Proper tactics can vary greatly depending on the circumstances and situation. The party was deeply committed to maintaining the white minority's status, with this motivating a decision to declare independence from the United Kingdom rather than submit to a transition to majority rule. dissenting.). History. One such soldier of fortune was Mike Rousseau. Let your fellow shooters know share this article using the Facebook, Twitter and other social media icons below. Home This little rhyme, refers to the Mozambique Drill. Rousseau immediately performed a double tap two shots to the center of the torso. If youre looking for some variety in your training, one practical application of the drill is to fire the first two shots to the targets center mass (V1), then take two steps back to create distance before the third shot. [22] The army units manned by full time personnel, which included a high proportion of white regular and conscripted soldiers, were the most powerful element of the security forces and formed a strategic reserve that responded to the guerrilla activities. [4][5][6], According to anecdotal history, the technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau, engaged in the Mozambican War of Independence (19641974). In the 1980s, the Los Angeles Police Department began teaching the drill but renamed it the more politically correct Failure Drill. The drill was inspired by an incident encountered by Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau during the Mozambican War of Independence (1964 to about 1974). 2003) (Kozinski, J. [77] Rhodesia attempted to counter the "mercenary" claim by processing the volunteers through the Department of Immigration and framing them as prospective Rhodesian citizens, though few ever applied for citizenship. Silveira v. Lockyer, 2003. Rousseau later related the story to an acquaintance, Jeff Cooper, who incorporated the "triple tap" or "Mozambique Drill" into his practical shooting technique. With small arms, mortars, and artillery of predominantly Russian and Chinese origin, guerrilla fighters in places like the Congo and Mozambique engaged in pitiless unconventional warfare that saw widespread atrocities. The Rhodesians' brutal counterinsurgency tactics also proved counter-productive. From the beginning, Africas indigenous people resisted. Live The Armory Life. views and opinions of Springfield Armory. The story goes that this technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau. certified instructor prior to handling any firearm and be sure to read your owners manual. [93], The legality of volunteering for the Rhodesian Security Forces varied between other countries. Editors Note: Please be sure to check out The Armory Life Forum, where you can comment about our daily articles, as well as just talk guns and gear. Springfield Armory recommends you seek qualified and competent training from a Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals |-- Topic Forums Many could well have been avoided or mitigated, had the perpetrators known their intended victims were equipped with a rifle and twenty bullets apiece, as the Militia Act required here. Gun Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Live The Armory Life. Handgun Training for Personal Protection. The British noted that such a resolution might prove impractical as many Rhodesians held dual citizenship. The two movements espoused Marxist beliefs and were regarded as communists by the Rhodesian government. |-- General Discussion: Presidency [7] The party believed that Rhodesia needed to take a stand against the perceived communist threat to protect western civilisation in Africa. [105], Modern white supremacist and far-right groups continue to provide a positive portrayal of white rule in Rhodesia. The articles in Soldier of Fortune reflected Rhodesian government propaganda, as they claimed that the country was a western democracy, the war was being fought against communism and did not discuss the oppression of Rhodesia's black majority. In the chaotic maelstrom that swallowed up untold treasure and an entire generation of people, soldiers of fortune found employment opportunities on a previously unprecedented scale. Habah l'hargecha hashkem l'hargo -- "If someone is coming to kill you, rise against him and kill him first.". Rousseau was carrying his Browning HP35 pistol when he turned a corner and found himself face-to-face with a guerilla armed with an AK-47. LLC. [2] Rousseau was later killed in action in the Rhodesian War. In this work she estimated that around 100 Americans served with the Rhodesian Security Forces between 1976 and 1980. The Mozambique Drill[1] is a close-quarter shooting technique in which the shooter fires twice into the torso of a target (known as a double tap to the center of mass), momentarily assesses the hits, then follows them up with a carefully aimed shot to the head of the target. Rousseau immediately brought up his Browning . Flat nose bullets and hollow points were not in widespread use, so those FMJs from Rousseaus HP35 must have passed right through the fighter. [16], The Rhodesian Security Forces were considerably expanded over the war. |-- Political Videos This bullet struck a bit low, entering the mans neck and severing his spinal cord, effectively ending the fight. European colonial powers like Belgium and Portugal fought to defend their interests, but the rebels had little to lose and everything to gain. Portugal said it supported the Mozambique people and designated it an overseas territory in the 1950s in lieu of calling it a colony, but it was still a colony no matter how Portugal presented it. Of course, we have to be careful of adhering to dogma, no matter where it comes from. a close quarter tactical method of killing a target with two shots to the chest and one follow up shot to the head. [60] The volunteers also received the same pay as white Rhodesians,[43] between $US 4,000 and $US 7,000 annually. The historian Luise White noted in 2004 that "the figure most sources cite is 1,500 foreign soldiers, of whom perhaps 400 were American", though the Rhodesian Army put the number at 1,000 including 100 Americans. [23] In 1979, the military historian John Keegan noted that foreigners made up between a quarter and a third of the strength of the RLI. [40] They were recruited by the Rhodesian Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) from a French military base in Djibouti. He also noted that the party drew on the ideas and language used by the contemporary radical right movement in the United States to justify UDI. He also edited Shooters Bible Guide to Firearms Assembly, Disassembly, and Cleaning; 50 Guns That Changed the World; and Gun Traders Guide. Frankly, I dont know of many shooters who maintain the level of skill to pull this off consistently at 3-5 yards. The academics Jacob Ware and John Campbell stated in 2022 that people from more than fifteen countries had volunteered to fight for Rhodesia, including "several hundred" Americans. As he turned a corner, he bumped into a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. Failure in a gunfight is not an option. [26][34] Other volunteers were expected to pay their own way. During the Mozambican War of Independence, a Rhodesian mercenary by the name of Mike Rousseau was engaged in a firefight at the airport at Lourenco Marques. Seeing that the fighter was still advancing, Rousseau attempted a head shot that hit the guerrilla through the base of his neck, severing the spinal cord. The story goes that this technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau. Until the early 1970s the Rhodesian Security Forces had little difficulty in defeating the guerrillas. Seeing that the fighter was still advancing, Rousseau attempted a head shot that hit the guerrilla through the base of his neck, severing the spinal cord. The most effective way is two easy shots to the attackers center of mass, then assess the target. Most police officers cannot do it in less than five seconds without a miss. Jews Can Shoot is a civil rights group that honors the memory of the Holocaust to preserve, protect and defend the Second Amendment and was formed for the purpose of education regarding gun laws, gun rights, legal precedent and cause-related advocacy. The British, United States and several other governments were unable to prevent their citizens fighting for Rhodesia due to difficulties enforcing the relevant laws. Shots to the chest can also slow an attackers advance, even if they dont completely incapacitate him. [22] The number of white conscripts in the security forces was also increased by considerably expanding the age groups of men who were required to serve and the periods of active duty reservists needed to undertake. in 1978, he was the final recipient of the Rhodesian civil Independence Commemorative Decoration for services rendered to the country. here to send us a message. Mike Rousseau was a white Rhodesian mercenary engaged in combat against FRELIMO guerillas in and around the Mozambique capital of Maputo. [94], Many of the foreign volunteers opposed the March 1978 Internal Settlement, under which the white Rhodesian government agreed to cede power to moderate black leaders. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The young African not only failed to fall, but he advanced toward Rousseau with murderous intent. Mike Rousseau was a white Rhodesian mercenary engaged in combat against FRELIMO guerillas in and around the Mozambique capital of Maputo. Now you understand the history and background as well as the importance of the Failure Drill. opinions of the individuals who post them, and do not necessarily represent Mike Rousseau was friends with Colonel Jeff Cooper, a legend in the firearms training world and the founder of Gunsite Academy. It kind of worked. [48] The British intelligence agencies also infiltrated agents into the Rhodesian Security Forces.[49]. slams Colorado gun control bills, Biden's FAA Nominee Can't Answer a Single Question About Aviation, Russell Brand was challenged to give examples of MSNBC pushing misinformation (that was a BAD idea), Trump Reveals What He'll Do If He's Indicted, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. [95] On 21 December that year the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 460 that, among other things, called for the British authorities to expel all "mercenaries" and South African forces from Southern Rhodesia. So how does a Rhodesian mercenary figure into the story? [46] Economic factors also influenced some of the volunteers, as they believed that the Rhodesian Security Forces offered better career prospects than those available in their home country. All Rights Reserved. While it might seem strange at first, its not a long stretch to connect the dots from a country off the east coast of Africa, to a Rhodesian mercenary, to a shooting technique, and finally to someone who conceal carries and trains to defend themselves. Rousseau then lowered his weapon to the ready position. Two American ex-Marine deserters from the Forces who robbed jewelry stores in Salisbury, while carrying stolen Uzis, were involved in a shoot-out with authorities at the South African border. [67] Many of the volunteers were frustrated that they were paid only in Rhodesian dollars, as foreign banks would not process this currency and the Rhodesian government allowed no more than R$1,500 to be converted to other currencies. Anything less than three seconds is very good. [56] The desertion rate among foreigners serving in the SAS was particularly high. [96][97] In January 1980 the British Lord Privy Seal, Ian Gilmour, stated that the British government had committed during the negotiations that led to the Lancaster House Agreement to not remove foreigners from the Rhodesian military prior to the election. Soldier of Fortune ran large numbers of articles on foreigners in the Rhodesian Security Forces during the Bush War; each edition published between 1975 and 1980 included at least one article on the subject. This is an effective way to stop a threat that isnt immediately stopped by two shots to the bodys center mass. [92] Many of the Americans wrongly believed that their government opposed their presence in Rhodesia, with articles in Soldier of Fortune and works by the author Robin Moore also claiming this. Some of the volunteers were later identified as agents of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Volume 9: EDC Digital Magazine. [4][12] The resistance to the Rhodesian regime was dominated by two black nationalist movements, the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) and the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU). Those who did so received amnesties as part of the British government measures associated to end of the conflict.
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