Frustration rolled out from his aura before it changed into anger. Ur so good at it!! You turned around to see Tanaka and Noya growling. Get best storytellers. "Yeah, and I have a pet llama." Torn between fearing the unknown and embracing the need of her heart, she must contend with a handsome Alpha, his twisted Luna, death, deceit and betrayal. we talked about it even before dating, i understand that, but its not the first time that you dont show up to a date without saying a word, my phone died, otherwise i would have called to tell you id be a bit late, a bit? You blushed more and gave a head shake as you watched him walk down the hall with his hands in his pockets as you shut the door and laughed. Tanaka gave a growl after Noya pointed out the guy that was talking to you before he took your hand. You look good." While you were on your way to the bathroom a group of girls blocked it, you tried to get through but couldn't. "Tsukishima You gave an eye roll at Hinata, the two of you were waiting for Tsukishima at the park, as he tossed up a volleyball. "Gotta go. What happens when the mysterious stranger now comes to claim her? I, Mason Yeich, will not accept a woman who bears the child of another man.In what was initially thought to be a loveless marriage, she ended up accidentally giving her heart away. You smiled with a giggle as you stepped inside the gym that held the spring tournament. You gave a nod and just before the two of you walked away the guy grabbed your shoulder. You looked up and turned off your phone with a small smirk. You smiled as you glanced up to see Akiteru as he looked down at the guy. "Kyoutani "Okay I'll be done in a second." But it was time now to produce an heir. "Thank you again." Boyfriend Scenarios!! "T-thank you (Y/n)!" It was just you since you helped enough in the gym for the day. He smirked then placed a hand on the wall and leaned over you. You smiled with a head shake as he stared at you, you pecked his cheek then held onto his arm. As he ran for the ball, he gave a small gasp seeing the ball was head over you, he tried to jump and spike it but when he touched the ground, his hand made a popping sound against your butt. I didn't mean to bump into like that." "Hey you two." "So I heard you passed that test. My book including your favorite haikyuu bois as your boyfriends with scenarios and imagines. He didn't mind that you did but he kept a straight face the whole time for his coach, then glanced at you when you let go and walked over to a table that your bag was on. Bokuto came into the gym and immediately went over to you and lifted up his eyebrow. "Hot like those towels huh?" "There." Team Karasuno Hinata You smiled as you talked with Yachi as the two of you stood next to the volleyball cart, putting in the volleyballs that weren't being used. "I couldn't have lost her." "Do you say that when I call you?" He smiled after you took it then as you turned around he sat next to you, you scooted to the side as Yachi did the same. "Hey uh. "Me and Akaashi will take care of that guy." "I guess so." You turned to look at Yamaguchi, his hand wide eyes and red cheeks, you smiled as he looked down and swallowed. He leaned closer, his breath touching the skin of my neck. You held open the door and followed her out of the locker room with warm towels, only to bump into a guy about your age. One without pain, one without control and one without him. And on verge of death?Will he take her in?Will he able to hate her despite knowing they are mate's now?Will she just be a girl his wolf needs for his nightly urges or their could be a missing spark, waiting to be lighted between them.Was she already dead from the inside or could she learn to love again?She was the girl who died.Yet the girl who rose and survived.She was Eirene Water's, the girl he banished.Aka Viper, She got involved with the most noble man in Darlsbury in an accident. Kuroo looked down at the guy as he gave a nod as walked away, you smiled and shut the van doors and followed behind Tsukishima. Fukurodani Academy +. "Suga! "Inouka!" "Yes unless I can get your number as well?" - he really hopes he's not making you uncomfortable he's just so happy - He treats you respectfully and won't touch unless you give him the go ahead - He could hug you for hours, Tanaka - Hand on waist 24/7 - all day while your wearing it - He loves how smooth the fabric is please forgive him - "I'm sorry babes but it's so soft and I love you"- Wants you to wear it more often - He worships you ngl, Asahi- "H-hey you look cute"- Wholesome - He just thinks it's cute on you - Like he's so pumped you look cute today - "Where did you get it?" After you and the rest of Karasuno cheered in a group circle they ran outside of the gym to run up and down the hill, you gave a small chuckle as Yachi did the same, once you and Yachi went out the gym doors a couple of other guys rushed in. "Suga?" You gave a small yelp and gasp after Akaashi gave you a smack on the butt that echoed just before he sat in the computer chair at your desk. haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he slaps you. You will regret rejecting me. "Oh Itried to get your attentionKuroo said that.." you smiled and sat next to him, putting your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek before getting back up. #kageyama You blushed and turned around, only too Hinata staring at you along with the other. "You look like shit." "Good morning to you too, Tetsurou." Without another word, he invites himself in and sits on the couch with the expression too serious for your liking. Unless I'm sleeping." i really hope you like it and have a lovely day as well <33, pairings: kageyama x reader, akaashi x reader, oikawa x reader. He'd find you there, safe and sound, with a game controller in your hands. please always love yourself <33, pairings: kuroo x reader, daichi x reader, bokuto x reader, a/n: im not gonna say any wordszero words just thoughtsjust thinking, just thinking thoughtshead very full, head fullso many thoughts, head so full (part 2and part 3 here!! You smiled and kissed his cheek as he smiled and looked over at the guy with a head tilt. ***Book 2 of the Wright Family SeriesBook 1: Mommy, Where Is Daddy? The guy gave narrowed eyes before walking away with a 'Tch', you smiled after Akaashi took your hand and pulled you a long. You gave him playful narrowed eyes at the last part as he chuckled and you answered the phone. "Hey there." "Um, I'm taken." Oikawa gave narrowed eyes with small duck lips as he put his hands on his hips. Who's this?" Yamaguchi turned towards Hinata then looked where he was pointing at. Can I go to the bathroom now?" "No." "Yeah I." There are some one shots in here as well. hope you like it <33, hii! You scanned the items and gave him a glance before looking down to type in his change. Tanaka yawned then stretched, looking at you as you tied the next through the loops, you knew he was going to put his arm around you, but you then gasp after Tanaka smacked your butt, making a popping sound before you looked at him and he chuckled. I know that there are a lot of these and my writing is kinda sucky but they seemed like fun! Kuroo pecked your cheek as you smiled before watching him walk back to the gym while you stood by the one of the Karasuno school vans, taking bags out of the back of it. You smiled and grabbed his hand, the guy gave a smirk then an eye roll once Yamaguchi took the bag. "Who's that?" You gave a small jump after Iwaizumi popped you and walked out of the gym. These two go on a journey that will either drift them apart or pull them even closer. They looked adorable", Nishinoya- best hype man - "OKAY YOU ATE THAT" - "BRO YOUR SO FINE" - "OKAYYY" - He's so embarrassing but at the same time he's Really hyping you up - Literally so in love with you - "I thought you looked good without a cheer outfit on, Tsukishima- "Oh"- Inside he's feeling - Hold your thigh - Pecks your cheek - So much more affectionate - "Yeah I guess you look nice, whatever you always look nice what's so special about today?- HE KNOWS WHATS SO SPECIAL - When he gets home he tells his brother he's fallen more for you, Yamaguchi - he also just thinks you look cute - "W-wow! "So that's your bag huh?" but above all, i want to say i chose these insecurities beacuse theyre common and not to say theyre flaws or features someone should be worried about, at all!! Characters include Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Oikawa, Tendou, Atsumu, Suna, Sakusa and Terushima. "Excuse me? He doted on her, loved her and cared for her every day!After that, he said in an affectionate voice, Mrs. Everyone just stared at him with white eyes as you shook your head and walked away. I." suddenly he cups your face, uncertain if you would have pushed him away with a lovesick expression, he presses his lips to yours forgetting all your insecurities, you can only focus on how soft he feels against your mouth "you feel so far lately and i know it's my fault, but i'm just asking you to wait for me" "Sorry." But." Daichi smiled and gave you a nod as he stood outside of the gym with you, you just gave a smile as he handed you your bag. "Love you too. "I'll be right back okay." You smiled watching him make faces before two guys sat behind you with a laugh. giving you even more kisses because youre just too precious , cuddling with his head between your thighs, can we watch the movie i told you about?, laying on his chest, you try to look up at him but his phone is in the way, he has been watching stupid videos for a couple of hours now and you were getting bored, when you see him smile a little behind his screen, you take it as ayes to your question, okay then ill go get some snacks, can you search it on netflix?, he doesnt move a muscle, his gaze is fixed on the phone, standing at the end of his bed, you gently tug his foot, he looks a bit disorientated, but nods at you anyway, when you get back, hes in the same position you left him, he doesnt even raise his eyes from the screen, just hums in response, you know what? "Uh, hello?" "Was it really an accident?" "Great." Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! So I know there are many of these but I love this anime so imma do scenarios with them. "I think you gave him nightmares." Akiteru stepped out of his car then gave a smile smile but confused look seeing you cross your arms and glance to the side, he smiled then started to walk up to you calmly. "Look at me, you'll be mine! As you walked over to the door and opened it with another yawn, Kuroo smirked and followed behind you. You copied Oikawa but the ball hit Iwaizumi in the face as he was walking back. "Don't be like that. That day, I will be the one who will have the last laugh, he vowed.Lets see, Alpha. "He was hitting on you." "Kenma!" Woman, why are you still running when youve already given birth to my child?Xavia Lockhart: He was renowned as the king of the business empire and he was the Young Master Burton that everyone was in awe of. Stolen kisses, touches and a whole lot of tension. She put up a face and even wished her best friend and ex-boyfriend all the best!Claiming to already be in a relationship, Gabrielle walked up to a stranger and kissed him outright! You blushed and hugged his arm before Hinata ran up to you. "What did he say to you?" You gave a confused look, seconds later she ran out of the room only to give a yelp after bumping into another boy that went to you're school. "Where's (Y/n)?" Both you and him gave a small yelp and scream once the spider dangled from his web. "H-hey." You gave a confused look but small smile seeing a guy that graduated lasted year come up to you. Goo!" He kissed your cheek with a smile as he lifted up your chin. You looked at him then gave him a smile as you checked each volleyball to see if they were filled up with the right amount of air. Was all I said before I stormed out of there.__________________________After a drunken one night stand with a stranger, Grace Evans wakes up with a note left at her bedside. "Awe, it's okay." "Sorry I'm late." Fanfiction) [ RANDOM SHITS ABOUT HAIKYUU!!! I, Kayla Xanders, had never ever tasted defeat in my life till day, I said confidently. Millie was enjoying her newfound freedom, however everything suddenly changed one fateful night. Through some arrangement, she was married to a man with a crippled leg who wielded boundless influence. He grabbed your waist and walked beside you giving everyone who looked your direction with narrow eyes, you just smiled and held onto his arm.DaichiYou smiled at Daichi as you held his hand on the way back to your house, he saw Ukai sensei and stopped by. When she meets her mate, Zane, a playboy with an attitude, she rejects him outright. She has been keeping her feelings for him a secret for years. There is no editing whatsoever here! "Hello." everybody always made fun of me for this reason, gently grabbing your chin, he pulls you in, i like to think theyre the marks my lips leave on your face whenever i kiss you, as he says this, he starts to peck each one of them, looking in the mirror you can only focus on the stretch marks on your thighs and on your stomach, you hate pool parties, but your boyfriend was so excited to go that you had to say yes as well, when he enters the room, you quickly cover yourself up, was that your new swimsuit? "Ukai tomorrow's game." "I guess so." Not wanting to find his mate, he set his eyes on this one girl, Clair Montrell. Oikawa pressed his lips to your and poked your nose. Oikawa smirked and shook his head and followed behind Iwaizumi, leaving you flustered. "I'm sorry. You smiled and gave a small laugh as he walked away from you, you followed behind him soon and after with crossed arms. The guy gave a wave as Daichi turned back around, pulling you closer. Well, have fun not being single any longer. "Then why are you speaking to me?" "Want some company?" "Hey, so we have chemistry together and I was wondering if you want to go with me to the tutoring?" The guy gave a chuckle as he leaned over to you with a smirk. #hinata You're welcome." "Hey I'm so-." "I love you too." I-Im sorry!" You smiled and placed your hand over his mouth only for him to kiss it it before kissing your cheek. Scenarios and preferences with your Haikyuu Boyfriend! "Awe come on. "Tendou." He smirked but came over to you once you lifted up the bag. You smiled and gave her a nod, as you walked with her to the fountain. "You ready?" You felt bad seeing that he felt bad, you hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he gave a soft smile and hugged you back. You reject me? Kenma "Okay.." You have a small smile at Kenma with a head shake as you held his hand and the other held his phone as he played on it, you then stopped as he did the same seeing a guy jog by the two of you. Iwaizumi walked over to you from the other side of the court and grabbed your wrist. You kissed his cheek then laid your head on his shoulder before sitting up. "No sweat, sensei ain't here yet either." "Y-yes, it was. "Argh!" "She's getting hit on! Team JohzenjiTerushima You walked down the halls with Yachi, the two of you were on y'all way to the bathroom before returning back to the room the girl's stayed in for the night. "Apologize for not being mine." There are some one shots in here as well. why dont we start watching that movie now?, feeling some raindrops on your face, you decide to take the hint and go home, when you hear your boyfriends voice calling your name from behind, you just keep walking because you cant really stand to see his face right now, he manages to reach you, blocking your way towards the bus stop, you move past him, hitting him with your shoulder, let me guess, something to do with your volleyball club?, im the captain, you know i have responsibilities. Inouka glanced over to the side as Kenma did the same seeing Hinata run up to then out of breath, Inouka looked around but didn't see you anywhere. "At lest they're pumped up." "Come on." Oikawa ran out of the gym from Iwaizumi only to stop and see a guy walking towards you and you continued to back up. "What was that about?" #iwaizumi Check out my Akatsuki and Naruto scenarios as well. I snapped my eyes open, turning in the direction of the threat. "Oooh!" - But hates when you also get attention. Lev waited for you and stared over every one that walk by then gave a small frown. Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). Enjoy! You made small talk as you tried to unravel an end, Lev followed behind some of his members and gave you a big smile. "I love you too. You must be their good luck charm." "I love you." You gave a smile and pecked his cheek. When He Protects You When He Gets Jealous When The Two Of You Watch Ghost Adventures Together (In editing) I came across your blog and my god I love it you are such a good writer! You said your name as he said his, you then looked over at Iwaizumi then back at the guy then back at him as Iwaizumi watched. "Yep!" Lev narrowed his eyes after hearing that then walked over to you. "Maybe I did Button." (I do not own any of the art) "I was but." You smiled then locked arms with his and kissed his cheek, he then turned his head and pecked your lips as you giggled. Just two girls-one that's a mini Kenma and another who'sprobably the Kuroo in the friendship-running this Haikyuu . well not in my heart (honestly i just wanted to write for semi, finally!!) Hinata looked around then pointed to the gym and before he could speak Inouka smiled and went over there, he peeked through the doors to see you backing up and that's when he opened the door. ", (Sorry if some are terrible but I hope you enjoyed this, more to come soon), Your Nicknames For Each Other (In editing), Random Scenario: When He Gets You Flowers, When The Two Of You Watch Ghost Adventures Together (In editing), Image Scenario: When He Gets You A Plushy (In editing), Random Scenario(Part 2): When He Gets You A Plushy, Random Scenario(Part 1): Couple Jewelry Set, Random Scenario(Part 2): Couple Jewelry Set, Random Scenario(Part 1): Matching T-shirts, Random Scenario(Part 2): Matching T-shirts, When You Reference To A Vine (In Editing), Random Scenario(Part 1):The Picture He Relates You To, Random Scenario(Part 2):The Picture He Relates You To, Gif Scenario: His Reaction If He Saw You Perform The WAP , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction If He Saw You Perform The WAP , Gif Scenario: His Reaction After He Reads A Love Note Given To You , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction After He Reads A Love Note Given To You , Gif Scenario (Part 1): How The Two Of You Dance Together When Alone , Gif Scenario (Part 2) How The Two Of You Dance Together When Alone , Gif Scenario (Part 1): His Reaction If You Sent Him A Nude While Out In Public , Gif Scenario (Part 2): His Reaction If You Sent Him A Nude While Out In Public , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your And His Spicy Text Conversation , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your And His Spicy Text Conversation , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your Birthday Party Surprise From Him , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your Birthday Party Surprise From Him , Image Scenario (Part 1): Your And His Couple Aesthetic , Image Scenario (Part 2): Your And His Couple Aesthetic , Haikyuu!!
Why Litecoin Will Fail, Red Geffner Atemoya Tree For Sale, Maya And Mary Nationality, Articles H