0300 131 4500, Eastbourne District General Hospital
You will have a small locker next to your bed or chair for your personal possessions. In general, medicines in theatres were well managed but we observed the block signing of controlled drugs which was contrary to best practice guidance. Apply to Admission Care jobs now hiring in Eastbourne on Indeed.com, the worlds largest job site. There may be occasions when the only bed available is in a mixed sex area. This checks a patients dementia and delirium, blood pressure, medication review, visual impairments, continence care plan, call bells within reach and mobility and walking aids. Eastbourne District General Hospital - Care Quality Commission - CQC Our nurses will speak with you regularly to address any worries or concerns you may have, however please discuss any concerns you have with them at anytime. . Staff throughout outpatient services put patients at the centre of what they did. Eastbourne: Care > Intermediate /after hospital care services It has a number of medical and surgical wards and specialist units, a 24-hour Emergency Department and a full range of diagnostic services including Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computer Tomography (CT) and Interventional Radiotherapy. Moving patients at night is only done in an emergency. We saw dedicated areas for children in the main outpatient waiting areas. The service had a vision for what it wanted to achieve and a strategy to turn it into action, developed with all relevant stakeholders. Data collection takes place on one day each month and reported within monthly governance meetings. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Any addresses or telephone numbers that you might need. We spoke with 6 staff members to understand what is was like working for the service, including midwives, maternity care assistants and housekeepers. Hospitals in Eastbourne - Business Directory - 192.com ACTs provide high quality and appropriate care and liaise with STAR . This included a workforce development plan, additional consultant shifts and better utilisation of resource plans for access and flow. NICE guidance was used, monitored and audited in a number of clinical specialities, for example, Parkinsons quality standard (QS164). The trust was compliant with the intercollegiate document, safeguarding children and young people: role and competences for health care staff (March 2014). There was a dedicated practice development nurse in post who provided support to all members of the emergency department team. Where individuals needed support this was provided. The practice development nurse also supported healthcare assistants to achieve the national care certificate and had helped to develop a new initial training and support programme for newly qualified nurses. The incidence of both pressure damage and falls had shown a sustained improvement over time. Not all nursing staff working in outpatient clinics where children were cared for were trained to child safeguarding level 3. Psychiatric Admission Answers: How to get into the Aurora Hospital in They supported staff to develop their skills and take on more senior roles. Located in the heart of Eastbourne, the school has the sea and the town centre on its doorstep, while the train station is only a five-minute walk away. There were systems in place to support learning, improvement and innovation. 30-32, Gildredge Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4SH . It is managed by the East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust . People were respected and valued as individuals. This included greater emphasis on evidence-based practice and training. / 50.7864829; 0.2697638. There's no need for the service to take further action. Prev 1 2 Next . Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UD
the service is performing exceptionally well. / 50.7864829; 0.2697638. Data for the period December 2016 to December 2017 indicated variable performance in RCEM audits. Staff recognised and reported incidents and near misses. However, if your medication has not been changed and you have a supply at home, please inform the nurses as this may speed up the discharge process for you and allow you to be discharged earlier. Apply to Nhs Trust Hospital jobs now hiring in Eastbourne on Indeed.com, the worlds largest job site. We recommend using one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. There were 735 mixed sex breaches on surgical wards at EDGH during a 12-month period. There were times still when patient records were not available for pre-assessment clinics and consultations. Following our report in January 2017 it was highlighted that the outpatient service must develop play services in line with national best practice guidance. 0300 131 4500, Bexhill Hospital
Provide SDEC services at least 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the trust had made demonstrable improvements in mandatory training rates since our last inspection. Admissions Unit - Eastbourne DGH - Information for the day of your surgery This information gives you some advice and helps you prepare for your procedure and visit to the Admissions Unit at Eastbourne DGH. When is meal time and what food can I bring into the hospital? Requires improvement Staff we spoke to were able to demonstrate an understanding of their responsibilities to safeguarding vulnerable adults. We rated it as good because: Published Records were clear, up-to-date, stored securely and easily available to all staff providing care. The service made it easy for people to give feedback. Leaders understood the challenges to quality and sustainability, and were taking action to address them. We don't rate every type of service. This was a very significant improvement and meant that decisions about the care of complex patients were being made at the right level of seniority. Staff truly respected and valued patients as individuals. However records indicated persistent delays in completing investigations and contributing factors included those identified by quality audits, which the senior team had not resolved. A new training programme was being rolled out. NHS England Same day emergency care Have you found an error with this catalogue description? Storage space is limited, but where possible, please bring with you or have brought in for you: We recommend that you ask a relative to take home any money or valuables you have on you when you are admitted to hospital. Leadership, governance and culture were used to drive and improve the delivery of high-quality person-centred care. Early 2021 data show no rebound in health care utilization Staff knew how to contact the safeguarding team within the hospital and explained clearly how to make a safeguarding referral. Admissions. If your medication is not in stock then you may be issued with a prescription to obtain from a pharmacy. Meals times are scheduled at varying times, depending on your unit, during the following time blocks: Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. . Any other browser may experience partial or no support. Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UD, Medical care (including older peoples care). At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and Operated by Southern Service and Stagecoach South East, the . They provided emotional support to patients, families and carers. Your hospital admission If you're staying in hospital as an inpatient you'll be made comfortable and be cared for by our dedicated teams. Slippers or shoes that fit properly, to avoid slips or falls during your stay in hospital. They understood and managed the priorities and issues the service faced. Eastbourne Midwife Unit (EMU) is in Eastbourne Sussex and part of the East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. On the day of your discharge any medicines you need will be prescribed by the doctor and dispensed by the hospital pharmacy or the ward/unit area. However non-availability or delays in responding to referrals to specialties had resulted in negative patient outcomes including for patients who needed a stroke assessment. This reflected a rating of inadequate for safe, requires improvement for effective, responsive and well led and good for caring. 192.com Business Directory - your top resource for finding Hospitals listings . Staff were aware of the duty of candour and gave patients honest information and support. There were clear and effective processes for managing risk and performance. Conquest Hospital
Aurora East. Get alerts when we inspect. Equipment checks were now given a higher priority. Admission Care Jobs in Eastbourne - 2022 | Indeed.com TN40 2DZ, In The outpatient department at Eastbourne hospital was undergoing an improvement programme for services provided to patients. Practice changed where required improvements were identified. Our hospital radio services provide a variety of programmes, free of charge, including daily request shows. Good Staff had training in key skills, understood how to protect patients from abuse, and managed safety well. The Ridge, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN37 7RD
All inspections: Eastbourne District General Hospital - CQC Our rating of this service stayed the same. They will help you evaluate transportation services for your patient/client to . In the same survey the trust performed in line with the national average for 13 questions relating to how they involved patients in their care and worse than the national average in 11 questions. They treated patients with compassion and kindness, respected their privacy and dignity, took account of their individual needs, and helped them understand their conditions. The journey time between Eastbourne Station and Eastbourne District General Hospital is around 59 min and covers a distance of around 19 miles. The childrens service was in the process of introducing Excellence in Care audits and the tool included a regular paediatric early warning system (PEWS) audits. Leaders supported staff to develop their skills and motivated them to succeed. 25 January 2023. Our reports are here: Conquest Hospital Maternity Unit: https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/RXC01. East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. AURORA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEM is Arizona's largest free-standing psychiatric hospital system. Seaford, We rated safe as requires improvement and well-led as good and the Eastbourne Midwife Unit as requires improvement overall. Not all complaints were answered within 30 days of their receipt as per trust policy and people were not made aware of the trusts complaints response deadline. There was a proactive approach to meeting the needs of those from different cultures or with complex needs. EMU accepted low risk women and pregnant people over 37 weeks for childbirth. The service had enough staff to care for patients and keep them safe. The service set out an improvement plan which introduced a safe surgical pre-assessment and blood taking clinics. Daily checks of essential equipment were taking place with records available to confirm senior oversight of equipment checks occurring. We also inspected one other Maternity service run by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. Staff felt respected, valued, and were proud of the organisation as a place to work and spoke highly of the culture within the service. Where a patient experiences disorientation we will aim to keep moves to a minimum. Acute Admissions Unit - Level 3. The majority of staff reported positive changes in their workplace culture and spoke of approachable and supportive middle managers. People could access the service when they needed it and did not have to wait too long for treatment. Holliers Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN40 2DZ
Matrons and senior staff felt the matron assistant was a valuable resource, which meant had more clinical time to spend on the ward supporting nursing staff. The environment had improved since our previous inspection all areas were visibly clean and equipment was well maintained. The incident-reporting system indicated consistent oversight from the senior team and a detailed approached to establishing the causes. 5. . Staff said matrons and senior nurses were visible and supportive within the department, they felt valued, listened to and respected and felt confident to raise any concerns with their line managers. HE 1 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: minutes of the Visiting Committee, Finance Committee, Stores and Estimates Committee, sub-committee minutes, Visiting committee's report book, Resident Physician and Medical Superintendent's report book, Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee and Estates sub-committee minutes; 1898-1950, HE 2 East Sussex County Asylum: registers of non-medical employees; 1903-1915, HE 3 East Sussex County Asylum: general ledger; 1903-1905, HE 4 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: specifications of works for the erection of a new asylum, operating room, electricity supply, conversion of Hawkes Farm House in Hailsham; 1900-1935, HE 5 East Sussex County Asylum: resolutions of the Visiting Committee; 1902-1907, HE 6 East Sussex County Asylum: Visiting Committee's draft financial statements; 1903-1912, HE 7 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Committee minutes; 1948-1959, HE 8 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Finance and General Purposes Committee, Finance sub-committee minutes; 1950-1974, HE 9 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): General Purposes Committee minutes; 1959-1974, HE 10 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Group Establishment and Welfare Committee; 1959-1974, HE 11 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Housing sub-committee, special sub-committees minutes; 1948-1973, HE 12 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Estates Committee, Garden sub-committee, Farm sub-committee, Farm and Garden sub-committee minutes; 1951-1974, HE 13 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Laughton Lodge Mental Deficiency Colony House Committee minutes; 1948-1974, HE 14 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Hill House, Rye House Committee minutes; 1950-1974, HE 15 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Hellingly hospital House Committee minutes; 1953-1959, HE 16 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Group Medical Advisory Committee minutes; 1948-1972, HE 17 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Medical and Nursing sub-committee minutes; 1953-1956, HE 18 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Drugs and Dressings sub-committee minutes; 1955-1972, HE 19 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Dietary/Catering sub-committee minutes; 1952-1968, HE 20 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Joint Consultative Committee (Management Side) minutes; 1951-1967, HE 21 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Patients' Work Therapy sub-committee minutes; 1963-1968, HE 22 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Joint Safety Committee minutes; 1969-1974, HE 23 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Nursing Training Committee minutes; 1959-1968, HE 24 Hellingly Hospital: male patient indexes; 1903-1966, HE 25 Hellingly Hospital: female patient indexes; 1903-1953, HE 26 East Sussex County Asylum: male pauper patient casebooks; 1903-1918, HE 27 East Sussex County Asylum: male private patient casebooks; 1903-1918, HE 28 East Sussex County Asylum: female pauper patient casebooks; 1903-1918, HE 29 East Sussex County Asylum: female private patient casebooks; 1909-1918, HE 30 East Sussex County Asylum: Works Department letter books; 1903-1914, HE 31 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: Visiting Committee annual reports; 1904-1948, HE 32 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: rules and regulations; 1903-1929, HE 33 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: Works Department advertisement book, extraordinary expenditure ledgers, stock ledgers, requisition books, special grants account book, artisans' acceptance of conditions of service and regulations, wage sheets books, water log book; 1903-1947, HE 34 East Sussex County Asylum: Works Engineer's letter books; 1903-1911, HE 35 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: reports of the visiting committees of local Boards of Guardians and Public Assistance Committees; 1903-1948, HE 36 Hellingly Hospital: reports of the Commissioners of the Board of Control (formerly Commissioners in Lunacy); 1903-1951, HE 37 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): annual reports; 1948-1958, HE 38 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: registers of deaths, registers of discharges; 1931-1949, HE 39 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: civil registers of male certified patients; 1907-1948, HE 40 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: civil registers of voluntary and temporary male patients; 1931-1948, HE 41 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: civil registers of female certified patients; 1907-1948, HE 42 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: civil registers of voluntary and temporary female patients; 1931-1948, HE 43 East Sussex County Asylum: Chief Female Officer's report book; 1916-1917, HE 44 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: Charge Nurses' daily ward reports on male patients; 1938-1948, HE 45 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: daily reports on male patients in Ward J1; 1940-1948, HE 46 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: register of patients allowed out to work; 1941-1947, HE 47 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: registers of mechanical restraint and seclusion; 1903-1937, HE 48 Hellingly Hospital: cautions as to suicide; 1920-1954, HE 49 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: war time press cuttings books; 1914-1944, HE 50 Hellingly Hospital: files and papers illustrating the history of the hospital, consisting of report to the Visiting Committee on the need for a new asylum, samples of official notices and rules, list of officers and servants compiled under the 1909 Asylum Officers Superannuation Act, photographs of the Works Department staff, the Hospital cricket team and the Hospital railway, newspaper cuttings, samples of patients' parole and escape cards, samples of Rorschach method of personality diagnosis and other diagnosis techniques, plan of proposed alterations at Woodside to form a medical centre; 1898-1965, HE 51 St Mary's Hospital: admission and discharge register, 1941-1947, HE 52 St Mary's Hospital: patient case books, including military cases; 1939-1948, HE 53 St Mary's Hospital: register of persons of unsound mind; 1939-1948, HE 54 St Mary's Hospital and Institution: Chaplain's reports to the House Committee; 1911-1947, HE 55 St Mary's Hospital: admission and discharge registers; 1947-1957, HE 56 St Mary's Reception Centre: registers of admissions; 1948-1961, HE 57 St Mary's Institution and Hostel for the Homeless (inmates transferred to All Saints Convalescent Home between 1940 and 1945): registers of admissions and discharges; 1937-1950, HE 58 St Mary's Hospital: registers of patients admitted under the 1890 Lunacy Act; 1950-1956, HE 59 St Mary's Hospital: registers of deaths; 1940-1971, HE 60 St Mary's Hospital: registers of births; 1968-1971, HE 61 Gildredge Hospital: register of admissions; 1914-1974, HE 62 Laughton Lodge: Brighton CB Mental Deficiency Department registered files consisting of schedules of staff employed, tenancy papers and papers concerning the state of the dwellings, Parklands, drainage, proposed increase in accommodation; 1931-1948, HE 63 Laughton Lodge: Superintendent's file consisting of Board of Control certificates, County War Agricultural Executive Committee, quarterly lists of patients whose orders are due for reconsideration; 1938-1957, HE 64 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Medical Officer of Health's annual reports; 1897-1973, HE 65 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Superintendent Meteorologist's (Medical Officer of Health) annual reports and charts; 1929-1961, HE 66 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB School Medical Officer's (Medical Officer of Health) annual reports; 1908-1952, HE 67 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Medical Officer of Health's annual reports on isolation hospitals (Borough Sanatorium, Acacia Villa, Langney Hospital); 1894-1915, HE 68 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Medical Officer of Health's reports to the Mental Institutions Committee, Public Health Committee, Health Services Committee, Mental Health Services sub-committee, Hospitals and Maternity and Child Welfare sub-committee, General Health Services sub-committee; 1927-1974, HE 69 Eastbourne Community Unit: registers of notifications of births within Eastbourne CB; 1933-1974, HE 70 Eastbourne Community Unit: registers of notifications of infectious diseases (tuberculosis, ophthalmia neonatorum, measles, whooping cough, pneumonia, scarlet fever, puerperal pyrexia, meningitis, dysentery and food poisoning) within Eastbourne CB; 1913-1954, HE 71 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB environmental health registers of unhealthy housing conditions; c1927-1938, HE 72 Eastbourne Community Unit: card-index of cases of mental deficiency within Eastbourne CB; 1927-1963, HE 73 Eastbourne Community Unit: inventory of furniture and fixtures of Acacia Villa (infectious diseases hospital), register of patients at the Borough Infectious Diseases Hospital; 1923-1946, HE 74 Eastbourne Community Unit: registers of maintenance contributions paid to Eastbourne CB under the 1948 National Assistance Act; 1948-1962, HE 75 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB domiciliary midwifery registers, consisting of records of midwifery cases, registers of deliveries and puerperium visits made by M A Bennett; 1936-1971, HE 76 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB registers of nursing homes, registers of child-minders; 1928-1970, HE 77 Eastbourne Community Unit: records of private nursing homes, consisting of Tredegar House registers of patients and drugs register, Highland Lodge admission book; 1946-1972, HE 78 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Public Health Inspectors' factory inspection cards, daily records of work, reports on places of public entertainment, Eastbourne Branch of NALGO annual general meeting papers, registers of inspections of drains of new houses; 1892-1960, HE 79 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Health and Welfare Services Department registered file series 1, consisting of medical staffing, staff medical examinations, meteorology, children's homes, Thornwick Residential Nursery, bacteriological testing of tuberculous milk, dental health, Bell Hostel; 1940-1959, HE 80 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Health and Welfare Services Department registered file series 2, consisting of departmental staff reports, Eastbourne Local Medical Committee, Family Planning Association, questionnaires, local government re-organisation, replacement of clinic at Acacia Villa with a new health centre at Wartling Road, fluoridation of water supply, ambulance service, hostel accommodation for the mentally subnormal, establishment of a junior training centre at Hazel Court, general policy, admissions and discharges, guardianship of mental defectives, meteorology-medical correspondence, proceedings of the Hastings, Eastbourne and East Sussex Local Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, planning and acquisition of sites, returns of handicapped children; 1955-1974, HE 81 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Health and Welfare Services Department Health Visitors' files consisting of reports to the Medical Officer of Health, family planning; 1949-1972, HE 82 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB texts of schemes made under the 1946 National Health Service Act and 1948 National Assistance Act; 1948-1951, HE 83 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB administrative maps; 1965-1966, HE 84 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne CB Health and Welfare Services Department registered files which remained in use by the Community Physician of the District Health Authority, consisting of correspondence and minutes concerning the proposed new district general hospital, speech therapy, control of infectious diseases, meteorology; 1960-1975, HE 85 Eastbourne Community Unit: Eastbourne Group Hospital Management Committee (Downside Hospital, Gildridge Sanatorium, the Leaf Hospital, the Maternity Home, Princess Alice Hospital, St Mary's Hospital) Secretary's files, consisting of return of bed accommodation, files on individual hospitals, treatment of the mentally ill, design for a new hospital on the site of the Princess Alice Hospital, staff, pharmacy-drugs and dressings, obstetrics, casualty service, clinical photography, procedure for dealing with major accidents, waiting lists, exercise 'Norbay', ante-natal care relating to toxacmia, geriatric services, implementation of the 1959 Mental Health Act, out-patients, pupil nurse training school at All Saints Hospital, midwifery training, intensive therapy facilities; 1948-1974, HE 86 Eastbourne Group Hospital Management Committee (Downside Hospital, Gildridge Sanatorium, the Leaf Hospital, the Maternity Home, Princess Alice Hospital, St Mary's Hospital): minutes of the Hospital Management Committee, Finance sub-committee, Staff sub-committee, General Purposes sub-committee, Diets sub-committee, Catering sub-committee, Dispensary sub-committee, Pharmaceutical sub-committee, Nurse Training sub-committee, Nurse Training and Education sub-committee, All Saints' Hospital ad hoc Planning Committee, Section 5 Patients special committee minutes; 1948-1974, HE 87 Eastbourne Group Hospital Management Committee (Downside Hospital, Gildridge Sanatorium, the Leaf Hospital, the Maternity Home, Princess Alice Hospital, St Mary's Hospital): minutes of the Group House committee, Downside Hospital House Committee, Gildridge Hospital House Committee, Seaside Convalescent Hospital House Committee, Maternity Home House Committee, Royal Eye Hospital House Committee, Leaf Hospital House Committee, Princess Alice Memorial Hospital House Committee, St Mary's Hospital House Committee, Merlynn Convalescent Home House Committee and All Saints' Hospital House Committee minutes; 1949-1974, HE 88 Eastbourne Group Hospital Management Committee (Downside Hospital, Gildridge Sanatorium, the Leaf Hospital, the Maternity Home, Princess Alice Hospital, St Mary's Hospital): Group Medical Executive Committee, ad hoc Ophthalmology Committee, Intensive Therapy Unit special committee, Control of Infection special committee, Nursing Advisory Committee, National Hospital Service Reserve Committee, Eastbourne Co-ordinating Committee, St Mary's Hospital Staffs Joint Consultative Committee, Princess Alice Hospital Staffs Joint Consultative Committee and Leaf Hospital Staffs Joint Consultative Committee minutes, minutes of ad hoc and special committees and sub-committees consisting of Obstetric, Records and Library, Dental, Allocation of Beds, Sterilization, Costing of the Pathology Department, Medical Planning, Maternity Liaison, Medical Records; 1948-1974, HE 89 Eastbourne Group Hospital Management Committee (Downside Hospital, Gildridge Sanatorium, the Leaf Hospital, the Maternity Home, Princess Alice Hospital, St Mary's Hospital): annual reports and standing orders; 1949-1967, HE 90 Eastbourne Group Hospital Management Committee (Downside Hospital, Gildridge Sanatorium, the Leaf Hospital, the Maternity Home, Princess Alice Hospital, St Mary's Hospital): sealing register; 1949-1970, HE 91 St Mary's Hospital: Matron's reports to the Eastbourne CB Public Assistance Committee and Social Welfare Committee; 1937-1948, HE 92 Leaf Homeopathic Hospital: Treasurer's accounts of receipts and expenditure, private patients' accounts ledger; 1887-1938, HE 93 Leaf Homeopathic Hospital: patient case register; 1911-1918, HE 94 Leaf Homeopathic Hospital: Secretary's files consisting of annual accounts, papers concerning the acquisition of the site and the building of the building of the hospital, copy will of Mary Peasnall making the hospital residuary legatee, correspondence concerning the Ladies Linen League and the Bun Penny Brigade, Alexandra Rose Days, schedule of nursing and other staff; 1889-1951, HE 95 Leaf Homeopathic Hospital: annual reports, rules and byelaws, programme for a sale of work to support the hospital, photograph of nurses and patients; 1912-1970s, HE 96 St Mary's Hospital: register of out-patient treatment; 1943-1945, HE 97 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: minutes of the governing body, annual reports, rules and byelaws; 1883-1947, HE 98 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: minutes of the Committee of Management; 1884-1937, HE 99 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: House Committee minutes; 1886-1932, HE 100 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: Medical Committee minutes; 1890-1936, HE 101 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: contract records consisting of specifications, estimates and bills of quantities for building works; 1931-1948, HE 102 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: letter from Colonel A Davidson of Windsor Castle enclosing a photograph (missing) of Edward VII, menu for a complementary dinner for the original members of the medical staff, souvenir programme for the opening of extensions to the hospital; 1903-1932, HE 103 Uckfield Hospital: minutes of the Executive Committee and General Committee, minutes of subscribers' annual meetings and sub-committees, annual report; 1934-1945, HE 104 Uckfield Hospital: registers of operations; 1935-1964, HE 105 Hellingly Hospital: annual reports of the Commissioners of the Board of control; 1952-1960, HE 106 Hellingly Hospital: Visiting Committee register of approval for the detention of temporary patients; 1931-1959, HE 107 Hellingly Hospital: registers of daily numbers of patients; 1935-1976, HE 108 East Sussex County Asylum: Treasurer's account book; 1904-1911, HE 109 Hellingly Hospital: registers of discharges of patients under sections 77 and 79 of the 1890 Lunacy Act; 1943-1960, HE 110 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: record of private interviews granted to patients; 1926-1960, HE 111 Hellingly Hospital: informal records of admissions and discharges; 1960-1969, HE 112 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: register of female patients admitted from Brookwood Mental Hospital, Surrey; 1941-1942, HE 113 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: register of tubercular deaths; 1949-1967, HE 114 Hellingly Hospital: official circulars and correspondence relating to service and ex-service patients; 1917-1972, HE 115 Battle District Nursing Association: register of midwifery and maternity cases; 1906-1958, HE 116 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: letter books of the Clerk to the Visiting Committee; 1911-1922, HE 117 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: patients' treatment record books; 1927-1928, HE 118 Laughton Lodge Hospital: plans of the estate and buildings; 1931-1946, HE 119 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: Treasurer's account book, income account book, special accounts book, registers of subscribers; 1912-1945, HE 120 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: record of payments to nursing, domestic, dispensary and administrative staff, record of payments of weekly wages to manual staff; 1918-1943, HE 121 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: patient operation registers; 1932-1960, HE 122 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: patients' X-ray reports; 1933-1934, HE 123 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: daily returns of patients; 1936-1939, HE 124 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: account of fees for maintenance, theatre, X-rays and professional attendance; 1946-1952, HE 125 Eastbourne Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital: patient operation registers; 1933-1940, HE 126 Royal Eye Hospital: general ledger; 1928-1948, HE 127 Royal Eye Hospital: patient case books; 1914-1919, HE 128 Hellingly Hospital: Medical Superintendent's reports to the Hospital Management Committee; 1938-1973, HE 129 Hellingly Hospital: minutes of the Medical Staff Advisory Committee; 1966-1972, HE 130 Hellingly Hospital: minutes of the Executive Committee and Co-ordinating Body, Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee Special Hospital Advisory Service sub-committee minutes; 1972-1977, HE 131 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Works Department Incentive Scheme Steering Committee minutes; 1973-1974, HE 132 Eastbourne District Health Authority (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Group Medical Advisory Committee minutes, Medical Executive Committee Psychiatric Division minutes; 1972-1977, HE 133 Eastbourne District Health Authority (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Clinical Area Team (Mental Handicap), Multi-disciplinary Panel on Patient Management minutes; 1975-1977, HE 134 Hellingly Hospital: general registers of admissions; 1948-1961, HE 135 Hellingly Hospital: registers of informal admissions; 1961-1981, HE 136 Hellingly Hospital: registers of emergency admissions and admissions to hospital as a place of safety; 1961-1983, HE 137 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: Works Department plans of the exterior and interior of the hospital and buildings, the parish room at Hooe, Park Prewett Asylum at Sherborne in Dorset, a cricket pavilion at Netherne Asylum in Surrey, Brookwood Asylum in Surrey; 1902-1946, HE 138 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Works Department plans of Hellingly Hospital; 1959-1968, HE 139 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Works Department plans of Laughton Lodge Hospital; 1949-1962, HE 140 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee (Hellingly Hospital, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Hill House at Rye, Amberstone Hospital): Works Department plans of Hill House Hospital at Rye; 1962-1966, HE 141 Amberstone Hospital: register of informal admissions; 1972-1975, HE 142 Hellingly Hospital: male patient case files; 1931-1951, HE 143 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: Hellingly Hospital: female patient case files; 1929-1940, HE 144 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: register of baptisms; 1947-1963, HE 145 Princess Alice Memorial Hospital: register of services held on the wards and in the hospital chapel; 1955-1971, HE 146 Chaplaincy Eastbourne Hospitals: Eastbourne District General Hospital: register of services held on the wards; 1976-1980, HE 147 Chaplaincy Eastbourne Hospitals: registers of baptisms at St Mary's Hospital, Eastbourne District General Hospital, Maternity Hospital; 1933-1982, HE 148 Chaplaincy Eastbourne Hospitals: registers of services at Gildridge Hospital, Leaf Hospital, Maternity Hospital, Downside Hospital, St Mary's Hospital; 1948-1978, HE 149 Hellingly Hospital: re-certification books; [1923] - Jan 1961, HE 150 Hellingly Hospital: minutes of the Medical and Nursing Sub-Committee; 1949-1952, HE 151 East Sussex County Asylum: registers of pensions and gratuities; 1911/12 - 1948/49, HE 152 Hellingly Hospital: minutes of the Catering Committee; 1978-1982, HE 153 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: certificates of staff service (counterfoils); 1911-1937, HE 154 Hellingly Hospital: minutes of Hospital Management Team; 1977-1981, HE 155 Hellingly Hospital: minutes of the Nursing Sub-Committee; 1948-1949, HE 156 Hellingly Hospital: staff housing rent account books; 1934-1957, HE 157 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee: establishment statistics; 1963-1971, HE 158 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee: general ledgers; 1951-1952; 1961-1970, HE 159 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee: wages sheets; 1948-1960, HE 160 Hailsham Hospitals Management Committee: treasurer's accounts; 1955-1967, HE 161 East Sussex County Mental Hospital: registers of staff medical examinations; [1919]--1948, HE 162 Eastbourne District Health Authority: Works Department plans of Hellingly Hospital; 1981-1983, HE 163 Hailsham Group Hospitals Management Committee: Works Department plans of Uckfield Hospital; 1953, Eastbourne District Health Authority, 1974-1991.
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