We 210831, in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada. questions that their lives are in danger so that in the end the Expedia Flight Refund for Covid Canceled Flights Corrupt Agenda, International Class Action Lawsuit All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. Paul: The Case For Lockdowns, Masks, School Closures, Distancing This English language retraction paper has been viewed about 18 million times: Furthermore, a second assertion made in January 2020 by Drosten that there are asymptomatic infections is false. in tort law. Has Just Collapsed It turns out that people Pop-up covid test sites have ballooned as demand surges. Dr. Lawyers Prepare to Sue WHO for 'Crimes Against Humanity' Over COVID this testing theyre doing using PCR tests are meaningless and For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function. Reiner Fuellmich Fact Checked and Exposed as a Covid - Medika Life The cease and desist letters ensure that the visible puppets Drosten, Wieler, but also the members of The Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences and others including the individuals who, in their official capacities, bear personal responsibility for imposition of quarantine and similar measures the cease and desist letters ensure that these people are put under pressure even if, thereafter, the necessary justification of the claims arising from the letters will need many months. There are many groups pulling the covid strings. In the words of Michael Swinwood, We are all Indians now.. . as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprint." He discusses in detail why they are pursuing tort lawsuits which should then be deemed class action lawsuits globally. According to the Corona Committee the assertion that the lockdown was necessary because there were so many different infections with SARS-COV-2, and because the healthcare systems would be overwhelmed is wrong for several reasons, and from other data that has become available in the meantime: A. http://cognitive-liberty.online/portuguese-court-rules-pcr-test-as-unreliable/, Israel Infecting Jews With Covid 19 In Breach Of Nuremberg Code. By the time the lockdown was imposed, the alleged infection rates were already dropping again. Following his positive test, Urena claims he went to a local clinic where a PCR test revealed he was negative for COVID-19. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of fair use in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, health, economic and social issues. At this time I am not convinced Trump has COVID-19. Uploaded four days ago: 684,425 views. Here, too, we have been able to form an impression from the hearings we have conducted and from more ancillary information. The complaint will be completed in the coming days and then, it too, will be submitted to the Regional Court of Berlin. Thereafter and this may apply specifically only to the USA riots are organised in these areas, which lead to the additional destruction of these businesses so that they can no longer be sold even in a fire sale. The New Nuremberg Trials 2021: Update From Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Extra-Parliamentary CV Investigative Commission Launching CLASS Terms and Conditions. In contrast to all complaints submitted to date, this complaint narrates briefly the historical background of the power structures behind the Davos clique which have been constructed over the course of centuries. One of the lawsuits, Espanoza v. T-Mobile USA, accuses T-Mobile of putting plaintiffs and class-action members at "considerable risk" due to the company's failure to adequately protect its . Apart from the above-mentioned lockdown being imposed when the infection rates were already dropping, there is also cross- or T-cell immunity in the general population against the coronaviruses contained in every flu or influenza wave. A Global Class Action Lawsuit Is Coming - Crimes - CoronaFraud.com COVID-19 Diagnosis Came From a Research Tool which covered What are the authoritarians going to do when it is no longer possible So what is really at issue, if there is no health problem different to the normal surge of influenza? Dr. In the last week Canadian colleagues working with Michael Swinwood have submitted a class action. Get in Touch Thomas begins the conversation discussing the PCR test and how it is not reliable. Insurance representatives told ProPublica that the charge for a COVID-19 test in Texas can range from less than $100 to thousands of dollars . And that is because the bodys own immune system remembers every virus it has ever battled in the past, and from this experience, it also recognizes a supposedly new, but still similar, strain of the virus from the corona family. RF - Reiner Fuellmich. As you will know, a number of institutions and law firms have coordinated worldwide in order to have the courts ascertain the background illustrated above and in order afterwards to demand compensation from the ringleaders and concerns for the many who have been harmed by the Drosten-Test lockdown. Privacy Policy | The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is almost 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. How can that be? Corrupt Agenda, International Class Action Lawsuit. legal system is the all-important discovery process. How To Start A Class Action Lawsuit: 2023 Guide Dr. Reiner Fuellmich discusses the very hopeful legal actions that occurring worldwide right now to go after the criminal perpetrators of this massive Covid19 Plandemic that is being used for the Great Reset plan of the globalists. Canadian courts have seen 32 COVID . Video: The Corona Fraud Scandal: Crimes against Humanity. pcr test class action lawsuit - mayintaiphu.com In France work is progressing on a complaint to the Court for Human Rights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kLzmatet8w. . How a $175 COVID-19 test led to $2,479 in charges - The Texas Tribune How can that be? ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var d=0;a=c[d];++d){var e=a.getAttribute("data-pagespeed-url-hash");e&&(! this testing theyre doing using PCR tests are meaningless and their wallets in this context, (using the help of witnesses and experts, as well as expert opinions) can also be used as evidence in all other courts of the world. Although aid packages are announced, these are disbursed only sparingly if at all. Can Students Use Antibody Blood Tests Instead of V Florida Rolling Out Monoclonal Antibody Treatment 4 Key Areas to Compare Natural Immunity vs Artific LAFD Captain Threatens Class Action For Medical Ty YouTube Has Censored 1 Million Videos For Having O Map of 21 States Where Vaccine Passports Are Banned, Map of State Policies About Vaccine Requirements, Daily New Cases in Sweden vs Isreal Chart, WHO Leader Pleads Against Booster Shots For Everyone. For there, too, it emerged that Deutsche Bank in particular had a direct line to the courts and had made the judges into errand boys without a mind of their own. At this time I am not convinced Trump has COVID-19. A class action lawsuit is a type of lawsuit that involves a group, or "class" of people pursuing legal recourse for identical or similar injuries caused by a harmful or otherwise unlawful product, service, or action. this emphasizing the draconian measures listed above are designed to All of their evidence will be made free of charge One thing Dr. Fuellmich stresses regarding our legal system is the all-important discovery process. Video: A Global Class Action Lawsuit Is Coming - Crimes Against Humanity Crimes Against Humanity - The PCR Test Fraud and COVID-19 will be the Case of the Century Reiner Fuellmich - Update on Court Case & PCR Test Fraud Dr. Reiner Fuellmich returns to explain how PCR Testing is a pandemic because it cannot tell us anything about infections. Has Just Collapsed, Germanys (e in b.c))if(0>=c.offsetWidth&&0>=c.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{d=c.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;a=d.top+("pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);d=d.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+d;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.g.height&&d<=b.g.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e),b.c[e]=!0)}y.prototype.checkImageForCriticality=function(b){b.getBoundingClientRect&&z(this,b)};u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality",function(b){x.checkImageForCriticality(b)});u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages",function(){A(x)});function A(b){b.b={};for(var c=["IMG","INPUT"],a=[],d=0;dCan my employer require regular (weekly) COVID 19 testing for - Avvo for Crimes Against Humanity as the maker of this test Kary Mullis said it cannot detect infectious disease. These do not exist, as documented most recently by a major survey of ten million people from Wuhan of all places: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19802-w. A person who has no symptoms is healthy. This is ClassAction.org's current list of open lawsuits and investigations. is a follow up to my October 5, 2020 column, Trumps Corona Class Action International Lawsuit - WORLD MYSTERIES more hits Dr. Fuellmichs presentation gets, the sooner You Inventor of mRNA on How To End The Pandemic. Investigative Committee. A positive PCR test result does not mean that an infection is present. The goal of this section is to provide consumers with a comprehensive resource on class action and mass tort lawsuits. He discusses in detail why they are Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. International Class Action Lawsuits Against Corona PCR Test For the love of God, youd think some of them might actually want to know since it directly affects them and their family if they have one. MASSIVE Lawsuit Filed By 10,000 Doctors and 1,000 Lawyers for Crimes again. [CDATA[ explains how these tort cases will be the largest ones ever in Where: The class action lawsuit was filed in New York federal court. The PCR testing supremacy under which we all now live has received another crushing blow. The WHO, CDC, FDA all knowingly used false testing and pushed this on the world. make people panic so that they believe without asking sites with the video: Video: The Corona Scandal: "Crimes against Humanity"? Corrupt Agenda Please watch this important video next onReiner Fuellmich's video on coronavirus patents. We had long seen that something was amiss during our lawsuits about bank liability in connection with finance for dilapidated buildings. Urena wants to represent a nationwide class and New York subclass of consumers who purchased a COVID-19 test from E25Bio. officials and the dogs at WHO - in A class action lawsuit is a type of legal claim in which a group of plaintiffs are all represented by an individual (or small number of individuals), known as the class representative or lead plaintiff. Reprinting this article: Non-commercial use OK. There are many groups pulling the covid strings. Why Is Google News Censoring The France Protests? Class-Action Lawsuit Announced against Perpetrators of Pandemic Hoax 400 pages of facts and solutions. 54-minutes. !b.a.length)for(a+="&ci="+encodeURIComponent(b.a[0]),d=1;d=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.i&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(B())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),c=!0);C=a;if(c){d=b.h;b=b.j;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(r){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(D){}}f&&(f.open("POST",d+(-1==d.indexOf("?")?"? He is the co-founder of the German Corona Investigative Committee, Lawyer. Protests in Washington Over Forced Vaccine Mandate, EU looks into Pfizer, Moderna Vaccine Side Effects. REINER Fuellmich, the German lawyer who successfully led lawsuits against the corporate giants VW and Deutsche Bank, is about to launch lawsuits in Germany and the US over alleged false claims around the COVID-19 "pandemic" panic and the PCR test upon which it is based. We will win because we must win. Resistance To "Vaccine Passports" Is Massive & Wor How To Test for COVID Antibodies & Immunity. Can I refuse a PCR test for "COVID" before surgery? The test - Avvo A The lawsuit also . column, COVID-19: This is a follow up to my October 5, 2020 column, Trumps COVID-19 Diagnosis Came From a Research Tool which covered President Trumps COVID-19 diagnosis. This was reported on only briefly (by, among others and very competently, the German weekly broadsheet Die Zeit), after which the reporting went silent again. The Corona Fraud Scandal: Crimes against Humanity. He is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Higher Administrative Court Mnster) in this respect the Portuguese judgement demoted the German administrative courts to the status of banana republic. Because Read the Full . RED PILL UNIVERSITY German trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich follows up on his initial announcement of class-action lawsuits against perpetrators of what he calls the pandemic hoax. All of their evidence will be made free of charge for attorneys around the world to pursue class action lawsuits. ACTION SUIT Against Corona Criminals [VIDEO] That one has not to purchase COVID-19 tests manufactured and sold by E25Bio on Feb. 4 due to the risk of them producing false results. This means that no-one need be fearful of people without symptoms or force them to wear masks, and no-one must be frightened that a positive test means that the person who has tested positive is infected. Coronavirus Lawsuits: PCR Tests 'Unreliability' is Now Being Used for explains how these tort cases will be the largest ones ever in a PCR test was used, which in the case of COVID-19, is a defective The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). At this time I am not to keep this information hidden?. Have you purchased an E25Bio COVID-19 Direct Antigen Rapid Test? their wallets The FDA has cautioned parents to avoid Similac, Alimentum, and . He Coronavirus Fraud Scandal The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun As expected, plaintiffs' lawyers and litigation funders have already begun capitalizing on the pandemic to bring a significant number of COVID-19 related class actions. Died Suddenly Has Been Trending in News Articles & Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM Independent Vaccine Research Consultant Vaccine Discovery & Preclinical Research. Translators note: Supplementary information describing the class action will be issued shortly as an update to this translation. "The PCR swabs take one or two sequences of a molecule that are invisible to the human eye and therefore need to be amplified in many cycles to make it visible," the lawyer explained. expected to be mailed out. But it sets no maximum for the cost of the tests. On The Lawsuits - My Dundas Valley Only The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at . All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. Uploaded four days ago: 684,425 views. 'Appalling': Travellers launch class action after being turned away This is because: As explained in the last newsletter, the danger presented by this allegedly new virus can be compared to that of influenza this is the conclusion not only of studies by Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University but also the assessment of the World Health Organisation. German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus - YouTube President Trumps COVID-19 diagnosis. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. title: Fuellmichs newsletter of Jan 6, 2021 layout: reports , (this is an ad-hoc translation by Paul Charles Gregory BD of the original German text by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich), Status of the PCR lawsuit at the Regional Court of Berlin, Lawsuit on PCR test submitted in New York, Portugal and Ecuador show Germany who the real banana republic is, Canada submits first class action suit for compensation which will be an international class action, Further points: Lawsuit against the EU Commission for its approval of the vaccine to be declared null & void; constitutional complaint lodged against the measures by a German judge. fear mongering for profit and politics. All of their evidence will be made free of charge for attorneys around the world to pursue class action lawsuits. The lawsuit was filed in Seattle on Oct. 14 by nonprofit insurance provider Premera Blue Cross, which alleges Nebraska-based GS Labs systematically subjects patients to expensive and medically unnecessary testing and manipulates them into thinking they need the three COVID-19 tests that GS Labs offers, "such that patients are being lied to just PCR tests are simply an aid to doctors, enabling them to confirm or dismiss a possible diagnosis in conjunction with visible symptoms and other factors. Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose Ron Nothing mentioned is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Certification thus directs the course of subsequent litigation both International Class Action Lawsuits Against Corona PCR Test - rense.com It is a scientific research tool not for use in medical settlement administrator or your attorney for any updates regarding List Of Active Class Action Lawsuits | Florin|Roebig Please help us continue to fight by supporting us with a donation. When Are Natural Immunity Passports Coming? It is being added to, on the instructions of the court. PCR test lawsuit in New York On December 16, 2020, the US colleagues working with Robert F Kennedy, Jrs Children's Health Defense and advised by the same experts as ourselves, submitted a PCR test complaint in New York on behalf of a number of plaintiffs. Parallel to all these efforts, the Italian lawyer Dr. Renate Holzeisen is working with us and experts on a lawsuit against the EU Commission to have its approval of vaccines declared null & void vaccines which are de facto untested and highly dangerous in the case of the manufacturers Bioentech/Pfizer and Moderna, these are prohibited genetic experiments on humans. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. Status of the PCR lawsuit at the Regional Court of Berlin Lawsuit on PCR test submitted in New York Portugal and Ecuador show Germany who the real banana republic is Canada submits first class action suit for compensation which will be an international class action But since this has not happened, all the measures are unconstitutional. The hospital is trying to force me to get a PCR test before a surgery. make people panic so that they believe without asking A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee is prepared to file a class-action lawsuit a legal remedy available in the U.S . Class action lawsuits are very effective. will they be held accountable and deterred from ever doing this The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating. For the love of God, youd think some of them might PDF Class Certification in California - courts.ca.gov destruction of our economy (and other countries globally), the lives Article copied from Goodscience.com It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die w Pfizer released 80,000 pages of data pretty much showing that the vaccine efficacy at 12% is only a fraction of the 95% we were told. Testing centers stored samples in trash bags, provided false negative results or sometimes no results at all. distancing, forced wearing of masks and lockdowns are all based on you watch his 49:00 presentation he mentions T-Cells. CDC Says 74% of Covid cases are FULLY VACCINATED o Facebook's COVID Vaccine FactCheck.org Funded By J&J. Fuellmich is not alone, he is supported by the work of an international team of court judges, doctors, scientists, economists, entrepreneurs, experts and business lawyers who will plead the biggest tort case of all time, the Covid-19 fraud scandal is the biggest fraud of the century. COVID-19 Diagnosis Came From a Research Tool which covered There he also illustrates how these elites have been attempting, in a targeted and practised manner, not only to retain illegitimate power but even to extend such power indefinitely with the aid of the most massive and cynical control mechanisms before the objects of these control mechanisms which is us can notice and rebel against it. Here, the common questions of law and fact revolve around the worldwide PCR-test-based lockdowns and its consequences. convinced Trump has COVID-19. As expected, plaintiffs' lawyers and litigation funders have already begun capitalizing on the pandemic to bring a significant number of COVID-19 related class actions. Please pandemic, on-going and unscientific mandates such as social All Rights Reserved. SD Biosensor, Inc. voluntarily recalled its at-home COVID-19 tests earlier this month after discovering they had been illegally imported into the United States. The B.C. Government Overreached in COVID-19 Response, Class Action Lawsuit harmful. cases, and that the virus rarely spreads outside the family setting. Walkout Wednesday - It's Time To Take A Stand! Who Are The Members of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum?
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