Reserved.DIVISION 2. Minors.It shall be unlawful for any person to sell a firearm to an individual under eighteen (18) years of age or for a person under eighteen (18) years of age to purchase, carry or transport a firearm.(Ord. (Code 1985, 16-113), Sec. How old do you need to be to purchase a BB gun, airgun, air rifle or pellet gun in Michigan? (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any firearm or other instrument producing a like effect and noise, within the city, except in the lawful defense of his person or property, or as otherwise permitted by law. Definitions. 10-19-2000), Sec. Firearms in General. 14-66. 1988, 20.503), ARTICLE II. (Code 1979, 9.144), Sec. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any air gun within the city, except on an indoor target range; provided that this section shall not apply whenever air guns using only BB shot are used on premises with the consent of the owner or occupant of such premises. 10-19-2000; Ord. (c) The Department of Parks and Recreation shall identify state or nationally recognized recreational shooting safety and program standards and shall promulgate or adopt rules for the safe and orderly administration of recreational shooting programs.(Ord. Hunting within city limits.No person shall carry or use a firearm, air gun, spring gun, BB gun, pellet gun, bow and arrow, sling-shot, trapping equipment or other dangerous weapon or instrument for the purpose of hunting or trapping within the city limits. Taken down;b. 16-139. What is a slungshot and why is it illegal in Florida? :: (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a person may, while complying with any gun registration requirements, while participating in a city gun buy-back program or turning in a weapon to the city for disposal or destruction, possess an unloaded weapon at the particular public building in connection with such activity. (3) A person may discharge a firearm for target practice purposes, in a safe manner upon an approved range. Sec. Chapter 115 WEAPONS AND EXPLOSIVES Ann Arbor, Michigan Code of Ordinances9:261. Discharge of weapons.No person shall discharge any weapon within the village except in connection with the performance of lawful duties of law enforcement, or the protection of person or property when confronted with deadly force.(Ord. 46-245. (4) A person who possesses a firearm in a school for purposes of providing or receiving instruction in firearms safety. Source ;-- 14-280. No. Sec. (e) A person may possess a weapon for purposes of transporting the weapon to any location where it may lawfully be possessed under this ordinance; provided, however, that when being transported, the weapon shall be encased, and, in the case of guns, shall be unloaded, except in the case of BB guns. 10-216. Weapons and explosives.No person, except a law enforcement officer, shall bring onto park or beach property or have in his possession on park or beach property any firearm or ammunition, any explosive, dynamite cap, fireworks that leave the ground, explode, or propel anything other than sparks into the air, any air gun, pellet gun, or any device by means of which a projectile can be propelled, any incendiary bomb or material; any smoke or stink bomb; any tear gas or other disabling chemical or agent; any inflammable liquid, except fuel in a fuel tank of a vehicle, vessel, camp stove or camp heater; any lighter fluid or starter fluid expressly manufactured for lighting charcoal or other cooking fuel in a designated picnic area only and but no more than one quart of such, which shall be kept in its original container. Persons exempt from division.Police officers, peace officers and persons in the military service, in pursuit of official duty, and persons duly authorized by federal or state law to carry firearms, are exempt from the provisions of this division. 18-324. Additional historical documents can be found at, Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 3 of 2023, House: Adjourned until Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:30:00 PM, Senate: Adjourned until Tuesday, March 7, 2023 10:00:00 AM, No. Sec. DIVISION 2. Legal Updates - Michigan No. Always check with your local jurisdiction for the final ruling. No. 4, 1-15-1917), Sec. 22-128. No person under 18 years of age shall use or possess any handgun designed and manufactured exclusively for propelling B.B.s not exceeding .177 caliber by means of spring, gas or air, outside the curtilage of his domicile unless he is accompanied by a person over 18 years of age. ), 672.05 POSSESSING FIREARMS, AIR RIFLES, ETC. 38-10-1. The retention, disposition and forfeiture of confiscated weapons by the police department shall be in compliance with MCL 750.239a.(Ord. WEAPONS Allen Park, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (4) To indoor enclosed firearm ranges so constructed as to prevent damage to property or injury or death to any person where such firearm ranges are otherwise lawful; provided, however, that the discharge of a bow and arrow is permitted upon unenclosed ranges where such ranges are constructed so as to prevent damage to property or injury or death to any person.(Ord. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Firearms, except as otherwise specifically defined in this Code, means any weapon from which a dangerous projectile may be propelled by using explosives, gas or air as a means of propulsion. Intentionally aiming a firearm, BB gun, or bow and arrow without malice.It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally, without malice, point or aim any firearm, BB gun, or bow and arrow at or toward any other person.(Ord. 38-71. No. ARTICLE II. Definitions. Polaris recommends always wearing a DOT-approved full-face helmet while operating a Slingshot. Ords. Permission required prior to discharge of explosive devices/firearms.No person shall fire off, set off, or explode any gunpowder, cracker, squib, rocket or fireworks, or fire any cannon, gun, toy, air, target or spring gun, revolver, pistol, toy pistol, cap or cartridge, or aid or abet therein within the limits of the village, without first having obtained permission in writing from the president.(Comp. No person shall hunt or discharge any firearm or weapon including, but not limited to, a bow or BB gun, within the Paint Creek Walkway. No. 16-255. 177 or have a muzzle velocity of more than 700 feet per second are treated as firearms, New York City & its 5 boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens & Staten Island. 218-2. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. Polaris Slingshot Now Legal in Texas - News Use of air guns and similar devices.No person shall use or discharge any air gun, air pistol or any other device for the propulsion of pellets or other missiles within the city. 18-331. Dangerous or obnoxious materials or equipment. Hunting wild game or fowl.No person shall hunt wild game or fowl within the city or in any manner carry a gun, weapon, firearm or bow and arrow within the city for the purpose of hunting any wild game or fowl at any time. (8) A dormitory or classroom of a community college, college, or university. As used in this article, replica or facsimile firearm shall include, but is not limited to toy guns, theatrical production props models, or any other device or object which might reasonably be perceived to be real firearms. of 2-22-2005; Ord. (4) An individual who possesses a weapon provided by a school or a schools instructor on school property for purposes of providing or receiving instruction in the use of that weapon. Violate the regulation that use of the individual fireplaces together with tables and benches follows generally the rule of first come, first served.c. 67-11, 4-25-67), Sec. No. Transportation and possession.It shall be unlawful for any person to transport or to have in possession in or upon any vehicle a firearm unless such firearm is unloaded in both barrel and magazine and carried in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. 377, 1(9.181), 3-2-82; Ord. Privacy Policy (b) Parents, guardians; duty. No. SLINGSHOT HUNTING LAWS: ALL 50 STATES | Slingshots Forum No. (3) Unlawful to brandish replica or facsimile of firearm in presence of police officer, firefighter or emergency medical technician. Hunting with firearms prohibited. This subsection is not applicable to: (1) a person who is authorized by the laws of this state to carry or possess a firearm in an area of a motor vehicle accessible to the occupants of the vehicle or (2) the transport of replica or facsimile firearms by a person, or his/her duly authorized agent, who is engaged in the lawful manufacture, distribution, or sale of replica or facsimile firearms. 428, 1, 9-28-2009; Ord. 10-215. The person is carrying a firearm unloaded in a wrapper or container in the trunk of the persons vehicle from the place of purchase to his or her home or place of business or to a place of repair or back to his or her home or place of business, or in moving goods from one place of abode or business to another place of abode or business.d. 20-332. No. 62-287. (3) Carried in the trunk of the vehicle. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Grosse Pointe, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. Sale or furnishing of dangerous weapons to minors and intoxicated persons.No person shall knowingly sell, offer for sale, loan or furnish any rifle, firearm or other dangerous or deadly weapon to:(1) Any minor under the age of 18 years;(2) Any person under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic drug, stimulant or depressant;(3) Any person in a condition of agitation and excitability; or(4) Any person the seller, lender or donor has reasonable cause to believe is not of sound mind. The prohibition in subsection (a)(6) of this section shall not apply to the discharge of a firearm consisting solely of a blank charge without projectile, when the discharge is made as part of an historical reenactment, memorial service or similar ceremony, provided such discharge is obtained in advance from the chief of police or his designee, who shall review such request and determine whether the proposed discharge is safe with regard to time, location as compared to adjacent or nearby uses, duration, and proposed precautions against injury. It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant of premises within the city to permit the use of any air gun using B.B. (a) No person shall deposit or abandon in or on any lands or water areas within the boundaries of any park or playground any garbage, sewage, bottles, cans, refuse, trash, waste or other obnoxious materials except in receptacles provided for such purposes. No. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Air-gun shall mean any gun, rifle, pistol or device by whatever name known which is designed to expel or shoot a projectile or missile by the action of compressed air or of a spring or elastic, but does not mean any gun or device regulated by the provisions of Act No. 1985, 20.04120.043; Code 1998, 16-71; Ord. (3) Any device used exclusively for signaling or safety and required or recommended by the United States Coast Guard, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Aviation Agency or (the appropriate state agencies governing marine, air or highway safety).Longarm means any rifle, shotgun or firearm, over 30 inches in overall length. 1986, 3.10(6); Code 1994, 34-113). No. 249, 3-23-11), ARTICLE VII. (c) No person shall carry or have on or about his person at any place other than the residence or fixed place of business of such person a firearm unless the firearm is unloaded and encased. Careless, reckless or negligent use of firearms; injury of property.Any person who, because of carelessness, recklessness or negligence, but not willfully or wantonly, shall cause or allow any firearm under his control to be discharged so as to destroy or injure the property of another, real or personal, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.(Comp. Permission of violation.It shall be unlawful for any person, dealer, parent, guardian or adult instructor knowingly to permit or allow any minor under 18 years of age to possess, use, operate, or discharge an air-gun, slingshot or bow and arrow in any manner or place contrary to the provisions of this division. 28-433. (a) Unlawful display of replica, toy or imitation gun. Carrying or attempting to use a slungshot is a felony in the states of California, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, and Michigan. Reckless carrying or use.It shall be unlawful for any person to recklessly or heedlessly or willfully or wantonly use, carry, or handle or discharge any firearm without due caution and circumspection for the rights, safety or property of others.(Ord. BB gun; possession by minor.No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall use or possess any gun designed and manufactured exclusively for propelling BBs not exceeding 1.77 caliber, by means of spring, gas or air, outside of the property line by a person over eighteen (18) years of age.Any person who violates the provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.(Ord. (4) Licensed dealer means a person licensed under Section 923 of Chapter 44 of Title 18 of the United States Code who regularly buys and sells firearms as a commercial activity with the principal objective livelihood and profit. The use of slingshots is not illegal in Queensland but it may be considered an aggressive or dangerous method for gunning down wildlife. I, 4-20-98), Sec. C-6-2009, 1, 7-27-09 )Sec. Carrying the weapon is considered a felony in four states, including California, Oklahoma, Massachusetts and Michigan. (f) Violations and penalties. Massachusetts. (b) Possession. 46-244. 50-5. (b) The following noises and disturbances are hereby declared to be a violation of this article, provided, however, that the specification of the same is not thereby to be construed to exclude other violations of this article not specifically enumerated:(3) The firing of any firearm, air gun, or other combustible substance for the purpose of creating an unreasonable noise or disturbance. It shall be unlawful to carry a firearm on any public street or in any public place unless it is unloaded and in a case.Sec. DefinitionsFirearm means any weapon or device from which is propelled any missile, projectile, bullet, shot, pellet or other mass by means of explosives, compressed air or gas, or by any means of springs, levers or other mechanical device, but does not mean a bow and arrow, sling shot, paint ball gun or BB gun, which propels a projectile of a caliber of .177 or less.(Ord. 116, 1(b), 4-22-1954)Sec. Availability. Possession of knives, etc.It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession or control, except within his own domicile, or carry or use in any manner, any knife with a blade in excess of three (3) inches, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto or any other sharp-edged or pointed instrument or weapon used for inflicting injury upon another, provided however, that such person shall not be in violation of this section if his possession of such knife with a blade in excess of three (3) inches, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto or any other sharp-edged or pointed instrument is necessary for his employment, trade or occupation, or if he is engaged in or is proceeding to or returning from a place of hunting, trapping or fishing and whenever required, is also carrying a currently valid license issued to him by the state department of conservation, or such person is a duly enrolled member of the Boy Scouts of America or a similar organization or society and such possession is necessary to participate in the activities of such organization or society or if the knife with a blade in excess of three (3) inches, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto or any other sharp-edged pointed instrument is required under circumstances that tend to establish that it is possession for a lawful purpose. FIREARMS, KNIVES AND DANGEROUS INSTRUMENTS Woodhaven, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. Discharge of firearms, air-guns or spring-loaded guns, or bows and arrows. 174, 1, 6-15-00), 102.000 FIREARMS Brownstown Charter Township (Wayne Co.), Michigan Compilation-General Ordinances, 102.001 [Possession of firearms prohibited; exceptions.]. FAQs (a) No person shall deposit or abandon in or on any lands or water areas within the boundaries of the metropark any garbage, sewage, bottles, refuse, trash, waste or other obnoxious material except in receptacles or pits provided for such purposes. No. The reason behind these rules is the following: *You sit in the machine with a steering wheel and seat belt. Discharge of firearms, air guns, etc.No person shall discharge any firearm, air rifle, air gun, or slingshot in the city, or discharge any bow and arrow in the city, except at regularly established archery range or rifle ranges authorized by the city. ARTICLE IV. Carrying weapons.It is a misdemeanor if a person carries any air rifle, BB gun, bow and arrow, slingshot, crossbow or other dangerous weapon in any public place in a careless or reckless manner or so as to endanger persons or property, subject to the following exceptions:(1) When such weapon is in a case and is not loaded;(2) When a bow or crossbow is unstrung or encased, or when it is being carried under the direct supervision of authorized public recreational personnel; or(3) Where and as otherwise permitted by state law.(Ord. No. I, 11-12-01). 17-142. All though, other states do require a helmet. Firearms.No person shall possess within a city park any bow, arrows, pistol, slingshot, air gun, rifle, gun, dart gun, shotguns or other firearm.(Ord. Possession unlawful.It shall be unlawful for the parent or guardian of any minor child under the age of 18 years to knowingly permit such minor child under the age of eighteen 18 years to use or have in his or her possession any spring gun, air gun, sling-shot, bow and arrow, or other weapon capable of or designed to discharge any shot, pellet or missile likely to inflict bodily injury or property damage, except and unless such minor child under the age of 18 years shall be, at the time of his or her use or possession of any gun or weapon herein described, under the direct supervision or control of his or her parent or guardian or some other adult person. Minors.It shall be unlawful for any person under eighteen (18) years of age to purchase, carry or transport a firearm on any public street or in any public place. The police department shall return a weapon to its owner if the owner claims the weapon within the notification period and the police department determines that the owner was not involved in the violation for which the weapon was seized. Sec. Columbus, Ohio. No. It shall be the responsibility of every parent, guardian or other person having the physical custody or charge of any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years to control the minor and prevent him or her from violating or attempting to violate any provisions of this division. 1022, 664.03(b)(20), 4-20-2010)Sec. CITY PARKS Hudsonville, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. DIVISION 2. Unable to ship due to shipping restrictions 3.16. (c) Unloaded longarms may be transported from a place of purchase to the residence of the purchaser if enclosed in a carton, container, closed gun case or wrapped completely in commercial wrapping paper securely closed by tape or string, while being so transported. 10-211. 377, 1(9.180), 3-2-82; Ord. 1982, 3.310.00(1)), Sec. Rebates & Promotions Firearms Canton Charter Township, (Wayne Co.), Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. slingshots are illegal for shipping and can't be shipped either into or from Salt Lake City Utah. No. (Code 1950, 3-3.3; Ord. No. 22 eff. 446, 4, 2-3-98)Sec. Inflatable Ranges, Daisy History 15-185. Aiming and pointing firearms.It shall be unlawful for any person, except a law enforcement officer or a citizen acting in self-defense, to intentionally point or aim any firearm at or toward any other person, whether or not such weapon is loaded or armed.(Ord. are slingshots legal in michigan - (Code 1979, 2:6.5)Sec. 73.1, IV, 6-27-2005), Sec. aau basketball tournaments 2021 hoover alabama. Discharge prohibited; exception.No person shall discharge any firearm, air rifle, air pistol or bow and arrow in the city, except when lawfully acting in the defense of persons or property or the enforcement of law or as authorized under this article. 81-29, 612, 7-21-81; Ord. 9.171. C-10-2012, 2, 7-23-12), DIVISION 2. DIVISION 1. 58-185. (4) Inaccessible from the interior of the vehicle.(Comp. Weapon Laws in Queensland - Bouchier Khan Lawyers 277, 1, 6-18-79; Ord. 20-22. 4. 81, 6, eff. (5) A theater. This section shall not apply to any person in possession of any such knife when it is used or carried in good faith as a tool of honest work, trade, business, sport or recreation when the person in possession of any such knife is actively engaged therein or actively engaged in going to or returning from such honest work, trade, business, sport or recreation. (b) A person violating any of the remaining provisions of this article shall be deemed responsible for a civil infraction and subject to a civil fine of $500.00 for the first offense and $1,000.00 for each subsequent offense. 68, 2, 11-15-76), ARTICLE VII. 1994, 20.5904)Sec. Disposition of confiscated weapons.The police department, upon making any arrests and taking a weapon used in violation of this division, shall retain possession of such weapon for a time period sufficient to notify the owner of the confiscated weapon, as provided in section 22-133, below. 77, 22.004, 8-6-1973), ARTICLE IV. 207, 16, 11-11-74; Ord. (Code 1963, 9.32(d)), Sec. Air guns and slingshots.No minor under the age of eighteen (18) years shall use or have in his possession within the city, any air gun or slingshot. WEAPONS, EXPLOSIVES AND FIREWORKS Ypsilanti, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (a) No person shall, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, possess a firearm on the premises of any of the following:(1) A depository financial institution or a subsidiary or affiliate of a depository financial institution. Transportation and possession.It shall be unlawful for any person to transport or to have in his possession in or upon any vehicle a firearm unless the firearm is unloaded in both barrel and magazine and carried in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. WEAPONS Wayland, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Norway, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. No. 739, 12-22-86; Ord. (Code 1964, 66-2-5), ARTICLE XVI. 12-141. DefinitionsReplica or facsimile of a firearm means any device or object which is a replica, facsimile, imitation or toy version of any firearm, including but not limited to toy guns, movie or stage props, starter pistols, inoperative firearms, models, replicas or any other device designed or used to imitate a firearm and is a substantial duplication of an actual firearm.Weapon means any air pistol of less than .17 caliber, air rifle, slingshot, crossbow, bow, Molotov cocktail, fire bomb or bomb, knife having a blade three inches in length or longer, shurikins (throwing stars) and nunchaku, not including antique guns not in operating condition. PARKS REGULATED BY HURON-CLINTON METROPOLITAN AUTHORITYSec. (b) To trap or snare any animal or wildlife at any time within the limits of the city by means of a steel leg trap, wire snare, pit, net, baited hook, weighted log, wire cage, or any other kind of trapping device. Such conduct, as described in said statutes, is prohibited. Intentionally aiming a firearm without malice.It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally, without malice, point or aim any firearm at or toward any other person, or to discharge any firearm while so aimed. 16-251. 2-176. (Code 1975, 8-4-25; Code 1997, 54-284). Also, bow and arrow instruction will be allowed at an approved site under supervision of a qualified instructor as part of the curriculum of an accredited education system and with appropriate indemnification of the city approved by the city legal department. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to carry a firearm 30 inches or less in length on his person, concealed or otherwise, in the public streets, alleys, public shopping centers or places of business frequented by the public, public parks, public school property, property locations of religious worship open to the public or any other place in the city unless the bearer possesses a duly authorized unexpired Michigan license to carry a concealed weapon. 9.90.050 Shooting range or areaPolice chief authorityLiability for damage or injuries.The chief of police may approve or designate a range or area in and upon which air guns may be used; provided, however, he or the city, or both, shall not be responsible for death, injury or property damage resulting from the use of any such range or area. 16-55. No. (a) It shall be unlawful for any dealer to sell, lend, rent, give or otherwise transfer an air gun to any person under the age of 18 years where the dealer knows or has failed to make reasonable inquiry relative to the age of such person and such person is under 18 years of age. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Firearms means revolvers, pistols, shotguns, rifles, air-guns, pellet guns, starting pistols, BB guns, or any other guns or other weapons which discharge projectiles either by air, explosive substance or any other force. 24-23. (b) Persons seventeen years of age and older. (b) No person shall discharge any firearm from which is propelled a projectile including pistols, revolvers, rifles, shot guns or similar weapons or bows and arrows, manual or automatic, within the village with the following exceptions:(1) Authorized officers of the law are permitted to discharge their firearms in the performance of their duties. No. 1019, 1, 5-28-02), Sec. Air gun means any gun, rifle or pistol by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile by the action of compressed air or gas.B. (4) The proprietor of a place of business, or his duly authorized agent, may have a weapon in his possession in such place of business for purposes of protecting such place of business. Good heads up. And, this week, they found a spot where some of them are being stored. "This bad law is creating criminals," said Hammer. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any air gun from or across any street, alley, sidewalk or public road within the limits of the city, or on or across any public land except on a properly constructed and supervised target range. No. Discharge of other firearms.It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm not covered by section 14-277:(1) Within an area of 100 yards from any building, structure or edifice whether occupied or unoccupied;(2) Upon any platted land or within 100 yards of any public or private school real property; or(3) Upon or across any public road or highway within the city. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or discharge a firearm, air or spring-loaded gun, or bow and arrow within the limits of the village, except:(1) Authorized officers of the law are permitted to discharge their weapons in the performance of their duties. 1. (b) Public safety officers, peace officers and persons in police and military service in pursuit of official duty, and persons duly authorized by federal or state law to carry firearms are exempt from the provisions of this section. No. 46-158. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen years to use or have in his possession within the Village of Mackinaw City an air-gun or sling-shot. (Code 1992, 12-131; Ord. (b) Purpose. Spare Parts 2010-1, 8-2-2010). 81, as amended, 15(A), eff. how many firefighters died in australia 2020. dean mckillen house 328 as amended being Section 750.222 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. 10,701 satisfied customers. It shall be a violation for any such parent, guardian, or other person having the custody or charge of any minor under the age of 16 years to permit such minor to violate this section.(Ord. 118. Exceptions. 71.2, 2(30), (31), 7-5-89; Ord. The law does not permit possession or use, which means that it is a legal default. 1019, 1, 5-28-02), Sec. 1986, 3.10(7); Code 1994, 34-112), Sec. (Code 1993, 9-267), Sec. IV, 13, 11-30-1980), ARTICLE III. Disorderly conduct. It shall be unlawful to carry a firearm on any public street or in any public place unless it is unloaded and in a case. Hunting and use of firearms generally. Reckless, careless and negligent use of firearms.Any person who, because of carelessness, recklessness or negligence, but not willfully or wantonly, shall cause or allow any firearm under his immediate control to be discharged so as to kill or injure another person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Hunting within city prohibited.It shall be unlawful for any person within the city to hunt wild game, or in any manner carry any gun, weapon or firearm within the city for the purpose of hunting any wild game or fowl at any time.Sec.
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