept or by actual example, to fear lest we should come short of eternal life! S. Augustine, Of the City of God, xix. 5, 6. --The Life and Writings of St. Hilary of Poitiers. able characteristics of a rational being is the power of self-inspection. God has made us so. The Coming Andrew MurrayThe Ministry of IntercessionForasmuch as Each Man is a Part of the Human Race1. But there are other reasons for the comparative neglect into which he has fallen. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Then is the moment to choose whether or not we will live in the presence of God; then when the finger of conscience is pointing to Him and saying, "He is looking at you. Now, in this condition of things, God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life. The faith of that Centurion He on this account chiefly praised, and said St. 1. Gregory to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage [1454] . And do you not know that you, as do even the best of men, often sin, often transgress God's commandment by thought, word, or deed?" Cultivate a loving affection for Him.(Homilist.
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