I rent an apartment in a big old Victorian house in a crowded city neighborhood. GANGSTALKING TACTICS AND ABUSE IN BAY CITY TEXAS. These are law enforcement tactics. I believe both of them received some form of payment for doing this. Then I moved up one floor, and half of my current apartment is now directly above her. just like cops have an instinct to smell fear and catch me in my former life, they can sense an honest reformed heart as well. She may very well have had a part in luring my older brother to Vancouver and getting him to take some casual work. The less you react to a person's passive-aggressive actions, the less control they have over you. ALSO USING MY NEIGHBORS IN ON THIS EVER TIME I HAVE 2 OF THEM EVERY WHERE I MOVE TO COMPELEITY DIFFERENT PEOPLE NOISES HARASSING ME LIKE NO ONE CAN HERE THAT. How can they best be controlled? Financial abuse. These cult members are actually being given Harassment tasks and Street Theater Scripts to perform at a certain time of the day for the purpose of Harassment of another individual, despite the fact that the individual being targeted can easily document this Harassment and Cult behavior using a video camera with a date and time stamp, and sue the individuals for damages of Harassment and Emotional Distress. Anyway, very sad to read these stories. Surveillance in the targets residence. (I never dated anyone who was married so they must have heard some BS) It was a slander campaign to make me seem controversial. Again, surveillance is used primarily for harassment. This is my first post here. Repeatedly clearing throat. It might wake your sleeping child, frighten you, and make for an unpleasant experience. Remember when you first got your outdoor table? However, this appears to be the level of corrupt idiocy going on now in the US. How to Deal With Someone Who Is Passive- Aggressive. I think part of her behavior has aspects of bullying. persons involved in class action lawsuits, witnesses in legal cases, whistle-blowers, journalists, attorneys and other professionals targeted because of the work they do. Should You Give a Gift to a New Neighbor? 00:13 Trying the Door Handle (Personnel took it very seriously. However, it is not antisocial if it is linked to noise from arriving from work, the kids returning from school, and other daily routines. They feel resentment just from being asked, but they hide this emotion and do it anyway. I digress. A state career employment agency set me up for a frame and publicly denied my employment background to others. Most importantly the members of these cults have already been sensitized, conditioned, and brainwashed to these specific numbers, and are constantly looking to their watches and clocks, to see what the time is, in case they have a Harassment skit or order to perform at a specific time of the day or night, that has been passed to them by their criminal leader and organizer via a cell phone text. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Further, we all know that noise from a slammed door is a highly unpleasant and irritating sound that no one wants to hear; therefore, finding a solution is crucial. Such tactics are also being used in cases of hostage situations as well as covert government operations. 1: A neighbor leaves his or her house at the same time another neighbor arrives home . Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares why you might allow others to mistreat you and how you can learn to speak up for yourself. The way I felt on top of it, I would not talk about until much later. Budget Friendly Furnishing might earn compensation related to advertising fees by redirecting traffic to specific websites. . They will try to form intimate relationships with targets. Mobbing is a term that describes Group Bullying. This past May, the stalkers hacked our computers and all devices by breaking through our home router. -Any time I use my door past 8pm (to check the mail, to let someone in, or my partner leaves for the night), they get up from whatever they are doing to open and slam their door. I ran from my home to the streets, to parks, to cafes and back again. Don't slam or stomp. They may hold a council for the community or issue a warning to your neighbor. The new apartment on the other side of the building has a floor above. but with unbelievable efforts and advanced exploits, i saw how easily wifi can be havked if not powered off via outlet and then cell network disabled although showing full bars. Believe me please when I state a familiar quote known commonly as a life fact for those raised on any farm; The fox is guarding the hen house as the fox enjoys the hen for lunch that is a disaster of a scene for the imagination and should never be realized as a guard over others by removal of all protections. It has been indicated that targets will have warning markers placed against their files. I would also like to say, dont be afraid of her temper. Dont Think about it. Basically it is a bunch of ultra-rich psychopaths manipulating peoples lives to bet on in the stock market. My father, which is my best friend says things dont make sense or leads me to believe that he was contacted and knows something. She has a door?! They frequently direct angry outbursts at you. When the tenants leave, the door is left swinging freely, and the wind slams it against the door frame really hard--hard enough to make the dishes in my kitchen cabinets rattle. this is just like 10% of what these guys do. Keep these in a file, unopened even after either of you leave the company. He doesnt age, blink, his hair hasnt grown in 4 years, its eyes look like glass theres nothing there. Maybe she will get the hint. So, I did not seek any police support after that. The next day the landlord came and cut the tree down. I have been an office assistant for 35 years and I have never had a door. This can lead them to complain about being misunderstood or victimized. This is important for them to succeed. I wrote an original short story, entitled The Developer. It was about a male who was taking a sabbatical from his studies, worked in a photo finishing shop and became obsessed with a woman. I do not think that the human traffickers who put me into the MKULTRA program thought that I would realize, at age four, turning five years of age, what the significance was of this symbol, when I examined the scar. Hi there! For example, if several coworkers direct verbal insults on a daily basis towards a man who wears a turban because they believe he is Iraqi, this could create a hostile workplace environment even if the man is actually from India. now dispense w an action plan soldier cuz time is limited! Directed Conversation is a term referring to a stalking tactic using strangers conversation to both intimidate and to convey to the victim that they are under surveillance. Once he was taken out of our house, my family told me a horrid lie, that the system was looking at me as an accessory. She is very stern and serious, and I am a little frightened of her temper. My point is, I am still very friendly and professional. Member #1. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. You should know that this could get in court depending on the reaction of your neighbor. G.Solares, Hi Guillermo, Father God will answer you . Some stalkers are paid or receive other benefits. There may be issues of hate, pure malicious or chance. Dressing like they dress. It will solve the issue if handled well. You can also take more serious measures if you are ready to be patient with the official process of legal proceedings.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'homecadet_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homecadet_com-medrectangle-4-0'); When approaching your neighbor about their door-slamming habits, make sure you are calm. At the same time, they gravitate toward others who have the same type of boundary issues, often focusing on people who are conflict-averse people-pleasing. E.g. The sound of those big trucks backing up with the shrill beeping makes my blood boil. Jangling keys, jangling change. Vehicles with one head light on and the other headlight off. This can end up in a fine and even ejection from the apartment. You cant copyright an idea. But all this I tell you, because I want you to know what is happening to me and what it will be used on the masses, soon my comments will be believed and the knowledge of this technology and abuse will be totally exposed. i think the final attempt is pinning it on me and claiming me insane. I have a tenant that keeps slamming his | Legal Advice - LawGuru Subject returning both hands against back, or on stomach. I was literally kept awake for the entire duration. The harassment is so severe or pervasive that it interferes with the employees ability to perform their work or changes the terms and conditions of their employment, The harassment is related to the employees membership or perceived membership in a protected group, such as their race or gender, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), Criminal Conviction Discrimination in Employment, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Family Responsibility Discrimination in Employment, Sex and Gender Discrimination in Employment, Medical Condition Discrimination in Employment, Military Status Discrimination in Employment, National Origin Discrimination in Employment, Sex Stereotyping Discrimination in Employment, Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Employment, Workers' Compensation and Disability Benefits, Immigration Laws for Employers and Employees, Retaliation for Exercising Employee Rights. My life is too short and sweet to let someone ruin it for me because they have a power/control problem. Street Theater is a term used to describe the odd-actions and behaviors that stalkers sometimes neighbors do in public, in an attempt to rile the victim. So, its advisable! At least, I know what. Sorry to hear about this. In some cases, the person who is passive-aggressive may not even realize that they are angry or feeling resentfulbecause their feelings have been repressed or they have poor self-awareness. It can help to cushion the door pad. Dont talk about it. Her periodic bad behavior is not causing me to consider alternative employment. Forget you have the ability to recognize it in your life. People dont act like normal people. Pedestrian targets complain about cars that consistently cut them off, being hit by cars, and other almost near mishaps. Slamming Doors Can Break Spirits - so don't do it when you are mad To cause the target to appear mentally unstable is one, and this is achieved through a carefully detailed assault using advanced psychological harassment techniques, and a variety of other tactics that are the usual protocol for gang stalking, such as street theater, mobbing, pervasive petty disrespecting. Getting the cops involved is another option, and it entails filing a complaint against the neighbor involved. Yes, slamming doors is a deliberate act of disturbance. I cannot have a life of any sort. Once I was institutionalization in psyche yards for 14 fourteen days..Again in another country..GOD BLESS ALL OF US. She was the Director of the Catholic School Board, as well. Getting a target sensitized to sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Im a victim. This is the excuse and pretext that these criminals are using in an attempt to justify Stalking and Harassing other individuals for years at a time!. F.B.I. Relational aggression, also sometimes referred to as social aggression, involves damaging a person's social relationships by spreading rumors, excluding them from events, or otherwise making them feel as if they are not accepted. She may either be doing this on purpose as a learned behavior or she may have an emotional problem that she cannot control on her own. Maybe a non-accusatory, factual statement like, when you get upset your behavior is having a negative impact on those around you. My first cousin sends her Pink nurse to the building where I live and she visits Donnell Enns, who does not appear to live in my building, but rather, seems to be on surveillance duty. they should have left the scene by now but some loser with a short stick is cutting lose ends or being punished for having failed terribly. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. We are having a problem with our neighbour would really appreciate any advice. With everything prepaid and debit based you cant see ANY of this on your credit report. Youll want to check the local noise ordinances and harassment laws in your state and local area. The malicious slander continues with the building manager & quite a few tenants are slandering my name. As a targeted individual any advice to counteract and end this. LOL. It seems best to ignore the door slamming and just stay away from her when she is in that mode. I have found that 90% of the tactics used are only effective if they are given attention. They also play skits using doppelgngers. They might ask for your phone number after engaging you in conversation. That way, my relatives could keep the MKULTRA money and obtain life insurance money on my life. Talk to the Harasser. This might be flashed once or twice at targets. Neighbor Keeps Knocking on My Door: What to Do? If you call the cable company, gas or phone company be sure you know that its actually them that you are speaking to. Hitting your target with only the force of a blow gun. Oftentimes, their actions are a way of coping with anger that they don't feel comfortable openly expressing. or so i hope lol. I have been living a life of Hell. I have been heated all night, every night, for the last year. Good luck. This will mostly affect you when you have the windows open. Privacy Policy. I've asked landlord to soundproof door to prevent slamming or to move me to another apartment. Cyber Stalking or Cyber Harassment is a related group of harassing behavior occurring via internet/online. . I ended up getting 302 for 2 & 1/2 weeks against the law. Unlawful Workplace Harassment is unwelcome or unsolicited speech or conduct based upon race, sex, creed, religion, national origin, age, genetic information or disabling condition as defined by G.S. Anchoring is a technique employed by stalkers to implant a false motivation or reason behind the stalking, preventing the victim from discovering the truth. There will usually be someone nearby to see how you react to it. The stalkers, for the most part, are everyday citizens. Organized Gang Stalking: What You Need to Know (Re: Overt Harassment) https://www.youtube.com/c/ServantsResearchMinistry Copyright 2023 Business Management Daily. People who behave in a passive-aggressive way can also be sarcastic, even when sarcasm is inappropriate. Yet this is being done now to a few who are growing in numbers by the day. He threw so much away, including a book I finished writing & about to be published. What are their weaknesses? I have no voice. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time. Passive aggressive behaviorpreventing and dealing with challenging behavior. It would be ecstasy to get away from the bullying neighbor, but it would be a risk. They want to know where the target is at all times. Ill not go out alone! These bizarre Arm Harassment Gestures are only a small portion and a criminal Harassment tactic, that is used as a part of the large Syndicated Crime of Organized Gang Stalking. Other than that, I would just be the most professional, competent and well balanced admin. They will also use these weapons if targets are not going along with their harassment protocol. I need help her Nick Stahl urged me to visit my brother there and I went all the way up there. Also, examine and adjust the door closer if necessary. Some internet groups which help stalking victims are heavily populated with perpetrators posing as victims. This would have given a good excuse for him to take out large policies, since his wife was much younger. No doubt about it and they also link themselves to various police agencies. In most cities, this notification is well known, and used by many workers and employers. To lure into dangerous, difficult, or a compromising situations. How to Deal With a Passive-Aggressive Bully - Verywell Mind She wouldnt be able to slam the door then. No, judge involvement. No. 1. Vehicles used may be of the same color, and stalkers may honk the car horn or flash the car headlights as they pass. Document each of these encounters, keep a copy and mail the original to yourself and do not open. It looks completely natural and it seems to be a random encounter. No content advocating violence, revenge, murder (even in jest). The city of Denver appears to be a hot spot for harassment. Things like do I support adultery? Maybe she just doesnt realize what she is doing? Using Gestures around the target. Setting up targets could involve getting them arrested, institutionalized, set up on fake sexual harassment charges, drug charges, illegal pornographic materials, etc. I had a novel, 3/4 complete. You must prevent the door from slamming by shutting it using a rubber band and utilizing new door hinges to replace the old ones. Just remember those sponsoring the harassment wish to disrupt our society strictly for their own gain. "Folks who get targeted often have difficulty with being assertive and affirmative, which is a similar challenge for those who resort to passive-aggressive bullying creating a vicious cycle. Recently my mother was targeted by being abducted out of her home, estate money stolen and put in a nursing home by my siblings a special Hell awaits them. Some Stalkers are actual Private Investigators who have been hired to gather information concerning the victim. The sensor can stay in place for the entire testing duration - no need to replace, or reconfigure your test once the sensor is secured. The main way is by sleep deprivation by projecting noises into my room while I sleep. Individuals who are victims of Organized Gang Stalking Technological Harassment and Human Trafficking and Racketeering, are being daily subjected to these intentional bizarre Harassment Arm gestures, being used as a subliminal persuasion sexual gesture by these degenerate, deranged cult members who are, if not directly involved in the Human Trafficking Operations, are being used as cheerleaders for those involved in or operating Human Trafficking and Racketeering Operations by use of Remote Neural Monitoring Satellite technology. The noise produced by slamming doors can be annoying and upsetting, especially if it happens frequently; therefore, it could be extended to a form of verbal harassment . If you REALLY want to make me see red, park a construction zone in my neighborhood. Joe will be mobbed at work and as part of that daily mobbing his coworkers will loudly cough at him every time they harass him by calling him names like loser, worthless, lame, demented. It sounds very primary, yet it is SO effective. This synchronized activity is one of the main techniques used in harassing a target and is repeated. Mobbing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobbing. Neighbors constantly slamming doors becomes antisocial If it produces nuisance and disturbance. On the other hand, if your front door is continually banging, you know how irritating it can be. In more sinister examples, Anchoring involves the implantation of evidence to persuade the victim some other group or organization is responsible for the abuse. Following a target around in vehicles, tailgating the targets vehicle on the road, driving or creeping by the targets home, two vehicles intentionally passing the other vehicle by or in front of the targets home repeatedly. Many stalkers are members of volunteer police groups. Somewhere buried in this psychopathic scheme, are the duplicitous morons who are paid to stalk people. I did not have any inkling at the time that this hospital treats dangerous, violent criminals who are not criminally responsible. When it comes to door slamming, it is a fact that this noise can be quite annoying and it can disturb your peace big time. Ive discovered the hard way that, in the age of the internet and smartphones, being doxxed and gang stalked can be manipulated in a variety of ways, go viral online, and entail a seemingly endless rogue of psychopaths, with each group believing its own set of lies about their intended targets. This angry neighbor can see when I wake up. A lot of things can prompt your neighbor to slam the door. I had read some information about organized stalking. By the last such ambush period, I remembered having the swastika scar, which I had forgotten deliberately, at age six or seven. Is slamming a door in a workplace sufficient justification - JustAnswer Usually, monochromatic color schemes are used, though this choice is pretty much up to the stalkers. It happened too much eventsbin my life. You can talk to them directly, leave a note under their door, or talk to them over the phone. I was assaulted and I had to mop up a burst of blood every five minutes literally. (Quick Answer), Will a Porch Light Keep Raccoons Away? The term Gas-Lighting originates from the 1944 film Gaslight. In the movie, the character of Gregory Anton, played by actor Charles Boyer, attempts to drive the character Pauline, played by actress Ingrid Bergman, insane. Slamming Door Stock Videos and Royalty-Free Footage - iStock What can you blackmail them with? i was drugged w jimmson weed as well and halluincinated all w the hopes of robbing me perhaps even killing me. Like those who work for ROCA. I am not being accused and I am not REALLY under investigation as I am being actively destroyed by an army of people largely unknown to me. First off I think it is terrific you actually have doors to shutmost administrative assistants do not. Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing ineating behaviors, stress management, and health behavior change. Im so agoraphobic, even though I left my husband, I wont date & I isolate. The next morning, one of the same members of the cult leaves home at 7:07 followed by another member of the cult. I think this is a must share with others on the Targeted Individual social media sites. The powers that be, have managed to socially isolate me from the people who live within my community. Whether I stay home or go out for a few minutes. They claim that the law will arrest me for something they claim I did. There is a heavy lobby door that automatically slams shut if you don't prevent it from doing so (stopping it from slamming is effortless and takes about 1.5 seconds). 2: A neighbor arrives home and at the exact same time a complete stranger or pedestrian walks by a targets home. You create most of the chaos by linking the perpetrators pre planted ideas in your head with reality. Others are more sullen and argumentative. They are shallow, greedy and egotistical, but pretend they have a higher cause (religion, military or state security, etc.) A new apartment on the other side of the building has opened up, and the landlord has approved me to move there. While I can Relate to many of the problems the TID have, my take is the issue is money. It tells them that you recognize what they are doing and that you're not going to allow them to engage in those behaviors when interacting with you. I have been trashed so many times, I told the manager, it will be going slow, because I have to find important papers. Mimicking actions of the target. With or without doctors. I do not know whether these programs will ever be exposed. Your documentation of interactions is a nice thing to have but it is in no way proof of your innocence in this matter. Electronic Harassment is the use of technological devices to spy on or cause harm to targeted victims. This might be used to let targets know they are being watched, however these signals might also be a way for Informants in cars at night, to communicate with their fellow counterparts. Done a lot of things to me over the years to where Im hyper aware. The other neighbors can help you talk to the person to be courteous whenever they want to shut the door. Yes this is happening to me definitely. Share. Please everyone, listen to these words I say. I think that they would like to force me to have diabetes. Youll of course have to get your neighbors permission to inspect their door and diagnose why its so loud. You can also provide examples of when the door was slammed and how it impacted you. There must be a way that we can help ourselves organize and control the pain and anguish. Again, if your really sincere in fighting the gang stalking culture occurring across the US, you will clean up your act, and start by sorting out all these distinctions. If you have someone who you consider a passive-aggressive bully in your life, you can take steps to protect yourself. However, they are fronts to stalk, monitor and collect data on different demographics, funded by huge capital firms like Goldman Sachs. Using occupational health and safety laws, warning markers can be added to a targets file. Therefore, you might wait to run to them in front of the building or at some other public place where you can casually address the issue with slamming doors. What are their weaknesses? Triggers have been installed in your mind. This helps establish your boundaries. I could really use your input. Another common passive-aggressive behavior is that when the person is asked to do something they don't want to do, instead of saying no, they say yes. Other times, they may simply never follow through with what was requested. Choose to respond in a healthy way to their unhealthy behaviors to help keep it from being a toxic relationship. Not only is the sound a disturbance, but the door slamming can cause property damage that might impact your space as well. I am attempting to reach out to other targeted individuals to stay informed and increase support and awareness. You came to this earth now for these last days. Three years ago I moved to the farthest northern part of Maine, 20 miles from the Quebec/Canadian border, but the same people followed me there and since it was a very small town, they could not hide, but had the local police on their side, they tried to incriminate me, but they couldnt and then I located to Phoenix Arizona to live with my best friends, but they followed me here and then I become aware that they actually already had my best friend under their watch also. If i knew then to strategize by being motionless like a statue i woukd have mitigated more exploits earlier as most require user action to finalize their most true intentions which is to fully reduce all devices leg of supports and verification process. Unlawful Workplace Harassment - Storehouse Blowing horns by the targets home. Heavy footsteps, mystery thuds and thumps, doors slamming, cabinets and drawers slamming, all the wonderful things about apartment living. Multiple neighbor bedrooms, including my old bedroom, were in close proximity to that door. The severe impact will also cause some damage to the door frame and the door itself, and whenever you try to lock the door, it is likely to fall or make more noise due to excessive slamming. Make sure you use I statements, stick to facts, and dont come across as angry or accusatory since they might react in a similar manner. A Handy Tip: Slamming on your door can damage things for you and cost you extra cash. Despite the statements to defame, I have done nothing but help others my entire life. McKinney has been a Targeted Individual herself for many decades and understands the larger system as well as anyone. During Directed Conversation, personal information concerning the victim is inserted into the speech and emphasized by the stalkers in a fashion that most non-victims would not be able to discern as harassment. After complaining about a neighbor slamming door, he has started - Avvo
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